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Scope: Students are covered by this policy.




Refund Process

We process refunds to students with Title IV Financial Aid overages on a weekly basis. All other over payments are processed at the end of the semester, or upon request. Credit balances due to drop in hours or a full withdrawal from the University will be refunded after the semester has ended. Requests for refunds should be emailed from the student's Miami email account to Refunds can be sent through direct deposit into any bank account in the United States. Students are encouraged to sign up for direct deposit via our RedHawk Refunds system. Students who do not elect to have the refund direct deposited will receive a refund via postal mail in the form of a paper check. During the fall and spring semesters, checks will be mailed to the student’s local address; during the summer and winter terms, checks are mailed to the student’s permanent address. Checks that do not reach their destination will not be canceled and reissued until after two weeks from the check date. It is important that each student keep their local address current. A student may update their local address via BannerWeb.

A negative balance (displayed in parentheses) on your billing statement indicates you have a credit on your account and a refund will be processed. Once the credit is processed for a refund, a charge will appear on your account. Our computer system only refunds credit balances. In order to remove the credit balance from your account and return your money, the refund amount must be applied as a charge to create a zero dollar balance on your account. Information about refund percentages for specific semesters/terms for each campus is available on ourRefunds for Withdrawals or Dropped Courses page.

Reasons for Refunds

There are several reasons why an individual may receive a refund:

  1. Financial Aid
    1. When a financial aid award exceeds the amount of charges on an account a credit balance is created. Refunds for surplus Financial Aid are processed within 14 days after the Financial Aid disbursement. Please see Financial Aid Refunds information below.
  2. Student Withdrawals and Schedule Changes
    1. When a student withdraws from the University or drops courses from their registration, he or she may be eligible for a refund based on the refund schedule. No refunds will be made until 30 days have elapsed from the date of withdrawal.
    2. A student can appeal for a refund for one or all classes in cases involving extenuating circumstances by submitting a Financial Appeals form. Extenuating circumstances are extraordinary and usually beyond the student’s control (non-attendance does not void financial responsibility). Financial appeals must include documentation that describes the extenuating circumstances. They must be submitted by the student, from their Miami University email address. After the Financial Appeals committee meets (third Tuesday of the month), the student will be notified via email of the outcome related to the appeal. Decisions made by the appeal committee are final.
  3. Miscellaneous Credit Balances
    1. Credit balances occur when an appealed charge is cancelled or because of an overpayment on an account. These refunds are processed as they are discovered or requested by the student.
  4. Oxford Campus Financial Aid Refunds
    1. If a student receives financial aid greater than his or her fees, the student may receive a refund from the University. Students who have registered for the required number of credit hours at least ten days before the term begins and have completed the financial aid process may receive a refund in the first week of the term, providing there is a credit balance after all University charges have been paid.
  5. Regional Campuses Financial Aid Refunds
    1. For students who are receiving federal, state, and/or institutional aid, disbursement of refunds occurs approximately one month after the start of school.

Refunds for Withdrawals or Dropped Courses

Refunds for Withdrawal from the University

When a student withdraws from the University, the tuition and other course fees will be refunded according to the schedule below. The schedule is based on actual school days. Weekends and holidays are not taken into consideration and the withdrawal must be processed by 5 p.m. For example, if the withdrawal is processed by 5 p.m. on the 5th day of the term, the student would receive 100% refund. If the withdrawal is processed at 6 p.m. on the 5th day of the term, the student would be refunded 90%.

Oxford and Regional Campuses (Fall and Spring Semesters)

Oxford and Regional Campuses (Fall and Spring Semesters) Refunds
Day of Term Refund
1-5 100%
6-8 90%
9-20 50%
21-30 35%
31-40 25%
After 40 0%

Students Called to Active Duty

If an enrolled student is called to active duty in the armed forces, the following fees are impacted: Instructional Fee, General Fee, Out-of-State Tuition, Miami Metro, Off-Campus Information Services Fee, and Residence Hall Fee.

Refunds for Dropped Courses

Please note that you must drop your own unwanted courses. Do not assume that you will be automatically dropped for non-attendance. Tuition and other course fees will be refunded according to the schedules below. Please note that no refunds will be made until 30 days have elapsed from the date of withdrawal. Questions about refunds for Oxford students should be directed to or 513-529-0001; questions about refunds for Regional students should be directed to or 513-217-4111.

Oxford Campus (Fall and Spring Semesters)

If a full-time student drops below 12 credit hours within the first five days of the semester, the student will be charged per credit hour for classes (instead of flat tuition and fees) and refunded the difference. A drop in credit hours after the fifth day of the semester will not create a refund. Drops must be processed by 5:00 pm on the fifth day.

Oxford Campus (Fall and Spring Semesters) Refunds
Day of Term Refund
1-5 100%
After 5 0%

Hamilton and Middletown Campuses (Fall and Spring Semesters)

If you drop below 12 credit hours during a semester, you are charged per credit hour for your classes and you are refunded the difference, using the same schedule as for withdrawals.

Hamilton and Middletown Campuses (Fall and Spring Semesters) Refunds
Day of Term Refund
1-5 100%
6-8 90%
9-20 50%
21-30 35%
31-40 25%
After 40 0%

Oxford, Hamilton, and Middletown Campuses (Winter Terms)

If you withdraw or drop hours during a winter term, refunds are made using the following schedule. Drops and withdrawals must be processed by 5:00 pm. The following is based on actual school days.

Oxford, Hamilton, and Middletown Campuses (Winter Terms) Refunds
Day of Term Refund
1-3 100%
4-5 50%
6-10 25%
After 10 0%

Oxford, Hamilton, and Middletown Campuses (Summer Terms)

If you withdraw or drop hours during a summer term, refunds are made using the following schedule. Drops and withdrawals must be processed by 4:30pm. The following is based on actual school days. Weekends and holidays are not taken into consideration.

Oxford, Hamilton, and Middletown Campuses (Summer Terms) Refunds
Day of Term Refund
1-3 100%
4-8 50%
9-15 25%
After 15 0%

Refunds for Sprint Courses

The same refund schedules noted above also apply for all sprint courses; however, refunds are based on the day the sprint started, not the day the term started.

Workshop Refund Policy

In order to receive a refund of tuition for a workshop that is held during the fall, spring, and summer terms, you must drop the workshop no later than 12 p.m. the last business day before the workshop begins.For the winter term, a student must withdraw by 12 p.m. on the Monday following fall semester final exam week. You can withdraw by contacting Global Initiatives at or 513-529-8600.

Please note that no refunds will be made until 30 days have elapsed from the date of withdrawal. Questions about refunds should be directed to the One Stop at or 513-529-0001.

Related Form(s)

Not Applicable.

Additional Resources and Procedures

Not Applicable.


Not Applicable.

Policy Administration

Next Review Date


Responsible Officer

  • Bursar

Legal Authority

Not Applicable.

Compliance Policy


Revision History


Reference ID

Not Applicable.

Reviewing Bodies

  • Administrative
  • Miami University Senate
  • Board of Trustees