Building Connections: Miami University's new building and renovation projects
Miami University's Oxford campus is growing with the construction of two new academic buildings and more. Keep up to date with our Building Connections series.

Building Connections: Miami University's new building and renovation projects
Miami University’s Oxford campus is growing with the construction of two new academic buildings — the first since the Farmer School of Business was built in 2009 — and an indoor equestrian center. The renovation of the College@Elm building in partnership with the city of Oxford will revitalize an area along College Avenue and Elm Street uptown.
Learn more about each building in our Building Connections series.

Clinical Health Sciences and Wellness facility
The new Clinical Health Sciences and Wellness facility is currently under construction. The 165,000 gross square foot building is scheduled to be completed by summer 2023.
It will house Miami’s new Master of Medical Science/Physician Associate studies program, the department of speech pathology and audiology and the Oxford cohort of the BSN nursing program. The clinics wing will house the Employee and Student Health Centers, the Student Counseling Service, and the Speech and Hearing Clinic.
- Read the story: Clinical Health Sciences and Wellness facility will enhance the collaborations that define Miami.
View the photo essay "Watch it Grow" for more construction images.

Indoor Equestrian Center (B)
Completed Summer 2021
The Indoor Equestrian Center opened for the fall 2021 semester. The 125-by-250 square foot riding surface within the arena allows for year-round educational and outreach programming for the university community and year-round training for the club equestrian team and academic classes. The indoor arena, which broke ground in November 2020, was funded by donor gifts to the equestrian facility fund.
Read the story: Miami's new Indoor Equestrian Center will expand K-12 outreach and student opportunities
Richard M. McVey Data Science Building (C)
Miami broke ground in October 2021 on the Richard M. McVey Data Science Building, an 87,000-square-foot space located along Tallawanda Road on the Oxford campus near Withrow Hall and Benton Hall. Construction is expected to be completed for use in January 2024.

College@Elm Innovation and Workforce Development Center
The College@Elm Innovation and Workforce Development Center at 20 S. Elm St. will house office space, an entrepreneurship center, startups, a workforce and small business development resource center, a design and testing area, and space for manufacturing operations. The total cost for the renovation project is $10.7 million.
Read the stories: