Elisa Abes
Elisa Abes has been teaching in the Student Affairs in Higher Education program since 2005 and had served as the Graduate Studies Director for over 10 years. She primarily teaches courses related to college student development theory. In doing so, she uses critical theoretical approaches to re-imagine student development theory to push back against systems of oppression such as ableism, racism, and heterosexism. In her research, Elisa uses critical theories to study the experiences and identities of college students with disabilities, emphasizing that it is not the disabled students who are the problems to be fixed, but instead, it is ableism in higher education that needs to be dismantled. Elisa is the co-editor (with Dr. Susan R. Jones and Dr. D-L Stewart) of Rethinking College Student Development Theory Using Critical Frameworks (Stylus, 2019); editor of Critical Perspectives on Student Development Theory (Jossey Bass, 2016); and co-author (with Dr. Susan R. Jones) of Identity Development of College Students: Advancing Frameworks for Multiple Dimensions of Identity (Jossey Bass, 2013). Prior to teaching at Miami, Elisa taught for two years at the University of South Florida. Elisa was an attorney for four years prior to starting her career as a student affairs faculty member. Student development theory explains much of her career transition. Elisa graduated from The Ohio State University with her bachelor’s degree (1992) and doctorate (2003). She received her law degree from Harvard Law School (1995). Elisa and her partner, Amber, are the mothers of two kind children, Shoshana and Benjamin, ages 14 and 11, and their dog, Billie. Elisa loves to be outside as much as possible, dog walking, running, hiking, biking, gardening, and chasing sunsets.
Ph.D., The Ohio State University
J.D., Harvard Law School
B.A., The Ohio State University
Key Professional Appointments
Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
Student Affairs in Higher Education
Department of Educational Leadership
Miami University, Oxford, OH
July 2011 – present
Assistant Professor
Student Affairs in Higher Education
Department of Educational Leadership
Miami University, Oxford, OH
August 2005 – June 2011
Assistant Professor
College Student Affairs
University of South Florida
August 2004 – July 2005
Visiting Assistant Professor
College Student Affairs
University of South Florida
August 2003 - July 2004
Graduate Research Assistant
School of Educational Policy & Leadership
The Ohio State University
2000 - 2002
Graduate Administrative Associate
The Ohio State University Service-Learning Initiative
Summer 2002
Graduate Administrative Associate for Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies
Office of Academic Affairs
The Ohio State University
1999 - 2001
Litigation Attorney
Frost & Jacobs LLP
Cincinnati, Ohio
1995 - 1999
Current Title
Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
Student Affairs in Higher Education Program
Educational Leadership Department
Miami University, Oxford, OH
Ph.D., Higher Education & Student Affairs, School of Educational Policy & Leadership
The Ohio State University, 2003
The Ohio State University Distinguished University Fellowship, 1999-2003
J.D., Harvard Law School, 1995
B.A., English, summa cum laude, Honors in the Liberal Arts, Distinction in English
The Ohio State University, 1992
Awards and Honors
Miami University, Women’s Center, Women’s Leadership Faculty Award, 2015
The Ohio State University Higher Education and Student Affairs Program Maude Stewart
Distinguished Alumni Award, 2015
American College Personnel Association, Standing Committees Advocate Award, 2014
American College Personnel Association, Diamond Honoree, 2012
American College Personnel Association Emerging Scholar, 2006
American College Personnel Association Annuit Coeptis Emerging Professional, 2006
Jones, S. R., & Abes, E. S. (2013). Identity development of college students: Advancing frameworks for multiple dimensions of identity. San Francisco: CA: Jossey-Bass.
Abes, E. S. (Ed.) (in press). Critical perspectives on student development theory. New Directions for Student Services. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Abes, E. S. (2012). Constructivist and intersectional interpretations of a lesbian college student’s multiple social identities. Journal of Higher Education, 83(2), 186-216.
Abes, E. S. (2011). Exploring the relationship between sexual orientation and religious identities for Jewish lesbian college students. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 15(2), 205-225.
Abes, E. S. (2009). Theoretical borderlands: Using multiple theoretical perspectives to challenge inequitable power structures in student development theory. Journal of College Student Development, 50, 141-156.
Abes, E. S. (2008). Applying queer theory in practice with college students: Transformation of a researcher’s and participant’s perspectives on identity. Journal of LGBT Youth, 5(1), 55-75.
Abes, E. S., & Kasch, D. (2007). Using queer theory to explore lesbian college students’ multiple dimensions of identity. Journal of College Student Development, 48, 619-636.
Reprinted in
Moore, N. B., Davidson, J. K., & Fisher, T. D. (Eds.) (2009). Speaking of sexuality: Interdisciplinary readings (3rd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
Pasque, P. A., & Nicholson, S. E. (Eds.) (2011). Empowering women in higher education and student affairs: Theory, research, narratives, and practice from feminist perspectives. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
Abes, E. S., Jones, S. R., & McEwen, M. K. (2007). Reconceptualizing the Model of Multiple Dimensions of Identity: The role of meaning-making capacity in the construction of multiple identities. Journal of College Student Development, 48, 1-22.
Abes, E. S., & Jones, S. R. (2004). Meaning-making capacity and the dynamics of lesbian college students’ multiple dimensions of identity. Journal of College Student Development, 45, 612-632.
Jones, S. R., & Abes, E. S. (2004). Enduring influences of service-learning on college students’ identity development. Journal of College Student Development, 45, 149-165.
Jones, S. R., & Abes, E. S. (2003). Developing student understanding of HIV/AIDS through community service-learning: A case study analysis. Journal of College Student Development, 44, 470-488.
Abes, E. S., Jackson, G., & Jones, S. R. (2002). Factors that motivate and deter faculty use of service-learning. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 9, 5-17.
Book Chapters
Abes, E. S. (in press). Situating student development theory in paradigms. In E. S. Abes (Ed.). Critical perspectives on student development theory. New Directions for Student Services. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Abes, E. S., & Hernandez, E. (in press). Critical and post-structural perspectives on self-authorship. In E. S. Abes (Ed.). Critical perspectives on student development theory. New Directions for Student Services. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Jones, S. R., & Abes, E. S. (in press). The nature and uses of theory. In Schuh, J., Jones, S. R. & Torres, V. (Eds.) Student services: A handbook for the profession (6thed). San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Jones, S. R., & Abes, E. S. (2011). The nature and uses of theory. In Schuh, J., Jones, S. R. & Harper, S. (Eds.) Student services: A handbook for the profession (5thed). San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Baxter Magolda, M. B., Abes, E., & Torres, V. (2009). Epistemological, intrapersonal, and interpersonal development in the college years and young adulthood. In M. C. Smith & N. DeFrates-Densch (Eds.), Handbook of research on adult learning and development (pp. 183-219). New York: Routledge.
Book Reviews
Abes, E. S. (2014). Why aren’t we there yet? Taking personal responsibility for creating an inclusive campus. [Review of the book]. Journal of College Student Development, 55, 858-861.
Abes, E. S. (2011). Student development in college: Theory, research, and practice (2nd ed.). [Review of the book]. Journal of College Student Development, 52, 131-133.
Abes, E. S. (2005). Identity development of diverse populations: Implications for teaching and administration in higher education [Review of the book]. Journal of Higher Education, 76, 117-119.
Referred Professional Conference Presentations
Critical and Poststructural Perspectives on Student Development (with J. M. Denton, E. Hernandez, M. Johnston-Guerero, S. R. Jones, & C. Robbins). Extended paper session presented at the annual meeting of the American College Personnel Association. Montreal, QC. March 2016.
Applying an Intersectional Perspective to Intergroup Dialogue Facilitation (with S. Karikari). Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the American College Personnel Association. Tampa, FL March 2015.
Queering the Academy: Queer Theory as a Theoretical Foundation in Higher Education Research (with Bryce Hughes, Kristen Renn, T. J. Jourian, Darris Means, Michael Denton, & C. Sean Robinson). Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education. Washington, DC. November 2014.
The Role of Race and Racism as Central to College Student Identity: Applying Theory to Practice (with Susan R. Jones, Allen Delong, Mei-Yen Ireland, & Stephen John Quaye). Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education. Washington D.C. November 2014.
Exploring the Intersections of Jewish and Lesbian Identities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American College Personnel Association. Boston, MA. March 2010.
Multiple Identities, Multiple Theoretical Perspectives, and Multiple Voices: Using Constructivism, Queer Theory, and Intersectionality to Explore Lesbian Identity. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education. Vancouver, B.C.
Senior and Former Emerging Scholars Present: Facilitating Research in the Profession. Research panel participant at the annual meeting of the American College Personnel Association, Washington, DC. March 2009.
Advancing Inclusion Through Research: Educational Outcomes, College Environment, and Identity Development. Emerging Scholars research panel participant at the annual meeting of the American College Personnel Association, Atlanta, GA. April 2008.
Senior and Former Emerging Scholars Present: Facilitating Research in the Profession. Research panel participant at the annual meeting of the American College Personnel Association, Atlanta, GA. April 2008.
Possibilities and Methodological Considerations for Applying Queer Theory in Student Development Theory Research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education. Louisville, KY. November 2007.
Sexual Identity Borderlands: Using Queer Theory to Explore “Lesbian” College Students’ Multiple Identities (with D. Kasch). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education. Anaheim, CA. November 2006
Exploring Lesbian Students' Evolving Perceptions of Their Multiple Identity Dimensions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American College Personnel Association, Indianapolis, IN. March 2006.
The Influence and Impact of Member Checking During and After Research Studies (with Torres, V., Jones, S. R., & Patton, L.). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Philadelphia, PA. November 2005.
Using Queer Theory to Advance Student Affairs Practice (with Broido, E., Dilley, P., & Renn, K. A.). Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American College Personnel Association, Nashville, TN. April 2005.
Integrating Cognitive Development into the Model of Multiple Identity Dimensions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Tampa, FL. March 2005.
An Integrated Developmental Perspective on Lesbian College Students’ Multidimensional Identity (with Jones, S. R.). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American College Personnel Association, Philadelphia, PA. April 2004.
The “Underside” of Service-Learning: Promoting Student Understanding of HIV/AIDS (with Jones, S. R., & Gilbride-Brown, J.). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American College Personnel Association, Philadelphia, PA. April 2004.
Enduring Influences of Service-Learning on College Students’ Identity Development (with Jones, S. R.). Paper presented as part of symposium “Integrative Models for Researching Student Development: Combining Theoretical Constructs to Promote Student Learning” (with Baxter Magolda, M. B., King, P., Landreman, L., & Torres, V.) at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Portland, OR. November 2003.
The Dynamics of Multiple Dimensions of Identity for Lesbian College Students. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Portland, OR. November 2003.
The Dynamics of Multiple Dimensions of Identity for Lesbian College Students: Preliminary Findings. Paper presented as part of the Advances in Student Development Theory Institute (coordinated by McEwen, M. K.) at the annual meeting of the American College Personnel Association, Minneapolis, MN. April 2003.
The Dynamics of Multiple Dimensions of Identity for Lesbian College Students: Preliminary Findings. Paper presented at the Midwest Bisexual, Lesbian, Gay, Transgender and Ally College Conference, Columbus, OH. February 2003.
Developing Student Understanding of HIV/AIDS Through Service-Learning. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Sacramento, CA. November 2002.
Factors that Motivate and Deter Faculty Use of Service-Learning (with Jackson, G. & Jones, S. R.). Paper presented at The Second Annual International Conference on Service-Learning Research, Nashville, TN. October 2002.
Service-Learning in Complex Times: Leadership for Social Change. Panel presentation participant (facilitated by Jones, S. R.) at the annual meeting of the American College Personnel Association, Boston, MA. March 2001.
Invited Presentations
Featured Presentation at National Conference: Evolving Research on Multiple Identities (with Jones, S. R. & Stewart, D. L.). Plenary Session presented at the American College Personnel Conference on Multiracial and Multiple Identities. St. Louis, MO. February 2008.
National Conferences
A Case Study of Lesbian College Students’ Multiple Social Identities: Constructivist, Queer, and Intersectional Perspectives. Paper presented as part of Faculty Fellows program at the annual meeting of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. Chicago, IL. March 2010.
Multiple Identities and Identity Intersectionality, Panel session for the Standing Committee on Men presented at the Annual Meeting of the American College Personnel Association. Washington, DC. March 2009.
Standing Committee for Men Contemporary Research on Multiple Identities. Presented as a Scholar-in-Residence for the American College Personnel Association Standing Committee on Men at the Annual Meeting of the American College Personnel Association. Atlanta, GA. March 2008.
Social Identity Development 201: The Fourth Decade of Research (with Ranero, J. & Stewart, D. L.). Pre-conference workshop presented at the American College Personnel Conference on Multiracial and Multiple Identities St. Louis, MO. February 2008.
State Conferences
Factors that Motivate and Deter Faculty Use of Service-Learning. Ohio Campus Compact Directors of Community Service & Service-Learning Symposium. Newark, OH. August 2007.
Student Development Theory Primer/Refresher. Pre-conference workshop at the annual meeting of the Michigan College Personnel Association, Lansing, MI. October 2005.
University and Community Presentations
A Critical Examination of College Students’ Multiple Social Identities, Professional development session presented to the Xavier University Division of Student Affairs. Cincinnati, OH. May 2104.
A Critical Examination of College Students’ Multiple Social Identities, Professional development session presented to the University of South Florida Division of Student Affairs. Tampa, FL. March 2104.
A Critical Examination of College Students’ Multiple Social Identities, Professional development session presented to the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities. St. Paul, MN. January 2014.
Looking at Difference Differently: Understanding Others by Understanding Yourself. Orientation session presented at the University of Cincinnati College of Law.
Applying Student Development Theory in Practice. Workshop presented to the University of Cincinnati Department of Student Life. Cincinnati, OH. January 2009.
Community Service for Social Justice. Presentation to the Cincinnati Academy of Leadership for Lawyers. Cincinnati, OH. January 2008, 2009.
Classroom and Student Organization Presentations
Facilitated discussion on sexual orientation identity labels for Miami University LGBTQ Student Services as part of Brown Bag Speaker Series.
Facilitated class on queer theory and student development theory for Dr. Marcia Baxter Magolda’s Miami University College Student Personnel Course, Student Development Theory II, October 2007 and October 2008.
Facilitated class on narrative inquiry for the University of Maryland, Department of Counseling and Personnel Services course: Designing Qualitative Research,
Exploring Sexual Orientation Identity Development Among Gay and Lesbian College Students. PRIDE Student Organization, University of South Florida. April 2005.
Professional Service
Service to the American College Personnel Association
- Standing Committee for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Awareness Scholar in Residence, 2012-2013
- Professional Preparation Commission, Board of Directorate member, 2006-2008; Chairperson
Graduate Student Research and Writing Awards, 2007-2009
- Conference on Multiracial and Multiple Identities, Conference Planning Committee, 2007-2008
- Annual Convention Proposal Reviewer, 2007
- Professional Preparation Commission, Research and Writing Awards Review Committee, 2005
- Professional Preparation Commission, Graduate Student Paper Presentation Respondent, 2005
Service to the Association for the Study of Higher Education
- Advisory Board, ASHE Reader on College Student Development Theory, 2008-2009
- Annual Meeting Research Paper Discussant, 2009
- Annual Meeting Proposal Reviewer, 2005-2010
- Annual Meeting Session Chair, 2005, 2007
University Service
Miami University
Office of Residence Life Program Review Team, 2015
Summer Reading Program, Faculty Facilitator, 2007, 2009, 2010
Member, Search Committee for Assistant Director of the Office of Diversity Affairs and Coordinator of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (GLBTQ) Services, 2008
Social and Behavioral Sciences Subcommittee of the Graduate Council, 2007-08
Access Initiative, Faculty Mentor, 2007-2008
Member, Search Committee for Office of Community Engagement and Service Assistant Director, 2007
Member, Student Created and Courses In Common Living-Learning Communities Advisory Council, Office of Transition and Assessment, 2007
Member, College of Education, Health, & Society Graduate Studies Committee, 2013-14; Chair 2014-15
Member, Responsibility Centered Management (RCM) Committee, 2013-present
Member, Dean’s Faculty Advisory Committee, 2009-2010
Member, School of Education, Health, & Society Faculty Development Committee, 2008-2009
School of Education and Allied Professions New Faculty Orientation Panel, Autumn, 2006
Director of Graduate Studies, Student Affairs in Higher Education, 2011 – present
Member, Department of Educational Leadership Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2012-present
Member, Department of Educational Leadership Governance Committee, 2015
Member, Department of Educational Leadership Ad Hoc Scholarship Committee, 2013
Member, Search Committee for Department of Educational Leadership Visiting Assistant professor, 2012
Chair, Search Committee for Department of Educational Leadership Visiting Assistant Professor, 2011
Search Committee for Department of Educational Leadership Visiting Assistant Professor, 2011
Coordinator, Student Affairs in Higher Education Master’s Curriculum Revision, 2010
Search Committee for Student Affairs in Higher Education Visiting Assistant Professor, 2010
Advisor, Miami University Student Affairs Graduate Association, 2009-2010
Student Affairs in Higher Education Doctoral Admissions Committee, 2009-2010
Supervisor, Student Affairs in Higher Education Recruitment/Interview Days GA, 2007-2010
Department of Educational Leadership, Integration Task Force, 2009
College Student Personnel Master’s Degree Admissions Committee, 2006-2009
College Student Personnel Program, College Student Personnel Recruitment and Admissions Team, Coordinator of Interview Days and Student Affairs Assistantship Liaison, 2006-2009
Search Committee for College Student Personnel Program Assistant Professor, 2008
Search Committee for College Student Personnel Program Visiting Assistant Professor, 2008
Supervisor, College Student Personnel Community Development GA, 2006-2008
Supervisor, College Student Personnel Transition and Orientation GA, 2006-2008
Supervisor, College Student Personnel Community Development GA, 2005-2006
Member, Search Committee for College Student Personnel Assistant Professor, 2005
University of South Florida
Member, Search Committee, Vice President for Student Affairs, 2004-2005
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Safe Zone Advisory Board, 2004
Member, Faculty Search Committee, Lesbian Studies-Queer Theory, 2004-2005