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Grades and Scholarship

Scope: Undergraduate Students are covered by this policy.


Grades and Scholarship



Grades for all students are reported to the Office of the University Registrar. Grade submission deadlines and dates by which grades are viewable are listed on the academic calendar Academic Calendar).

Standard Grade Scale
Standard Letter Grade Grades Points Per Semester Hour
A+ 4.00
A (Excellent) 4.00
A- 3.70
B+ 3.30
B (Good) 3.00
B- 2.70
C+ 2.30
C (Satisfactory) 2.00
C- 1.70
D+ 1.30
D (Poor) 1.00
D- 0.70
F (Failure) 0.00

If a student is found responsible of academic dishonesty, and the resulting sanction is failure for the course, a notation of academic dishonesty will appear directly beneath the class on the academic record. (See policy “Academic Integrity”)

Other grade symbols include

Grade Symbols
Symbol or Abbreviation Meaning
ADF Academic Dishonesty - Failed. Denotes a sanction of failure in a course due to Academic Dishonesty. Calculates as an F in grade point average.
ADY Academic Dishonesty - No Credit. Denotes a sanction of failure in a course due to Academic Dishonesty. Does not calculate in the grade point average (no credit).
CR1 Credit in an undergraduate course taken credit/no-credit in which a grade of C or better is earned, or in a graduate course in which a grade of B or better is earned. Not included in the calculation of grade point averages. (Effective Fall 2022)
CR2 Credit in an undergraduate course taken credit/no-credit in which a grade of C- through D- is earned; not included in the calculation of grade point averages. Not applicable to graduate coursework. (Effective fall 2022)
I Incomplete; calculates as an F in grade point average (retired).
IG or IGY Incomplete; work at the graduate level; not included in the calculation of grade point average. The student has one academic semester following the recording to complete the academic work. Check the Academic Calendar for the deadlines per term. After the deadline has passed with no grade change being recorded, the "IG" will convert to a grade of F. The "IGY" will convert to Y (no credit).
IU or IUY Incomplete work at the undergraduate level; not included in the calculation of grade point average. The student has one academic semester following the recording to complete the academic work. Check the Academic Calendar for the deadlines per term. After the deadline has passed with no grade change being recorded, the "IU" will convert to a grade of F. The "IUY" will convert to Y (no credit).
L Audit; not included in enrollment status hours; not included in calculation of grade point average.
N No grade submitted by the instructor; not included in the calculation of grade point average.
NCR No credit in an undergraduate course in which a grade of F is earned, or in a graduate course in which a grade of B- or less is earned. Not included in the calculation of grade point averages. (Effective Fall 2022)
P Passing; carries no credit points (used for student teaching, thesis hours, dissertation hours).
Q Course grades preceded by Q indicate the Fresh Start policy has been applied.
S Satisfactory Progress; carries no credit points and not included in the calculation of grade point average; (used for courses in research, independent reading, special topics courses, thesis hours, dissertation hours, and undergraduate honors); changes to a final grade when the project is completed.
U Unsatisfactory progress; carries no credit points; not included in the calculation of grade point average; (also used for special projects as above); changes to a final grade when the project is completed.
W Withdrawal; assigned to a student who officially withdraws from the University or from a course; carries no credit points; is not included in the calculation of grade point average.
WP Withdrawal passing; (retired).
WF Withdrawal failing; (retired).
X Credit in a course taken in which a grade of D- or better is earned in an undergraduate course or in which a grade of B is earned in a graduate course; carries no credit points; not included in the calculation of grade point average. (Retired Fall 2022)
Y No credit in a course taken credit/no-credit in which a grade of F is earned in an undergraduate course or in which a grade of B- or less was earned in a graduate course; carries no credit points; not included in the calculation of grade point average. (Retired Fall 2022)
Z Course grades preceded by Z indicate the Fresh Start policy has been applied; (retired).

Midterm Progress Reports

In the fall and spring semesters, instructors are required to submit midterm progress reports by the end of the seventh week of classes for all undergraduate students who have 45 or fewer earned credits at Miami University. This requirement applies only to full-semester and twelve-week Q-sprint classes during the fall and spring semesters; it does not apply to other fall and spring semester sprint classes or for the winter and summer terms.  Midterm progress reports are accessible online through Bannerweb. Instructors are encouraged to submit midterm progress reports for all other students.

Midterm progress report due dates will be posted three years in advance.

Change of Grade and Removal of Grade of Incomplete

Change of Grade

A final grade once reported may be changed only upon recommendation of the instructor with the approval of the dean of the academic division. It is the right of any student to consult with the instructor concerning the instructor’s evaluation of the student’s performance in a particular course. If such consultation does not satisfy the student, it is the student’s right to confer with the department chair of the instructor concerned. Further appeal procedures are described in the Academic Responsibilities and Academic Grievance Policy.

Removal of Grade of Incomplete

Until removed, a grade of Incomplete will remain as an “I” and be calculated as an F. Grades of IG, IGY, IU, and IUY will not be calculated in grade point averages. A change of a grade of Incomplete requires only the instructor’s signature. A grade of Incomplete not removed by either of the options below will be changed to an F on the last day of classes of the following semester, excluding summer or winter term for undergraduate students and winter term for graduate students. If more than one instance of the same course has a grade of Incomplete, a change of grade only applies to one instance.

Options for removal of I, IG, IGY, IU, and IUY are as follows:

Completing the course requirements

This must be done by the last day of classes of the next semester, excluding summer or winter term for undergraduate students and winter term for graduate students. A grade of Incomplete may be removed during periods of non-enrollment including academic suspension and dismissal (see the section of this policy titled Restrictions for Students under Academic Suspension or Dismissal”). A grade of Incomplete may not be removed during periods of non-academic suspension or non-academic dismissal.

Repeating the course

If, in the instructor’s judgment, repeating the course is the most suitable action for completing the requirements of the course, the student may repeat the course. The course must be taken for letter grade. Once the course has been completed, the grade of Incomplete will remain on the record but taken out of the calculation of grade point averages. This arrangement must be reported to the Office of the University Registrar in writing prior to enrolling in the course for the second time. If not reported, the student must petition the Interdivisional Committee of Advisors.

Graduating Students

Grades of Incomplete for a graduating student must be satisfactorily resolved by the conclusion of end-of-semester/term processing for the student’s date of graduation, approximately 30 days after the date of graduation. If not satisfactorily resolved, the grade of Incomplete will be administratively converted to the grade of F.

Academic Action and Incomplete Grades

When there has been no instructor grade change by the last class day of the semester or term, excluding summer or winter term for undergraduate students and winter term for graduate students, following the assignment of the grade of Incomplete, the grade of Incomplete is administratively changed to the grade of F and calculates in the semester or term and cumulative grade point averages. Grade point average calculations occur at the conclusion of each semester or term and are recalculated for the semester or term in which the grade of Incomplete was awarded. Academic actions (warning, probation, suspension, and dismissal) for the semester or term in which the grade of Incomplete was awarded will not be assessed.

Computation of Averages and Definition of Earned Hours, Attempted Hours, and Grade Point Average Hours, President’s and Dean’s Lists

Earned Hours

Earned hours are credit hours for courses passed at Miami University and credit hours accepted in transfer from other institutions or sources.

Attempted Hours

Attempted hours are credit hours attempted in any course taken at Miami University.

Grade Point Average Hours

Grade point average hours are hours in courses taken at Miami University receiving standard letter grades including grades of the incomplete grade of “I”. Grade point average hours do not include transfer hours, AP/CLEP hours, pass/fail, credit/no credit, audit, proficiency credit, English portfolio, or standard letter-grade course hours dropped with a W. Grade point average hours are the only hours included in the computation of semester and cumulative averages and in determining academic actions.

Semester or Term Average

A student’s average for any semester or term is computed by dividing the student’s total credit points for that semester by the number of grade point average hours attempted.

Cumulative Hours

A student’s cumulative average is computed by dividing the total Miami grade points by the total number of grade point average hours at Miami, treating Incompletes as stated above.

Truncating Grade Point Averages

Grade point averages are truncated to the second decimal point (e.g., 2.856 to 2.85).

President's and Dean's List

The President’s List recognizes the top three percent of undergraduate students within each division registered for 12 or more credit hours attempted for grades (A+ through F) in a semester or term (excluding winter term). The Dean’s Lists recognize the next 17 percent of undergraduate students within each division registered for 12 or more hours attempted for grades (A+ through F) in a semester or term (excluding winter term).

Students within each academic division must achieve the following grade point averages:

Division President’s List Dean’s List
Arts and Science 4.00 3.70
Creative Arts 4.00 3.70
Education, Health and Society 4.00 3.80
Engineering and Computing 4.00 3.60
Farmer School of Business 3.95 3.60
Professional Studies and Applied Sciences 4.00 3.60

The grade point standards used for the President’s and the Dean’s Lists approximate the average grade point average of the highest three percent of students in each academic division and the next 17 percent of students in each academic division, respectively, for the past three years. These criteria will remain unchanged.

Note: Undergraduate students in non-degree programs who meet these same criteria will be included in the College of Arts and Science divisional calculations.

Two weeks after the grade submission deadeline the University Registrar's Office provides a list of eligible students to Miami University’s News and Communications Office for the purpose of notifying the student's hometown newspaper. Note that a confidentiality hold on a student’s record will prevent his or her name from being published in the hometown newspaper or on the Miami University website. Eligibility resulting from a grade change which occurs after the two week period will be noted on the student's academic record and transcript but will not be communicated to the student's hometown newspaper. 

Scholastic Regulations

Academic Actions

Academic actions are defined as academic warning; removal of academic warning; academic probation; removal of academic probation; academic suspension; and academic dismissal. Academic actions occur on the basis of semester or term and/or cumulative grade point averages as computed by the Office of the University Registrar at the end of a semester or term. Academic actions will be taken on any student regardless of the number of hours taken in any semester or term with suspension and dismissal exclusions as noted below. Good academic standing is defined as maintaining a minimum 2.00 cumulative grade point average. Students on academic warning are also considered to be in good academic standing.

Student Classification for Academic Action Purposes

All Miami grade point average hours recorded on the academic record are considered in the classification of a student for academic action.

Academic Warning

An undergraduate student who earns a grade point average less than 2.00 during his/her first semester or term will be placed on academic warning at the end of the semester or term. Excluding a student’s first semester or term, in all subsequent semesters/terms an undergraduate student with fewer than 16 cumulative grade point average hours who earns a cumulative grade point average less than 2.00 is placed or continued on academic warning.

Removal of Academic Warning

If an undergraduate student has a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or better, the student is removed from academic warning at the end of the semester or term.

Academic Probation

An undergraduate student with 16 or more cumulative Miami grade point average hours is placed on academic probation at the end of any semester or term in which his/her cumulative grade point average is less than 2.00.

Removal of Academic Probation

If an undergraduate student has a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or better, the student shall be removed from academic probation at the end of the semester or term.

Continuation on Academic Probation

An undergraduate student with 16-29 Miami grade point average hours who is on academic probation and who has a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.00 is continued on academic probation. An undergraduate student with 30 or more Miami grade point average hours who is on academic probation and who has a grade point average for a semester or term of 2.00 or better, but has a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.00, is continued on academic probation.

Academic Suspension

An undergraduate student with 30 or more Miami grade point average hours who is on academic probation will be suspended if his/her grade point average for a semester or term is less than 2.00. The period of suspension is two consecutive semesters or terms. Winter term is excluded as a term on which suspension can be applied or satisfied. (See the section of this policy titled “Re-enrollment after Academic Suspension or Dismissal”).

Academic Dismissal

Failure to meet academic standards after academic suspension results in academic dismissal. The period of academic dismissal is usually considered a permanent action, but a student may petition for readmission after a two-year absence. Winter term is excluded as a term on which dismissal can be applied or satisfied. (See the section of this policy titled “Re-enrollment after Academic Suspension or Dismissal”).

Exceptions to Scholastic Regulations

Undergraduate Students

Interdivisional Committee of Advisors.The Office of the Provost provides University-wide supervision of the system of academic advising in collaboration with the Undergraduate Academic Advising Council. The Interdivisional Committee of Advisors takes action on matters requiring exceptions to the academic regulations of the University at the undergraduate student level. Neither the Interdivisional Committee of Advisors nor Graduate Council can provide exceptions to state or federal law. (See policy “Class Attendance” section “The Miami University John E. Dolibois European Center [MUDEC] Attendance Policies”).

Permanent Membership

One (1) appointed as the Chair by the Provost, votes only in the event of a tie vote by members attending; six (6) representatives, one from each of the six undergraduate academic divisions, appointed by the deans of the divisions; and one (1) representative from the Student Life, appointed by the Dean of Students, and one (1) non-voting, ex officio representative - the Assistant Dean of Students.

Rotating Membership (each to serve three-year rotating terms)

Faculty representing three divisions, appointed by the dean of the division: One (1) from College of Arts and Science, with three-year terms by social science, natural science and humanities; and two (2), from separate divisions and with rotating terms, from Farmer School of Business, College of Engineering and Computing, College of Education, Health, and Society, College of Creative Arts, College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science.Terms will begin effective the first day of the fall semester.

Procedures for Petitioning. An undergraduate student may petition for an exception to any of the University’s academic regulations. Students initiate petitions by contacting the divisional advising office at their respective campus. 

Petitions are initially heard by a committee of advisors/faculty within the academic division. The recommendations from these divisional committees are then forwarded to and reviewed and acted upon the Interdivisional Committee of Advisors, which has the authority to refuse to consider, to table, to reverse, or to affirm the recommendation.

Graduate Students

Graduate students’ matters are addressed by the Graduate Council. Consult the Graduate Student Handbook for petitioning procedures. Neither the Interdivisional Committee of Advisors nor Graduate Council can provide exceptions to state or federal law.

Restrictions for Students under Academic Suspension or Dismissal

A student under academic suspension or dismissal from Miami University may neither register for credit nor audit courses during the period of his or her suspension or dismissal on any campus of Miami University. Credit earned elsewhere (e.g., transfer credit, Advanced Placement, CLEP) during the term of academic suspension or academic dismissal will be accepted. In addition, refer to the “Admission” policy regarding re-enrollment.

Re-enrollment after Academic Suspension or Dismissal

Academic Suspension

A student placed on academic suspension for low scholarship is eligible for re-enrollment on academic probation after at least two consecutive semesters or terms (including summer) have elapsed. Winter term does not count in the computation of a consecutive term. Students requesting housing must first check with the appropriate office; and, if academic facilities are available, re-enrollment will normally be approved providing application for re-enrollment is submitted at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the semester or term in which the student intends to enroll.


A student dismissed for low scholarship may petition for re-enrollment after two calendar years have elapsed, beginning with the start of the next semester or term. The petition should be presented to the Committee of Advisors in the student’s academic division for a recommendation; it will be forwarded to the Interdivisional Committee of Advisors for action.

Related Form(s)

Not Applicable.

Additional Resources and Procedures


Academic Calendar


Not Applicable.

Policy Administration

Next Review Date


Responsible Officer

  • Associate Provost
  • Associate Vice President & Dean of Students

Legal Authority

Not Applicable.

Compliance Policy


Revision History

Amended July 2020; Amended July 2022; Amended July 2023; Amended July 2024

Reference ID

Student Handbook 1.3

Reviewing Bodies

  • Administrative
  • Senate