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Scope: All undergraduates and prospective undergraduate students are covered by this policy.
Re-enrollment of Former Students
Former students must apply online on the One Stop website for re-enrollment at the University for any semester or term. Applications deadlines are as follows: Fall Semester - August 1, Winter Term- December 1, Spring Semester- January 10, Summer Term - April 15. Each student (except active duty military and veteran students) must submit a transcript and evidence of honorable separation from each institution in which he or she has been registered since last attending Miami, whether or not credit has been granted and whether or not the student desires to receive transfer credit upon readmission. Submitted transcripts will not be returned to the student nor sent elsewhere at the student’s request. Posted transfer work will not be removed. Once re-enrolled, students register for courses online through BannerWeb. Registration must be completed by the end of the first week of classes of the re-enrollment semester or term. Former students with active holds preventing registration must receive clearance from hold-issuing office(s) before registration will be permitted. Students who have been academically suspended or dismissed are subject to the regulation set forth in the policy titled “Grades and Scholarship” section “Restrictions for Students Under Academic Suspension or Dismissal”. Please refer to the First-Years section of this policy relative to validation of credit over ten years old. Students denied re-enrollment for academic reasons under this section have the right to submit a written petition to their academic division for consideration by the Interdivisional Committee of Advisors (see policy titled “Grades and Scholarship” section “Exceptions to Scholastic Regulations”). If a student is not eligible to re-enroll due to non-academic reasons, the first contact should be through the Office of Community Standards
Re-enrollment of Former Students after Extended Absence
Degrees/majors that have been eliminated for eight or more years may not be pursued or conferred.
Because requirements for academic programs can change substantially over time, the maximum time limit for completion of an undergraduate degree/major is eight academic years based on the student’s catalog year for the declared degree/major. Students who have earned credit that is more than 8 years prior to their planned graduation date must petition their divisional committee of advisors to have that coursework validated for application toward their major and are responsible for supplying course descriptions/catalogs for use in the validation process.
Students who leave the University and subsequently reenroll will be permitted to continue to follow the degree/major requirements in effect at the time they left the University except in cases where degree/major completion within the eight academic year time limit is not feasible. In such cases, the student will be required to follow the requirements of the college catalog in effect at the time of reenrollment.
Related Form(s)
Additional Resources and Procedures
- Transferology
- List of Forms
- Post Secondary Enrollment Information
- One Stop
- Your Records to Locate Appropriate Form
- Student Health
Not Applicable.
Policy Administration
Next Review Date
Responsible Officer
Senior Associate Registrar
Legal Authority
Not Applicable.
Compliance Policy
Revision History
Separated from Admissions Policy July 2019; Amended July 2019; Amended July 2020
Reference ID
Student Handbook 1.1
Reviewing Bodies
- University Senate
- Administrative