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Involuntary Medical Withdrawal

Scope: Undergraduate and Graduate Students are covered by this policy.


Involuntary Medical Withdrawal


The University is particularly concerned with the health and safety of its students. Miami University provides physical and mental health services to students through Student Health Services and Student Counseling Service.  Physical and mental health services are also available from licensed treatment providers in the Oxford area community.


Involuntary Medical Withdrawal

In situations where a student is unable or unwilling to carry out substantial self-care obligations; where current medical knowledge and/or the best available objective evidence indicates that a student poses a significant risk to the health or safety of self or others; or where a student poses an actual risk to their own safety not based on mere speculation, stereotypes, or generalizations, and the student does not want to voluntarily withdrawal, the Dean of  Students has the authority to place the student on an involuntary mandatory medical withdrawal. Before placing any student on an involuntary mandatory medical withdrawal, the Dean of Students will initiate an individualized assessment to determine whether there are reasonable accommodations that would permit the student to continue to remain enrolled without withdrawing.

The individualized assessment will be conducted by the Evaluation Committee (EC). The EC shall be composed of a physician from the Student Health Service, the Director of Student Counseling Service, and the Assistant Dean of Students or their designee.  The Dean will notify the student in writing of the reasons for the referral to the EC.

The purpose of the individualized assessment is to determine whether the student, is, in fact, unable or unwilling to carry out substantial self-care obligations; poses a significant risk to the health or safety of others based on current medical knowledge and/or the best available objective evidence; or the student poses an actual risk to their own safety not based on mere speculation, stereotypes, or generalizations, and whether there are reasonable accommodations that would permit the student to continue to remain enrolled without taking a medical withdrawal.

If the EC determines that the student does not meet the standard for an involuntary medical withdrawal it will recommend that no action be taken and that the student be permitted to remain enrolled, with or without reasonable accommodations.

If the EC determines that the student meets the standard for an involuntary medical withdrawal, the EC may recommend one or more of the following actions to the Dean of Students:

  1. The student be placed on an involuntary medical withdrawal, with or without a date established for re-enrollment. The EC may recommend conditions for readmission.
  2. Conditional enrollment, i.e., continued enrollment at the University conditioned on compliance with all actions required of the student. The EC may monitor the student and may, at any point, with the concurrence of at least two-panel members, terminate the conditional enrollment and recommend the withdrawal of the student from the University.

Other reasonable actions or conditions may also be recommended to or imposed and taken by the Dean of Students or designee.

The review and recommendation of the EC will be shared with the student by the Dean of Students. Prior to making a decision, the Dean of Students will provide the student with an opportunity to meet and present any information he or she believes is relevant to the Dean’s decision.

The Dean will provide the student with an opportunity to meet to:

  1. Discuss the reasons for the proposed involuntary medical withdrawal.
  2. Discuss this policy and provide the student with a copy of this policy.
  3. If appropriate, inform the student that he or she must meet with a University professional(s) selected by the EC (e.g., a physician, psychologist, or psychiatrist) within 24 hours for a clinical evaluation. The physician, psychologist and/or psychiatrist should obtain written permission from the student to discuss his or her findings with the Dean and/or members of the EC.

If, based on the available information, the Dean of Students, after initiating an individualized assessment, receiving a recommendation from the EC, and meeting with the student, determines that an involuntary medical withdrawal is warranted the student may be involuntarily withdrawn. The Dean will notify the student in writing of the reasons for the proposed involuntary medical withdrawal and provide the student with an opportunity to respond for an appeal.  The decision may be appealed in writing to the Vice President for Student Life. 

Any member of the University community who has reason to believe that a student may meet any of the standards described above should contact the Dean of Students. In the event of an emergency contact University Police at 911.


If a student is withdrawn pursuant to this provision, the student may petition the Dean of Students for readmission. In some cases, the Dean of Students may establish specific requirements for reinstatement if the circumstances of the student’s departure warrant it. The goal of such conditions is to prepare the student for a successful return to the University; for example, a student may be asked to participate in a reinstatement consultation with Student Health Service or Student Counseling Service to facilitate a successful return. If the withdrawal is health-related, any conditions or requirements for reinstatement will be based on an individualized assessment of each student including consideration of current medical knowledge and/or the best available objective evidence. Careful consideration will be given to the opinions and recommendations of the student’s treating physician or mental health professional, if available.

Appeal of Denial of Reinstatement

In the rare circumstance that a student’s request for reinstatement is denied on grounds of health or safety, the decision may be appealed in writing to the Vice President for Student LifeAffairs.

Records and Fees

All records concerning these proceedings will be maintained by the Office of the Dean of Students. The normal policies and procedures for grades for students who withdraw during an academic semester or term, as described elsewhere in The Student Handbook, will apply to students who are placed on an involuntary withdrawal. The first time a student takes a voluntary medical withdrawal or is placed on an involuntary medical withdrawal, the student may elect to receive either a refund of tuition and fees in accordance with the University’s established refund schedule or a Tuition Credit. Subsequent withdrawals are eligible for tuition and fee refunds only. A  Tuition Credit is a credit in an amount equal to that paid for tuition and general fees for the semester or term of the leave of absence less any student financial assistance that must be returned to the financial aid program.  A Tuition Credit will be applied to the first semester or term of re-enrollment following the student’s withdrawal and must be used within three years.  A student is eligible for only one Tuition Credit. Students are strongly urged to consult with the Office of Student Financial Assistance to determine how their withdrawal will affect their financial aid before determining whether to seek a refund or Tuition Credit.  Any refund of tuition or fees due the student will be determined from the last date of class attendance, regardless of the date of the onset of the condition prompting the withdrawal.

Related Form(s)

Not Applicable.

Additional Resources and Procedures

Not Applicable.


Not Applicable.

Policy Administration

Next Review Date


Responsible Officer

  • Associate Vice Presidents and Dean of Students
  • Director of Student Counseling Services

Legal Authority

Not Applicable.

Compliance Policy


Revision History

Amended July 2018; Edited July 2019; Amended July 2022

Reference ID

  • Student Handbook 4.6
  • Graduate Student Handbook 2.10

Reviewing Bodies

  • Student Affairs Counsel
  • Administrative