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Weather and Other Emergency Closing Procedures
Scope: Employees and Students are covered by this policy.
Scope: Employees and Students are covered by this policy.
Information regarding Miami University operations and other emergency closings is provided below. In the event conditions require a change to the normal University schedule, University Communications and Marketing will work with Miami leadership to notify the campus and emergency procedures using the following methods:
AM Radio Stations | FM Radio Stations |
WMOH (1450) | WMUB (88.5) |
WLW (700) | WVXU (91.7) |
WPFB (910) | WPFB (105.9) |
WHIO (1290) | Not Applicable |
Oxford campus will be designated as (1) open, (2) open with on-campus classes cancelled, or (3) closed.
If the University is designated as open with on-campus classes cancelled, faculty are encouraged, if possible to conduct their classes using alternative modalities and available technologies. In those circumstances, the Instructor will determine which modality, if any, will be used (remote synchronous or asynchronous class meetings and/or alternative assignments) in alignment with course objectives, resources, and available technologies to maximize student learning and encouragement. Instructors should include any planned alternatives (if any) for such a designation in the course syllabi and students should familiarize themselves with the expected alternatives. Since extenuating circumstances surrounding any emergency event will vary, faculty are expected to reach out to their students to keep them informed regarding their courses after any University announcement that changes the normal schedule.
If the campus is closed, only essential weather emergency staff are required to report to campus to work. Please note, most times when it is announced that classes are cancelled, the University is open and staff are expected to report to work. Departments that need staffing during a weather emergency should do two things:
Essential staff who are not able to report when required are expected to follow the normal call-in procedure. Failure to call in is considered a no-call/no-show; the employee will not be paid for that day and will incur an occurrence under the attendance policy.
When the University is open, all employees are expected to report for work. If weather prevents an employee from reporting (s)he is expected to follow the normal call-in procedure. For classified staff failure to call in is considered a no call/no-show. The classified staff member will not be paid for that day and will incur an occurrence under the attendance policy.
Staff who call off due to weather conditions when the University is not closed may be denied pay for that day.
Two hours after the University closes and two hours before the University opens is considered transition time. Selected transitional staff may need to be on site to lock/open the buildings and prepare for business. Transitional staff will be identified by their supervisor prior to any weather emergency.
When the Oxford campus is closed all facilities are closed, this includes the libraries, Goggin, the Recreational Sports Center, etc. There are some special considerations:
If a weather emergency occurs during finals week, the Provost and President will determine whether or not the libraries will remain open.
When actual or impending road conditions warrant, the President, or designated representative, may give approval for all non-weather-emergency staff to leave early. Classified employees who choose to leave early may, with the approval of their supervisors, use available vacation, compensatory, or personal leave time; make up the lost time during the current payroll period; or take the time without pay.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Sr. Vice President for Finance and Business Services
Not Applicable.
Amended July 2022
Sr. Vice President for Finance and Business Services
501 E. High Street
Oxford, OH 45056
1601 University Blvd.
Hamilton, OH 45011
4200 N. University Blvd.
Middletown, OH 45042
7847 VOA Park Dr.
(Corner of VOA Park Dr. and Cox Rd.)
West Chester, OH 45069
Chateau de Differdange
1, Impasse du Chateau, L-4524 Differdange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
217-222 MacMillan Hall
501 E. Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056, USA