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The Board of Trustees Regulations



The Board of Trustees Regulations


Miami University enjoys an invaluable heritage of high scholastic standards and a reputation for the development of the whole person as a contributing member of society. To maintain these assets, an environment must be provided where individuals are not exempt from the consequences of their own actions or inactions, but where at the same time maximum freedom of scholastic inquiry and action is assured.

In developing Regulations for Miami University, the Board of Trustees has kept in mind its dual responsibility to represent the citizens of the State of Ohio and to promote the best interest of the academic community.

While the Board of Trustees, in keeping with its responsibilities, reserves the right of final approval, it will seek the viewpoints of all interested parties in the exercise of this right.

Article I: Members of the Board of Trustees, National Trustees and Powers

Section 1. Numbers of Members; Appointments; Vacancies.

The government of Miami University is vested in the Board of Trustees consisting of nine voting members and two students who shall be non-voting members, all of whom shall be selected in accord with Ohio Revised Code 3339.01. The nomination process of candidates for the non-voting student seats on the Board of Trustees shall be in accordance with “Article V, Section 5, Elections, Nominations, and Qualifications of the Bylaws of the Associated Student Government of Miami University.”

The non-voting student members shall not be entitled to attend executive sessions of the Board.

Section 2. National Trustees.

The Miami University Board of Trustees establishes the position of National Trustee to take advantage of the talents, resources, and experiences of Miami University alumni who are not residents of the state of Ohio.

National Trustees will serve as non-compensated advisors to the Board of Trustees. National Trustees may not serve as officers of the Board and do not have voting privileges at Board of Trustees meetings. National Trustees may participate in all Board activities, including committee membership. National Trustees have voting privileges on committees and may serve as committee chairs.

National Trustees are appointed and are subject to removal upon a majority vote of the Miami Board of Trustees.

A maximum of six National Trustees may be elected, each serving a three-year term. National Trustees are eligible for appointment to no more than two consecutive terms or a total of six years for non-consecutive service.

The qualifications for serving as a National Trustee are Miami alumna/alumnus; successful in chosen field or business; state or national prominence; ability to be an advocate for higher education; and willingness and ability to offer counsel.

Section 3. General Powers and Duties.

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the governance of the University and for determining the University’s mission and strategic direction. The Board shall have all the powers that are conferred upon it by the laws of the State of Ohio. The Board shall take all actions necessary for the successful and continuous operation of the University and shall adopt, and from time to time amend, the Regulations for the conduct of the Board, and the government and conduct of the University.

The Board shall exercise fiscal and administrative oversight of the University. Under its general supervision, it assigns the approval and execution of University policies to the President and his/her designates, as provided in these Regulations. The Board reserves the authority to consider, approve, modify, or reject policies approved by the President.

No member or committee of the Board shall have the authority to commit the Board or University to any policy or action unless expressly given that power in writing by the Board. All Trustees are expected to abide by the ethics laws of the State of Ohio and to avoid all conflicts of interest.

No Trustee shall, during the Trustee’s tenure on the Board, serve on any other University board or committee without the consent of the Chair.

Section 4. Trustee Emerita/Emeritus.

To recognize and honor the service of prior Trustees, the title of Trustee Emerita/Emeritus, National Trustee Emerita/Emeritus or Chair Emerita/Emeritus is conferred, as applicable, upon the approval by the Board of Trustees. All Trustees who have completed at least three years of service are automatically nominated for consideration and approval by the Board of Trustees.

Those Trustees appointed by the Governor of the State of Ohio shall be titled Trustee Emerita/Emeritus, departing National Trustees shall be titled National Trustee Emerita/Emeritus and for those who have served as the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Chair Emerita/Emeritus.

Article II: Meetings and Organization of the Board of Trustees

Section 1. Regular Meetings.

The Board shall hold at least four regular meetings each year on dates, and times, and at such locations as established by the Chair of the Board. Unless otherwise specified, all meetings of the Board will be held at the Oxford campus.

Section 2. Special Meetings.

A special meeting of the Board shall be held upon call of the Chair of the Board who shall fix the date, time, and location of the meeting. Further, upon written petition of not less than five (5) voting members of the Board, the Chair of the Board shall call a special meeting of the Board at the date, time, and place set forth in the petition.

Section 3. Emergency Meetings.

In the event of an emergency requiring immediate official action, the Chair may call an emergency meeting. Notice of an emergency meeting must be given to all news media outlets that have requested such notification.

Section 4. Notice of Meetings.

Public notice of all meetings shall be given in accordance with the requirements of Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22. Any person may obtain information regarding the time, date, and location of all meetings by contacting the Secretary to the Board or by visiting

Section 5. Quorum.

A majority of the voting members of the Board, when duly convened, shall constitute a quorum. A majority of the voting members of the Board must be present at a duly convened meeting to vote on resolutions or ordinances.

Section 6. Parliamentary Authority.

Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (most recent edition), shall be accepted as authority on all questions of parliamentary procedure not determined by these Regulations or provisions of the Revised Code of the State of Ohio.

Section 7. Election of Officers.

At the meeting in September of each year, the Chair shall appoint a nominating committee of three Trustees. The committee will be charged with proposing a slate of the following officers, selected from the voting members of the Board: a Chair, a Vice Chair, a Secretary of the Board and a Treasurer of the Board. At the meeting in December of each year, the Board shall consider the proposed slate and elect from the voting members of the Board: a Chair, a Vice Chair, a Secretary of the Board and a Treasurer of the Board. These officers shall hold their respective office from January 1 through December 31 of the year succeeding their election and until their respective successors have been elected, so long as they shall continue to be trustees.

Section 8. Duties of Officers.

The Chair shall preside at all meetings and appoint committees. The Chair serves as an ex-officio member of all Board committees, except the nominating committee. The Chair is responsible for establishing the agenda for Board meetings.

The Vice Chair serves in the absence of the Chair and assists the Chair at the latter’s request.

The Secretary of the Board shall maintain such records as the Board requires.

The Treasurer of the Board shall maintain such financial records as the Board requires.

Section 9. Vacancy in Office.

In the event of a vacancy in the office of Chair, the Vice Chair shall become Chair. The Chair shall then nominate a Vice-Chair to fill the remainder of Vice Chair term. The office of Vice Chair shall be confirmed at the next regular or special meeting of the Board.

In the event of a vacancy in the office of Secretary of the Board or Treasurer of the Board, the vacancy shall be filled by election at the next regular or special meeting of the Board.

Section 10. Minutes.

Minutes of each meeting of the Board shall be distributed to the members of the Board within thirty (30) days after the meeting. All minutes shall be signed by the Secretary to the Board.

Section 11. Reimbursement for Expenses

All trustees are entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses incurred in attending meetings of a committee or of the Board, and reimbursement of expenses incurred in attending meetings as a representative of the Board, in accordance with law.

Article III: Committees of the Board.

Standing and special committees are appointed by the Chair of the Board of Trustees. Each committee shall report its recommendations for action to the Board of Trustees. Each committee shall have a chair and vice chair.

Section 1. Finance and Audit Committee.


The Finance and Audit Committee (the “Committee”) is appointed by the Chair of the Board of Trustees, with the primary function of assisting the Board of Trustees with its oversight responsibilities in the following areas:

  • The University’s long-term financial plans.
  • The University’s financial reporting, internal controls and the independent audit.
  • The University’s budget.
  • The University’s capital expenditures for facilities and property.
  • The University’s investments.
  • The University's sponsored retirement plans.
  • The University’s internal audit activities.
  • The University’s processes for monitoring compliance with University policies, including ethical conduct requirements and applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
  • The University’s risk assessment process.

The Charter of the Finance and Audit Committee is included in Appendix A of these Regulations.

Committee Membership

The Committee shall consist of no fewer than four members, including at least one student trustee. The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee shall be a “financial expert,” as that term is defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission. One-third of the Committee, but not less than two members, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Chair of the Board of Trustees shall appoint the Committee chair and vice-chair.


The Committee shall meet as often as it determines necessary, but no fewer than four times per year. The Committee shall meet from time to time with the University’s senior administrators, the internal auditors, and the independent auditors. The Committee shall maintain written minutes of its meetings.

The Committee shall make a report to the Board of Trustees at each regularly scheduled meeting. The Committee shall submit any proposed changes to the Committee charter to the Board of Trustees for approval. The Committee shall annually review its own performance.

Section 2. Academic and Student Affairs Committee.


The Academic and Student Affairs Committee (the “Committee”) is appointed by the Chair of the Board of Trustees, with the primary function of assisting the Board of Trustees with its oversight responsibilities in the following areas:

  • The University’s long-term academic plans.
  • The University strategic enrollment plans.
  • The University’s retention and graduation rate plans and goals.
  • The University’s research activities.
  • The University’s role in the University System of Ohio.
  • Student life.
  • Campus safety and student life risk management.
  • The University’s Communications and Marketing plans.

The Charter of the Academic and Student Life Committee is included in Appendix B of these Regulations.

Committee Membership

The Committee shall consist of no fewer than four members including at least one student trustee. One-third of the Committee, but no fewer than two members, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Chair of the Board of Trustees shall appoint the Committee chair and vice-chair.


The Committee shall meet as often as it determines necessary, but no fewer than four times per year. The Committee shall meet from time to time with the University’s senior administrators. The Committee shall maintain written minutes of its meetings.

The Committee shall make a report to the Board of Trustees at each regularly scheduled meeting. The Committee shall submit any proposed changes in the Committee’s charter to the Board of Trustees for approval. The Committee shall annually review its own performance.

Section 3. Foundation Board.

At the meeting in September of each year, the Chair of the Board of Trustees shall appoint a member of the Board of Trustees (normally the Chair of the Board of Trustees), and a second Trustee to serve as appointed Directors to the Miami University Foundation Board of Directors, from January 1 to December 31 of the succeeding calendar year.

Any amendments to the Miami University Foundation’s Code of Regulations require the approval and consent of the Board of Trustees given by the affirmative vote of 2/3 of all voting Trustees.

Article IV: Administrative Officers of the University

Section 1. Administrative Officers.

The administrative officers of the University are the President, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Senior Vice President for Finance and Business Services and Treasurer, General Counsel and Secretary to the Board.

Section 2. President.

The President of Miami University shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees and shall be the chief administrative officer of the University responsible for the operation of the University as a whole. The Board delegates responsibility for the operations of the University to President, who has authority to sign on behalf of the University all necessary documents and papers pertaining to the operating needs of the University.

The President has authority to delegate signature authorization to other appropriate administrative personnel of the University for all necessary contracts, documents and papers pertaining to the operating needs of the University, provided that such designation of authority is in writing and on file in the Office of the General Counsel.

On an annual basis, typically at the September Board meeting, Board shall consider the performance and establish the salary for the President, and the amount of any other payment(s) due, as required by the terms of the President’s employment contract. The Board retains sole responsibility for the hiring of the President and determining the size, composition and selection procedures of any presidential search advisory committee. The Chair of the Board of Trustees is authorized to select and engage an external search firm to aid in a presidential search. The Chair of the Board has the authority to enter into a contract of employment for the President following consultation with the Board.

Section 3. Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.

The Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs of Miami University shall be appointed by the President and elected by the Board of Trustees. The Provost shall be the chief educational officer of the University under the President responsible for general supervision of instructional programs. In the absence of the President, the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs shall be the chief administrative officer of the University.

Section 4. Senior Vice President for Finance and Business Services and Treasurer.

The Senior Vice President for Finance and Business Services and Treasurer shall be appointed by the President and elected by the Board of Trustees. The Senior Vice President serves as the chief business and financial officer of the University under the President responsible for the (1) business affairs of the University including general direction and supervision over new construction, the maintenance and operation of the physical plant, the procurement and distribution of supplies, the management of residence halls and dining facilities, the operation of other auxiliary services, the administration of non-academic personnel serving in civil service classifications, and the security of University property and (2) financial affairs of the University including the collection of all accounts due, the custody of funds, the disbursements of accounts payable, the preparation of vouchers payable by the State of Ohio, the control of financial records, the rendering of proper financial reports, the provision of bookkeeping and auditing service to student organizations, and all necessary liaison with State financial officers.

The Senior Vice President serves as the Treasurer for the University and is responsible for establishing such accounts as may be necessary to carry on the operation of the University. The Treasurer shall designate depositories for the custody of funds of the University. Investment of funds may be made as authorized by the Board.

Section 5. General Counsel.

The General Counsel is shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees upon nomination of the President. The General Counsel shall be responsible for the coordination and supervision of all legal matters involving Miami University and the Board of Trustees, and its officers and employees acting on behalf of the University or its affiliated entities. The General Counsel also serves as the University’s chief ethics officer and is responsible for reporting complaints and compliance issues to the Board of Trustees and its Finance and Audit Committee as described in the Board’s Complaint/Compliance Communication Protocol included as Appendix C to these Regulations.

Section 6. Secretary to the Board.

The Secretary to the Board shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees upon nomination of the President. The Secretary shall prepare and keep the records of the Board and shall be responsible for the safekeeping of the seal and other official insignia of the University. As custodian of the University seal, the Secretary shall affix it to such instruments as require its use and when so done shall attest it by his or her signature. This officer shall sign all documents requiring the signature of the Secretary as an officer of the corporation. The Secretary shall have custody of the minute books and papers relating to the records of the Board. The Secretary shall perform other duties and responsibilities not specifically assigned to another officer by these regulations as the Board or the President may direct.

Section 7. Authority.

The President, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Senior Vice-President for Finance and Business Services and Treasurer, General Counsel and the Secretary to the Board are the administrative officers of the University; the Secretary to the Board shall also serve as Secretary of the corporation. The President shall have the power to appoint additional principal administrative officers, subject to approval by the Board of Trustees.

Subject to the Board’s signature authorizations, the administrative officers of the University have the authority to execute transfers of real estate, lease of University property or leases of real property for the benefit of the University. The administrative officers are also authorized to buy, sell, assign, transfer and convey securities belonging to the University or delegate authority for the same.

Section 8. Power of President to Designate Committees.

The President and those authorized by the President shall have authority to appoint advisory committees to advise him/her on affairs relating to the University. These committees shall have such responsibilities as are assigned to them. Advisory Committees may be discharged at any time.

Article V: Educational Program of the University

Section 1. Academic Divisions.

Miami University consists of the following major academic divisions:

  • College of Arts and Science
  • College of Education, Health and Society
  • Farmer School of Business
  • College of Creative Arts
  • College of Engineering and Computing
  • Graduate School
  • College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science

And such other divisions as the President may from time to time determine.

Section 2. Fields of Study.

The provision of major fields of study and the determination of the degrees appropriate thereto shall be approved by the Board.

Section 3. Content of Educational Program.

The content of the educational program shall be determined by the University Senate (subject to the right of initiative and referendum of the Faculty Assembly) and approved by the President.

Section 4. Deans.

Each of the major academic divisions of the University shall be headed by an Academic Dean to be appointed by the President, upon the recommendation of the Provost. Each Academic Dean shall be responsible for general educational supervision of the departments, faculty, and curricula in the college or school of which he or she is Dean.

Article VI: Signature Authority.

Section 1. Contracting Authority.

No contract, agreement, promise, bank account, or other financial undertaking in the name of Miami University or purporting to be made for, or on behalf of any campus, college, school, department, division or other part of the University may be made by any of its officers, agents, or employees or by any student, faculty, or alumni organization, enterprise, or association whatever, unless the same shall have been first authorized by the Board of Trustees of the University or as authorized these Regulations.

Whenever the Board of Trustees has authorized or ratified the making of any contract or the execution of a written instrument of any kind, the President, the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Senior Vice President for Finance and Business Services shall, without additional authorization by the Board, each be authorized to execute and deliver such documents as may be necessary or proper for the performance of the University’s obligations thereunder.

Signature Authorizations are included in Appendix D.

Article VII: Employment

Section 1. Staff.

The policies that govern the terms and conditions of employment of the unclassified administrative staff and classified staff are subject to approval by the President.

Section 2. Faculty.

Tenure is a method of assuring academic freedom; that is, the freedom to teach, to inquire, to create, to debate, to question, and to dissent. Tenure represents a long-term financial commitment to the extent allowable under the laws of the State of Ohio. Miami has no specified or implied limits on the percentage of the instructional staff who may be granted tenure. Each candidate for tenure is judged individually, not relative to other candidates. If an individual demonstrates the high quality of professional performance expected by Miami, tenure will be conferred, regardless of how many other candidates may be considered in a given year. However, it is not anticipated that all individuals appointed to tenurable ranks will be able to demonstrate the high quality of professional performance required to achieve tenured status.

The Board retains full authority for policies that govern the terms and conditions of employment and tenure of the faculty.

Section 3. Compensation.

The Board authorizes the President and the Provost, within the budgetary resources of the University, to employ and set compensation for members of the instructional staff and unclassified administrative staff employed in Academic Affairs.

The Board designates the President and the Senior Vice President for Finance and Business Services as the appointing authority to employ and set compensation for members of the unclassified administrative staff, classified staff and law enforcement officers within the budgetary resources of the University.

Article VIII: students

Section 1. Admission.

General policies on the admission of students to the University may be fixed from time to time by the Board upon recommendation of the President, or the University Senate with the approval of the President.

Section 2. Conduct.

Good conduct and deportment is expected of every student at all times. Regulations governing student conduct may be recommended from time to time by the University Senate or the Student Life Council; such recommendations shall be subject to the approval of the Vice President for Student Life and the President.

Article IX: The University Senate

Section 1. Authority.

The University Senate is the primary university governance body where students, faculty, staff and administrators debate university issues and reach conclusions on the policies and actions to be taken by the institution. The University Senate is the legislative body of the University in matters involving educational programs, requirements, and standards; faculty welfare; and student conduct. The Board of Trustees delegates to University Senate primary responsibility for curriculum, programs, and course offerings and advisory responsibility on all matters related to Miami University.

The Board of Trustees reserves the right to consider, approve, modify, or reject actions taken by the University Senate. Amendments to the Enabling Act of University Senate and Faculty Assembly must be approved by the Board of Trustees.

Article X: The Faculty Assembly

Section 1. Chair.

The Faculty Assembly is chaired by the President of the University who has responsibility for the preparation of the agenda for meetings.

Section 2. Membership.

Faculty Assembly is comprised of all members of the faculty who hold tenure or a tenure track position; all librarians who hold the rank of Assistant Librarian, Associate Librarian, or Principal Librarian; and all members of the faculty who hold the rank of Lecturer (including Senior rank)* or Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty (including Senior rank)*.

*Lecturers and Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty are members of the Faculty Assembly for the purpose of qualifying them to serve on the University Senate. Membership in Faculty Assembly does not qualify Lecturers or Clinical/Professionally Licensed faculty to serve on committees whose membership is restricted to faculty in tenure-eligible ranks.

Section 3. Authority.

Faculty Assembly hears reports from its committees and from the President, the Chair of Senate, and other Vice Presidents. It may propose, debate, and recommend matters for Senate consideration or for presentation to other officials or administrative bodies. It may also challenge and refer back any University Senate action. Faculty Assembly has the right of initiative and referendum. Such action shall be considered as tantamount to University Senate action.

The Faculty Assembly may raise questions and offer comments. It may discuss matters affecting Miami University and its environment.

The Board of Trustees reserves the right to consider, approve, modify, or reject actions of Faculty Assembly. Amendments to the Enabling Act of University Senate and Faculty Assembly must be approved by the Board of Trustees.

Article XI: Budget and Financial Administration

Section 1. Annual Budget.

The annual operating budget as adopted by the Board of Trustees, and as amended from time to time, shall govern all financial transactions of the University. This budget shall be presented in such form as the President may determine or as required by law.

The Senior Vice President for Finance and Business Services and Treasurer, with the approval of the President, may make such adjustments as are necessary in the operating budget within the limits of available funds or within the limits of additional income received for a specific purpose.

Section 2. Gifts.

In accordance with University policy, as approved by the President, the University may accept gifts.

Section 3. State Appropriations.

The preparation and presentation of requests for appropriations from the State of Ohio and all official financial dealings on behalf of the University with all federal, state, and local government offices, boards, and agencies shall be under the direction of the President of the University. Appearances in the name of the University before federal, state, or local government offices, boards, and agencies shall have prior authorization from the President.

Section 4. Tuition and Fees.

All instructional and general fees (tuition), special purpose, course and miscellaneous fees collected by the University from students shall be fixed by the Board. The President or such persons as the President may designate may determine appropriate charges to be made to groups using the facilities of the University or receiving other auxiliary services. The Board delegates to the Senior Vice President for Finance and Business Services the authority to establish non-academic user fees.

Section 5. Annual Audit.

There shall be an annual audit of all funds not examined by the Auditor of the State of Ohio. This audit shall be arranged by the Treasurer of the University subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees.

Article XII: Campus Facilities

Section 1. Naming of Facilities.

The Board of Trustees has sole authority to approve, remove or change the name of a campus facility.

Article XIII: Intercollegiate Athletics

Section 1. Authority.

The University shall engage in intercollegiate athletic competition in such sports as are approved by the President and the Board of Trustees.

Article XIV: Honorary Degrees

Section 1. Authority to Grant Honorary Degrees.

The authority to grant honorary degrees from Miami University resides solely with the Board of Trustees. The Board grants to the President of the University the discretionary authority to confer an honorary degree upon the speakers at any Commencement and the Charter Day convocation.

Article XV: Values Statement

Miami University is a scholarly community whose members believe that a liberal education is grounded in qualities of character as well as of intellect. We respect the dignity of other persons, the rights and property of others, and the right of others to hold and express disparate beliefs. We believe in honesty, integrity, and the importance of moral conduct. We defend the freedom of inquiry that is the heart of learning and combine that freedom with the exercise of judgment and the acceptance of personal responsibility.

Article XVI: Insignia

Section 1. Colors of Miami University.

The official colors of Miami University shall be crimson and white. (Vol. 5, page 54, Minutes of the Board of Trustees, September 18, 1902.)

Section 2. Seal of the Miami University.

“A seal has been provided of the description following, to wit: Around the outer circle thereof are the words, ‘Sigillum Universitatis Miamiensis.’ Within the circle are an open book, a globe, and a telescope, surmounted by these words as a motto: ‘Prodesse quam conspici.’ That the said seal be, and the same is hereby adopted as the seal of the Miami University.” (Vol. 1, pages 176-177, Minutes of the Board of Trustees, September 26, 1826.)

Section 3. Motto of the Miami University.

The motto of the University shall be “Prodesse quam conspici,” which may be translated “To Accomplish Rather Than to be Conspicuous,” or “It Is Better to be Useful Than Conspicuous.”

Section 4. Flag of Miami University.

The flag of Miami University shall be made in accordance with the following specifications: standard American flag proportions (generally 4 feet x 6 feet) with a field divided by a diagonal bar half crimson (coccinum), half white (album); the predominate color of crimson to be that half of the flag above a diagonal bar from the bottom of the hoist at the mast to the upper corner of the fly end; the subordinate color of white to be that half of the flag below a diagonal bar from the bottom of the hoist to the upper corner of the fly end. Satin or similar materials shall be used. In all instances, the National Flag Code shall be followed when displaying the flag of the University. Whenever the flags of the State of Ohio and Miami University are displayed together, the latter shall be subordinate to the former.

Article XVII: Regulations: Their Promulgation, Amendment, and Repeal

Section 1. Amendment.

These Regulations may be amended at any meeting of the Board of Trustees by a majority vote of the members present and voting, provided that at least fourteen days’ notice of such proposed amendment has been given in writing to each member.

Section 2. Previous Enactments of the Board.

Nothing herein contained shall invalidate any lawful action taken under any regulation, ordinance, rule or regulation for the government of Miami University previously enacted by the Board of Trustees.

Section 3. Effective Date of Implementation.

These Regulations shall be in full force and effect from the date of their enactment by the Board or upon such date as specified by the Board of Trustees.


Appendix A, Charter of the Finance and Audit Committee

Appendix B, Charter of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee

Appendix C, Complaint/Compliance Communication Protocol

Appendix D, Signature Authorizations

Resolution R2024-05

Codification: June 1909

Revised: June 1954, February 1960, June 1969. Amended: September 1973, July 1978, February 1979, June 1982, September 1982, December 1982, October 1983, April 1985, July 1987, March 1988, August 1988, August 1989, December 1989, June 1990, September 1991, December 1997, June 1998, September 1999, June 2000. Revised: January 2001 (to reflect 1986 amendment, R86-42, to Article IV, Sections 2 and 12). Amended: April 2001, June 2002, June 2004, February 2005. Revised: February 2007 (to reflect Business School name change). Amended: February 2008. Revised: May 2010 (to reflect termination of School of Interdisciplinary degrees). Amended: April 2011, December 2011, April 2012, September 2012, July 2013, September 2014, June 2015, September 2016, December 2016, February 2017, April 2017, December 2017. Revised: May 2018 (to reflect the Division of Student Life name change). Amended: December 2018, February 2019; February 2020.

Prepared by the Secretary to the Board