Love Cohort Graduating Spring 2023
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
124 Credit Hours
Four-year Curriculum Plan
First Year: Fall 2019; 17 Credits | Spring 2020; 17 Credits | ||
*ENG 111 (MP I) | English Composition (3) | *MBI 111 (MP IVA) |
Microorganisms and Human Disease (3) |
*CHM 131 (MP IVB) |
Chemistry of Life Processes (4) | *MBI 123 | Experimenting with Microbes (1) |
*BIO 171 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I (4) | *BIO 172 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II (4) |
°Miami Plan (6) | IIA or IIB or III (#1) or III (#2) or V or ICP or AW | °Miami Plan (9) | IIA or IIB or III (#1) or III (#2) or V or ICP or AW |
Second Year: Fall 2020; 16-17 Credits | Spring 2021; 16-17 Credits | ||
**BIO 325 or **MBI 361 | Pathophysiology (4) or Epidemiology (3) | **BIO 325 or **MBI 361 | Pathophysiology (4) or Epidemiology (3) |
**PSY 111 (MP IIC) |
Introduction to Psychology (3) | NSG 262 | Fundamentals of Professional Nursing Practice (4) |
†PSY 112 | Foundational Experiences (1) | NSG 349 | Introduction to Principles of Pharmacology in Nursing (3) |
NSG 251 | Therapeutic Communication in Nursing (3) | NSG 365 | Nursing Research (3) |
NSG 252 |
Foundations of Professional Nursing (3) |
°Miami Plan or NE (3) | Nursing Elective or IIA or IIB or III (#1) or III (#2) or V or ICP or AW |
NSG 261 | Health and Physical Assessment (3) | ||
Third Year: Fall 2021; 14 Credits | Spring 2022; 16 Credits | ||
NSG 263 | Community Health Nursing (3) | NSG 351 | Nursing of Childbearing Family (3) |
NSG 432 | Population Focused Nursing Care – Clinical (2) | NSG 352 | Childbearing Family – Clinical (2) |
NSG 353 | Nursing Care of Adult Clients with Health Alterations I (3) | NSG 363 | Nursing Care of Children (3) |
NSG 354 | Nursing Care of Adult Clients with Health Alterations I – Clinical (3) | NSG 364 | Nursing Care of Children – Clinical (2) |
°Miami Plan or NE (3) | Nursing Elective or IIA or IIB or III (#1) or III (#2) or V or ICP or AW | NSG 461 | Nursing Care of Older Adults (3) |
°Miami Plan or NE (3) | Nursing Elective or IIA or IIB or III (#1) or III (#2) or V or ICP or AW | ||
Fourth Year: Fall 2022; 15 Credits | Spring 2023; 13 Credits | ||
NSG 361 | Nursing Care of Adult Clients with Health Alterations II (3) | NSG 435 (MPC) |
Challenges in Health Care Delivery (3) |
NSG 362 | Nursing Care of Adult Clients with Health Alterations II – Clinical (3) | NSG 463 | Nursing Care of Clients Experiencing Multi-System Health Alterations (3) |
NSG 402 | The Professional Nurse Leader (3) | NSG 464 | Nursing Care of Clients Experiencing Multi-System Health Alterations - Clinical (5) |
NSG 451 | Nursing Care of Clients with Mental Health Disorders & Their Families (3) | NSG 465 | Nursing Senior Seminar (2) |
NSG 452 | Nursing Care of Clients with Mental Health Disorders & Their Families - Clinical (3) |
MP I = English Composition (3)
MP IIA = Creative Arts (3), MP IIB = Humanities (3), MP IIC = Social Science (3)
MPF III = Global Perspectives (6)
MPF IVA = Biological Science (3), MPF IVB = Physical Science (3)
MPF V = Mathematics, Formal Reasoning, Technology (3), **Recommend STA 261 for MPF V if planning on graduate school
MP-ICP = Intercultural Perspectives (3)
AW = Advanced Writing (3)
MPC = Miami Plan Capstone (3)
The nursing department reserves the right to change the order of course offerings.
*Year one nursing program requirements; must be completed by end of first year
**Year two nursing program requirements; must be completed by end of second year
† PSY 112 is not a nursing program requirement, however it is a required co-requisite with PSY 111. Students who do not take PSY 111 as a result of transfer or advanced placement credit are not required to take PSY 112; however, they will need to take an additional credit to reach Miami's 124 total credits required for graduation.
°All Miami Plan requirements must be met, however, there is flexibility regarding when the following are taken: IIA, IIB, III (#1), III (#2), V, ICP, AW. Nursing Elective (3) may be taken once students begin their nursing courses.
The following are Testing Courses: NSG 261, NSG 262, NSG 349, NSG 351, NSG 353, NSG 361, NSG 363, NSG 451, NSG 463

Hamilton Campus
University Hall1601 University Blvd.
Hamilton, OH 45011 513-785-7752
Oxford Campus
Clinical Health Sciences & Wellness Building421 S. Campus Ave
Oxford, OH 45056 513-529-0298