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COVID-19 Vaccination

Scope: All full and part-time faculty and staff who will have any on-campus presence on any Miami University owned or controlled property. This Policy does not apply to faculty and staff assigned to the Luxembourg campus unless they visit a U.S. Miami campus and then they must report immediately upon arrival.


COVID-19 Vaccination


Unless exempted as provided for below, all employees must have completed two doses of the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine (also known as Comirnaty) before the start of the academic year or at least 14 days before having any on-campus presence on any Miami University owned or controlled property, whichever is earlier. The University will also accept Moderna (two doses) and Johnson and Johnson (one dose) as proof of vaccination. Employees are expected to take any booster shots or FDA approved COVID-19 vaccinations at CDC recommended intervals.


Faculty and staff must participate in the University’s COVID-19 Vaccination Program at the required intervals by completing one the following steps:

  1. Get vaccinated through the University by making an appointment at the Employee Health Clinic;
  2. Provide written documentation of vaccination from an external healthcare facility or clinic (e.g., at a private health care provider’s office or a vaccine clinic.); or

Request for Vaccination Exemption/Deferral

Exemptions may be granted for medical reasons, sincerely held religious beliefs or for reasons of conscience (philosophical or ethical reason) and a deferral granted for pregnancy or nursing. Classified and unclassified staff should submit their request to Human Resources, faculty should submit their request to Academic Personnel Services. Individuals with an approved exemption may be required to comply with COVID-19 testing,educational or preventive health and safety measures. Requests for exemption should be submitted at least 28 days in advance of the date by which the employee is required to be vaccinated.

Persons receiving a Vaccination Exemption may elect to receive the vaccine in the future.

Employees must upload proof of current vaccination to Proof of Vaccination. Employees who choose not to be vaccinated and who do not receive an approved exemption will face disciplinary action.

Important Note: Requesting an exemption does not equate to registration as an individual with a disability. If you require disability-related accommodations outside of this exemption, you must go through the University disability registration process.


Related Form(s)

Not Applicable.

Additional Resources and Procedures

Not Applicable.


Not Applicable.

Policy Administration

Next Review Date


Responsible Officer  

Office of General Counsel

Legal Authority

Ohio Revised Code 3792.04

Compliance Policy


Recent Revision History

New August 31, 2021; Amended January 1, 2022; Amended July 2022

Reference ID(s)


Reviewing Bodies

President's Executive Cabinet