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Scope: Instructional Staff are covered by this policy.




Final Examinations or Other Evaluative Substitution

Final examinations are expected in all undergraduate courses unless other evaluative substitute procedures have been approved by the department chair or dean of the division. Final examinations or duly approved substitutions may be completed during the appropriate final examination days following the end of each sprint, semester, or term, as noted in the academic calendar. Neither final examinations nor tests of fifty (50) minutes or of greater length shall be given during the seven (7) calendar days preceding the first study day of the final examination period at the conclusion of fall or spring semester. The above regulations do not apply to laboratory final examinations. No final examination, including a laboratory final examination, may be given during study days. Exceptions to these rules require the approval of the department chair, academic dean, and the Provost.

Schedule Changes for Final Examinations or Other Evaluative Substitution

No student shall be required to take four (4) or more scheduled final examinations in any 24-hour period or three (3) or more scheduled final examinations in a given day. If a student has four (4) or more final examinations in any 24-hour period or three (3) or more scheduled final examinations in a given day, then one (1) of those examinations (or two (2) of those examinations, if the student has five (5) or more examinations in a 24-hour period or four (4) or more examinations in a given day) may be changed to a later time with the consent of the instructor, or to an earlier time with the consent of both the instructor and the dean of the academic division in which the course is given. In cases where a student is scheduled for four (4) or more final examinations in any 24-hour period or for three (3) or more final examinations in a given day and no agreement as stated above can be reached, the Provost shall be empowered to make necessary adjustments.

An individual student’s final examination may not otherwise be rescheduled except in extraordinary circumstances beyond the student’s control, in which case an attempt should be made to reschedule the examination at a later time rather than an earlier time if possible. Rescheduling an examination in such cases to a later time requires the consent of the instructor; advancing to an earlier time requires the consent of the instructor, the department chair/program director, and the dean of the academic division in which the course is given.

During final examinations week, an instructor may not reschedule a regularly scheduled class examination except in extraordinary circumstances, in which case an attempt should be made to reschedule the examination at a later time rather than an earlier time if possible. Rescheduling any class final examination requires the instructor to obtain the consent of the department chair/program director and the dean of the academic division in which the course is given.

Examinations and Additional Class Requirements During the Semester

Examinations and additional class requirements given other than during scheduled class meetings and the final examination periods do not take precedence over regularly scheduled classes or final examinations. In order that students might avoid scheduling conflicts, such examinations and additional class requirements should be scheduled on a course management system prior to the beginning of a semester. If it becomes necessary during the semester to hold an examination or class requirement other than during the scheduled class meeting, the instructor should search for a time which does not conflict with other scheduled courses in which any of his or her students are enrolled. For students whose participation in regularly scheduled classes precludes attendance at the additional examination or class requirement time, it is the responsibility of the instructor requiring the examination and/or additional class requirement to provide an alternative meeting time.

Preparation of Examinations

Examinations should not be repeated from year to year in identical form. No undergraduate student shall be employed to type or reproduce any examination questions. After an examination has been reproduced, the instructor must make sure that the reproduction office has returned all copies and other evidence.

Administering Examinations

Whenever there is congestion in a classroom during hour examinations, the chair of the department should, if possible, assign more than one proctor.

Whenever feasible each student should be seated so that vacant chairs surround him or her or alternate examinations should be given to students sitting side by side. Whenever possible, the Office of the University Registrar will assign larger rooms upon request.

Proctoring Examinations

Every test, quiz, and examination shall be carefully proctored. A proctor may consider it his or her right to require students to deposit all textbooks, notebooks, and loose paper of any sort in the front of the room whenever the full period is devoted to a test.

Related Form(s)

Not applicable.

Additional Resources and Procedures

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Policy Administration

Next Review Date


Responsible Officers

Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Legal Authority

Not Applicable.

Compliance Policy


Revision History

Not Applicable.

Reference ID(s)

  • MUPIM 10.3
  • OAC 3339-10-03

Reviewing Bodies

  • Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Miami University Senate