College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science Governance Document
Last Revised December 2022
Section One: Mission
Section Two: Organization
2.3. Changes to the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science Governance Document
Section Three: Academic Personnel
3.3. Summer and Winter Term Teaching
3.5. Promotion and Tenure Processes
3.6. Lecturers and Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty
Section One: Mission
1.1. Mission and Goals
The College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science is committed to building on Miami University’s traditional strengths in liberal arts education by offering high-quality, innovative undergraduate and selected graduate degrees and programs and sharing knowledge through outstanding instruction, scholarly activity, and service. Our environment promotes opportunity and accessibility. We work continually to assess and improve teaching and learning; to engage in the scholarship of discovery, application, integration, and teaching; and to serve as a key intellectual resource for the region. We provide our students with the ability to seek and acquire the knowledge and skills needed for success in a dynamic and diverse society.
Section Two: Organization
2.1. Administration
2.1.1. Dean
The Dean is the chief administrative officer for Miami Regionals as well as the chief academic officer for CLAAS. As the leader of Miami Regionals, the Dean has responsibilities that go beyond the scope of this document. This document focuses solely on the Dean’s academic responsibilities. In this academic capacity, the Dean is responsible to the faculty and the Provost for proper management of the division. The Dean ensures that academic policies and regulations are followed. The Dean recruits and selects department chairs and directs the efforts of the departments to meet University and divisional objectives. The Dean is instrumental in recruiting and retaining a quality faculty for the division and provides leadership in setting standards for promotion, retention, tenure, and merit salary increments. The Dean must protect the rights and enforce the responsibilities of the faculty. The Dean prepares the budget for the division and allocates resources to ensure the viability and quality of the programs offered by the division. The Dean communicates with the faculty on all goals, both short- and long-term. The Dean is also responsible for appointing and supervising the staff in the Dean’s office.
2.1.2. Associate Deans and Assistant Deans
Associate Deans and Assistant Deans may be appointed to assist the Dean in the administration of the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science. Their duties will be defined at the discretion of the Dean.
2.1.3 Department Chairs
Department Chairs are appointed by the Dean. Appointment terms, reappointment process, and evaluation of chairs will follow Miami University Policy Library (“Appointment, Evaluation, and Reappointment of Department Chairs”). Chairs manage the affairs of their units and lead their units in long-term planning. Chairs demonstrate efficient and ethical leadership and provide professional development. Chairs make teaching assignments, oversee equitable workload, implement a goal-setting process, conduct annual faculty evaluations, lead the improvement process for under-performing faculty members, exercise oversight over budget, curriculum, hiring and supervision of faculty and staff, and make recommendations for tenure, promotion, and retention within the unit. Chairs serve as their departments’ representatives to further the interests of the departments within the division and university as well as beyond the university. Chairs also handle complaints and administer program facilities. The Chairs’ authority in all matters is subject to review by the Dean. Chairs are expected to fulfill their duties during the summer session and will be compensated through summer contracts. A chair who is unable or unwilling to work during the summer may appoint a designee with the approval of the dean; the designee will then be contracted and paid for all or part of the summer session, depending on the length of time needed.
2.2. Departments
The College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science will consist of the following departments:
2.3 Changes to the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science Governance Document
Amendments to the governance document may be approved by the voting membership of the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science. The voting membership will include all members of CLAAS who are members of Faculty Assembly, as defined in the Miami University Policy Library (“Faculty Assembly”). Members of Faculty Assembly include, all members of the faculty who hold a tenured or tenure-track position; all librarians who hold the rank of Assistant Librarian, Associate Librarian, or Principal Librarian; and all members of the faculty who hold the rank of Teaching/Clinical Professors or Lecturers/Clinical Lecturers (“TCPL faculty”)..
A vote to amend the CLAAS governance document will be considered valid if and only if at least half of all eligible voters participate in the vote. A majority of those voting must approve of a change in governance in order for it to be implemented.
Proposed amendments may be referred to the voting membership by a petition signed by at least 25 voting members of the College. An open forum on a proposed amendment will be scheduled if at least 25 voting members request it.
The votes will be conducted electronically and organized by the dean's office, which will also arrange open forums if they are required.
2.4. Divisional Committees
Appointments to divisional committees are for the fall and spring semesters unless otherwise stated. These appointments will rotate among departments in a cyclical and publicized fashion; departments will choose their representatives to these committees subject to their departmental governance documents. The committee Chair is responsible for ensuring that a meeting agenda is determined and distributed in advance of the meeting, that meeting minutes are distributed within one week after the meeting, and that all other stakeholders in specific committee decisions are notified within one week of the meeting. A quorum is one-half of membership.
2.4.1. Council of Chairs
This council advises the Dean on matters including operational and policy issues as well as divisional resource allocation. It also provides a communication link to the faculty. Its membership consists of the Chairs of the departments within the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science, as well as all Associate and Assistant Deans.
2.4.2. Curriculum Committee
This committee serves as the divisional curriculum review and approval committee, and it oversees assessment of degree programs and evaluates assessment activities of the departments. It has approval authority for all curriculum changes and meets as needed. Its membership consists of faculty representatives from six departments, chosen according to department procedures, serving staggered two-year terms. Membership will be rotated so that every department is assured representation two years out of every four. If additional departments are added to the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science, membership of the committee will be adjusted to assure this frequency of representation remains the same for all departments.
2.4.3. Promotion and Tenure Committee
This committee advises the Dean on recommendations for promotion and tenure. Its membership consists of a representative of each department within the division, selected according to department procedures, and serving for three-year staggered terms. The two Academic Associate Deans or other designee of the Dean will be ex officio members. The committee Chair will be elected by the committee members. To evaluate candidates seeking tenure, members of the Promotion and Tenure Committee must hold the rank of associate or professor with tenure. To evaluate candidates seeking promotion to professor, members of the promotion committee must hold the rank of professor with tenure. Both associate and full professors are eligible for this committee, and if a committee member cannot evaluate a candidate for full professor because of their rank, the department may appoint an alternate to consider that case.
This committee will also review TCPL faculty applying for promotion to Associate or Senior/Full level positions and will advise the Dean accordingly. For the purposes of considering the promotion of TCPL faculty pursuant to section 3.6 of this document, the committee will consist of four additional members who shall be members of the TCPL faculty at the Full or Associate Teaching/Clinical Professor level or the Senior or Associate Lecturer/Clinical Lecturer level.
The additional members shall serve three-year staggered terms. One member shall be selected from volunteers in each of the following clusters of departments (with the initial term) - #1: SBS/ICS/BSC (3 year); #2: EDS/ENT/JCS/MPS (2 year); #3: NSG/HCA (1 year); #4: CMR/CIT/LLW (1 year). Each cluster shall determine how to select its member. If a cluster does not select a member, then an eligible TCPL member from any department will be appointed as an at-large member by the divisional Promotion & Tenure Committee. Such at-large members will serve a one-year term. The Governance Committee shall review the clusters as needed to ensure that an appropriate pool of eligible TCPL faculty is available for consideration as members of the committee. To evaluate candidates seeking promotion to Full Teaching/Clinical Professor or Senior Lecturer/Clinical Lecturer, TCPL members of the Promotion and Tenure Committee must hold the rank of Full Teaching/Clinical Professor or Senior Lecturer/Clinical Lecturer.
2.4.4. Grievance Committee
This committee acts according to the criteria, procedures and responsibilities of the committee as outlined in the Miami University Policy Library (“Academic Responsibilities and Academic Grievance”).
2.4.5. Committee on Evaluation of Administrators
This committee acts according to the criteria, procedures and responsibilities of the committee as outlined in the Miami University Policy Library (“Divisional Faculty Committee for Evaluation of Administrators”). Its membership consists of faculty representatives from six departments, chosen according to department procedures, serving staggered two-year terms. Membership will be rotated so that every department is assured representation two years out of every four. If additional departments are added to the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science, membership of the committee will be adjusted to assure this frequency of representation remains the same for all departments.
2.4.6. Technology in Learning Committee
This committee serves to further the adoption of technology in education, providing guidance on technology use in classrooms and computer labs, identifying technology and education challenges and opportunities on both the physical and online campuses, and identifying technology training needs for both faculty and staff. Each regional academic department will select one representative to serve a staggered three-year term. Other committee members include an individual from each of the following areas: Regional E-Learning, Information Technology Services, the regional campus libraries, physical facilities, and the student body.
2.4.7. Governance Committee
This committee may initiate or respond to requests to review the governance policies and procedures of the College in the context of the University's governance documents and make recommendations for changes to the Faculty. The committee consists of faculty representatives from six departments, chosen according to department procedures, serving staggered two year terms. Membership shall be rotated so that every department is assured representation two years out of every four. If the number of departments changes in the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science, membership of the committee will be adjusted to assure that frequency of representation remains the same for all departments.
2.4.8. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
In order to address the discrimination of protected classes that occurs in our community, this committee serves to foster and nurture a community that is welcoming to, and inclusive of students, faculty, and staff with different backgrounds, talents, and skills. The committee shall collaborate with campus partners, such as the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Services and the Center for Teaching and Learning, on recommending and sponsoring diversity, equity, and inclusion anti-discrimination programming, resources, and curriculum for faculty. The committee shall collaborate with departments in their faculty and student recruitment and retention efforts. The committee consists of one faculty representative from each department, chosen according to department procedures, serving staggered three year terms.
2.4.9. Ad Hoc Committees
Ad hoc committees are appointed by the Dean or the Dean’s staff to accomplish specific tasks. All ad hoc committees will be disbanded at the conclusion of their task. The number of members is variable.
Section Three: Academic Personnel
3.1. The Academic Staff
Members of the faculty hold the ranks of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Senior Instructor or Instructor, Assistant, Associate, or Senior Lecturer/Clinical Lecturer; and Assistant, Associate, or Full Teaching Professor/Clinical Professor. The total number of Lecturers, Clinical Lecturers, Teaching Professors, and Clinical Professors (“TCPL faculty”) at any rank may not exceed 40% of the total number of full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty within CLAAS. Any increase to this percentage must be approved through the process outlined above in section 2.3. Part-time instructional staff members also play an important role in the success of our students. The faculty is responsible for ensuring that our students have challenging and cutting edge classroom experiences. In addition, the faculty must ensure that the educational programs within the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science maintain standards and meet any requirements imposed by other governing bodies. Full-time faculty members are expected to contribute to the activities of the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science as well as the University, and their department(s). Tenure-track faculty members are also expected to engage in scholarship as stipulated by their rank, the nature of their appointment, and the requirements of their department.
All full-time members of the faculty should have a letter prepared at the time of appointment that stipulates their obligations in the areas of teaching, service, and, for tenure-track faculty members only, research. This letter will be prepared by the Department Chair in consultation with the faculty member and must be approved by the Dean. This letter should outline the expectations for teaching, scholarship and service and describe how each of these items will be evaluated. For Tenure-track faculty members, the relative importance of service and scholarship should be included in this letter. The usual order of emphasis for regional campus faculty members is teaching, service, and scholarship. Both probationary and tenured faculty members may adjust the criteria by which they are evaluated as their career trajectory changes. Although teaching is always first in the order, a faculty member may elect to change the order of their service and scholarship. The process for doing so is to provide a written rationale to the department chair, who will discuss the decision with the Dean or the Dean’s designee. The change must be approved by the Chair of the department and the Dean.
3.2 Overload Teaching
Overload teaching is subject to the policies outlined in the Miami University Policy Library (“Overload Teaching”). In general, overload teaching assignments that involve compensation beyond the contractual stipulation of the regular academic year will be equitably distributed among the qualified, full-time faculty of the department. Final determination is the responsibility of the department chair with the approval of the dean and provost.
Overload assignments during the regular academic year will normally be restricted to one course per semester per faculty member.
3.3 Summer and Winter Teaching
Summer and winter term teaching opportunities are subject to the policies outlined in the Miami University Policy Library (“Summer and Winter Term Teaching”). Summer and winter term teaching is enrollment contingent and will be equally available to all full-time faculty in the department, with the approval of the chair, dean, and provost. No faculty member is required to teach during the summer or winter term.
3.4. Evaluation of Faculty
3.4.1. Annual Activity Report
Annual Activity Reports will cover activities and achievements within the calendar year and will be used to make annual merit-based salary increment recommendations.
Tenured members of the faculty shall submit an Annual Activity Report each year that documents their achievements in the categories of teaching, scholarship, and service. Tenure-track faculty in their first year shall submit an Annual Activity Report that documents their achievements in the categories of teaching, scholarship, and service.
Tenure track faculty in their second year and beyond shall submit a cumulative tenure dossier each year that documents achievements in the categories of teaching, scholarship, and service.
TCPL faculty who are at the Associate or Senior/Full level shall submit an Annual Activity Report each year that documents achievements in the categories of teaching and service. Assistant TCPL faculty in their first year shall submit an Annual Activity Report that documents their achievements in the categories of teaching and service. Assistant TCPL faculty In their second year and beyond shall submit a cumulative promotion dossier each year that documents achievements in the categories of teaching and service.
Visiting faculty and instructors with annual appointments who are on a full-time, academic year basis, as well as faculty with split faculty-staff appointments, shall submit an Annual Activity Report each year that documents achievements in the categories of teaching and service.
3.4.2. Annual Evaluations
University procedures and criteria for the annual evaluation of faculty members are found in the Miami University Policy Library (“Evaluation of Members of the Faculty”). Evaluations serve two functions: 1) to guide the professional development of the person, and 2) to provide information for use in personnel decisions and salary recommendations.
Tenured faculty members will receive an annual written evaluation from the Department Chair based on the information in the Annual Activity Report.
Tenure-track faculty will receive an annual written evaluation of the progress toward tenure based on the information in the Annual Activity Report or their tenure dossier. Details of the evaluation procedure to be followed are provided in the Miami University Policy Library (“Annual Review of Probationary Members of the Faculty”).
TCPL faculty will receive an annual written evaluation from the Department Chair based on the information in the Annual Activity Report or their promotion dossier.
Visiting faculty and instructors whose appointments are on a full-time, academic year basis, as well as faculty with split faculty-staff appointments and faculty members with half-time appointments, will receive an annual written evaluation from the Department Chair based on the information in the Annual Activity Report.
Part-time temporary instructors are not required to submit an Annual Activity Report. They will receive written feedback during and after their first semester and no less than every other year thereafter from the Department Chair based on student evaluations, peer observations of their classroom teaching, and review of any additional teaching materials they wish to provide. Responsibility for evaluation of faculty with joint appointments will be shared in accordance with the Miami University Policy Library (“Evaluations of Members of the Faculty”).
3.4.3. Evaluation of Teaching
Miami University acknowledges the complex and dynamic nature of teaching. The general approach to the evaluation of teaching is described in the Miami University Policy Library (“Statement on the Evaluation of Teaching”). As with all Miami faculty CLAAS faculty are expected to adhere to the Statement of Good Teaching Practices in the Miami University Policy Library as well as excel in the area of teaching through a regular process of evaluation, reflection, and revision for the purposes of improvement.
Faculty members should consult their department’s Teaching Evaluation Plan for specific expectations. An assessment of teaching excellence is an important component of the annual evaluation and, when applicable, will be used for promotion and tenure as well as for annual merit-based salary increments.
The Dean will ensure each department meets the expectations and guidelines for a teaching evaluation plan as set forth in the Statement on the Evaluation of Teaching referenced above. The Dean or a designee will review new teaching evaluation plans, as well as undertake periodic review of existing plans. Teaching plans should include formative and summative evaluation activities as well as multiple measures of teaching effectiveness. Course evaluations using the standard online university course evaluation instrument are required.
3.4.4. Evaluation of Service
Full-time faculty members are expected to engage in productive service in more than one category of service (professional, institutional, community engagement, and community outreach). The evaluation of faculty members in tenure lines should reflect a previously established ranking of service relative to scholarship.
When service is ranked above scholarship as the second criteria for a faculty member, faculty members should engage in service activities with a similar level of intellectual rigor and quality as is expected of teaching and scholarship. Faculty members should demonstrate leadership in at least one category of service and be able to demonstrate the positive impact their leadership has had on their department, campus, students, the university, the community, and/or their profession. Examples of positive impacts may include (but are not limited to) increased enrollment or improved retention, development of successful extra-curricular programmatic offerings, new or improved community partnerships, a higher profile for CLAAS within the community, or a higher profile for the faculty member within his or her professional organization.
All full-time faculty members are expected to plan, perform, and document service using the Regional Faculty Service Guide available on the website for Academic Affairs.
3.4.5. Evaluation of Scholarship
All tenure eligible faculty members are expected to engage in scholarship or creative activity and productivity appropriate to their discipline. Works (articles, reports, reviews, books, exhibits, presentations, or creative activities) that have undergone peer review represent the primary evidence of a faculty member’s research and scholarly productivity.
Evaluation of scholarship must reflect clear departmental expectations that are established in consultation with the office of the Dean. It is the faculty member’s responsibility to demonstrate the substance and quality of their contribution to individual projects. When scholarship is ranked behind service as the third criterion for a faculty member, the Dean, Chair, and faculty member must agree in advance upon clear expectations for scholarship productivity and all evaluations must reflect these expectations.
Candidates for promotion and tenure must present evidence of research, scholarship, and creative production that is judged to be substantive and of high quality by others in discipline in accordance with the Miami University Promotion and Tenure Guidelines for Dossier Preparation, which are available on the website for Academic Affairs. Letters from four external reviewers are required. These letters are intended to be unbiased evaluations from recognized scholars, artists, and other professionals in the field. External reviews are to be used by the departmental Promotion and Tenure Committee in evaluating the adequacy of a candidate’s scholarly achievement and will be forwarded from the department to the Dean and to the university Promotion and Tenure Committee.
3.5. Promotion and Tenure Processes
3.5.1. Tenure-track and Tenured Faculty
Department Chairs, Department Promotion and Tenure Committees, and faculty of the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science must refer to and follow the details of the regulations in the Miami University Policy Library on Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure. Departmental governance documents must describe departmental procedures and expectations for portfolios, relevant committees, and include procedures for appeals at the department level.
3.5.2. Tenure and Time
Per Miami University Policy Library Annual Review of Probationary Members of the Faculty policy, in the first two years of the probationary period, tenure-track faculty members will submit a cumulative dossier, and they will receive evaluations from their department chair (who will have consulted with the departmental promotion and tenure committee) and the Dean of CLAAS.
In years three-five of the probationary period, tenure-track faculty members will continue to submit a cumulative dossier. The departmental promotion and tenure committee will first write a cumulative review, which will then be submitted to the chair. The chair will then write a cumulative review, taking into consideration the committee’s review. Both reviews will then be sent to the CLAAS Dean, who will write a third evaluation. The entire probationary packet will then be forwarded the Provost in accordance with the Provost’s probationary faculty review timeline. The faculty member will receive evaluations of their cumulative record from their departmental promotion and tenure committee, their department chair, the Dean of CLAAS, and the University Provost.
Per the Miami University Policy Library (“Tenure and Time Policy”), a faculty member may request a one-year extension of the probationary period. CLAAS faculty members should consult first with their department chair, and then submit the request in writing to the Provost and copy the CLAAS Dean.
3.5.3 Promotion Timeline
The process for regional faculty members going up for promotion through the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science is outlined below. For exact dates, please refer to the Promotion and Tenure Timeline on the website for Academic Affairs.
April 15: Candidates, in consultation with the Department Chair and departmental Promotion and Tenure committee, will compile a list of ten potential external reviewers.
These letters should not be solicited from individuals with whom a close personal or professional relationship exists, such as the candidate’s former teachers, dissertation director, co-author(s), co-workers, or former co-workers. The names will then be forwarded to the Dean who must approve them and select one reviewer from the list. The Chair will select a second reviewer, the departmental Promotion and Tenure Committee will select a third reviewer, and the candidate a fourth.
May 1: The Department Chair solicits external reviewers and the candidate’s materials are sent to reviewers.
June 1: Candidate submits materials for external reviewers to chair.
June 15: The candidate’s materials are sent to reviewers
Where one of the would-be reviewers declines the request, the person or body whose nominee declined will select another from the list. After agreeing to offer evaluations, reviewers shall be sent appropriate materials for consideration, including all or selected reprints of scholarly publications and/or other evidence of scholarly or creative activity. External reviewers shall be asked to render a professional judgment on the quality of a candidate’s scholarship or creative endeavor, its originality and importance, and the reputation of the journals and presses that have published the work.
August 15 – September 1: External reviews are due.
August 15: Candidate submits dossier to the Department Chair for review by the department Promotion and Tenure Committee.
The Department Chair and the department Promotion and Tenure committee will review the record of each candidate in the categories of teaching, research, service, and professional collegiality. Each candidate will be judged individually, not relative to other candidates. The Chair and the committee will submit separate or joint recommendations to the Dean and the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science’s Promotion and Tenure Committee. If the Chair’s recommendation differs from that of the committee, the nature of the difference must be explained in accordance with the Miami University Policy Library (“Tenure and Promotion Process”).
October/November: Dossiers are submitted to the Dean’s office for distribution to the divisional Promotion and Tenure Committee. All letters received are part of the file and must be forwarded.
The Office of the Dean checks for completeness of the documents received from the Chairs and then submits the materials for each candidate to the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science’s Promotion and Tenure Committee, which acts as described in Section 2.4.3 of this document.
The Dean and the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science Promotion and Tenure Committee read and evaluate all submissions independently. Following these separate deliberations, the Dean will meet with the committee to discuss the candidates.
If the Dean disagrees with the department’s recommendations, the parties should meet and make every effort to resolve the differences. If the Dean and the department cannot reach an agreement, the Dean will state in writing the reasons for not supporting the recommendations made at the department level.
December 1: Dossiers of candidates being recommended for tenure and/or promotion are submitted to the University Promotion and Tenure Committee.
The Dean has final responsibility for formulating and forwarding to the University Promotion and Tenure Committee a favorable or an unfavorable recommendation for each of the tenure and promotion candidates. Before submission of the divisional recommendations to the University Promotion and Tenure Committee, the Dean informs each candidate in writing of the Dean’s decision and the applicant’s status.
A candidate who is not recommended by the Dean has the right to withdraw their application or request reconsideration by filing an appeal with the Dean. The appeal must be filed within 10 working days of the written notification by the Dean. The Dean must consult with the divisional Promotion and Tenure Committee and respond to the appeal in writing within 10 working days.
As outlined in the Miami University Policy Library (“Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures for the Faculty”), the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities is available to any member of the Faculty Assembly who wishes to discuss aspects of faculty rights and responsibilities in general or as related to the faculty member’s personal situation, or who wishes to report alleged infractions, or who wishes to file a complaint or appeal.
January: The University Promotion and Tenure Committee meets.
February: The Board of Trustees meets.
3.6. Teaching, Clinical Professors and Lecturers (TCPL) Faculty Promotion Processe
3.6.1. TCPL Faculty
Department Chairs, Department Promotion and Tenure Committees, and faculty of the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science must refer to and follow the details of the regulations on Teaching, Clinical Professors and Lecturers (TCPL) faculty in the Miami University Policy Library (abbreviated as “TCPL Policy” below). Departmental governance documents must describe departmental procedures and expectations and include procedures for appeals at the department level. The candidate’s dossier should follow the Dossier Preparation Guidelines for TCPL faculty detailed on the website for Academic Affairs.
3.6.2. Assistant to Associate Promotion and Time
Each TCPL faculty member, who did not opt-out in accordance with the “Grandfather Clause” set forth in the TCPL Policy shall not serve more than five academic years at an Assistant level. In the fourth year after initial appointment, each TCPL faculty member shall be considered for promotion to Associate level. If not promoted, the TCPL faculty member will be given one full academic year’s notice of such decision before July 1st of the forthcoming fifth academic year. A TCPL faculty member who fails to achieve promotion may reapply for promotion during their terminal fifth year. In the event the TCPL faculty member does not achieve promotion during their terminal fifth year, their employment will cease at the end of the terminal fifth year. This policy is set forth in the TCPL Policy (“Appointments at the Rank of Assistant”).
A TCPL faculty member may request a review of a dossier by the departmental Promotion & Tenure committee during the third year and prior to submitting it in the fourth year. The department chair is responsible for determining what mentoring each assistant TCPL faculty member requires.
3.6.3. Assistant to Associate Level Promotion Timeline
The process for TCPL faculty members going up for promotion to Associate level through the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science is outlined on the TCPL page of the website for Academic Affairs. The evaluation criteria for promotion is set forth in the TCPL Policy (“Promotion to the Rank of Associate”).
A TCPL faculty member may be eligible for a one-time one-year extension of time for being considered for promotion to Associate level for any reason set forth in the TCPL Policy (“Extension of Time for Application to Rank of Associate”). Any such request for an extension must be made in accordance with the requirements set forth in that section.
The timetable for promotion review is as follows:
December 1: Candidate submits dossier to the Department Chair or program director (when appropriate) for review by the department committee on promotion and tenure.
Candidates are responsible for assembling and submitting a dossier of accomplishments and relevant supporting materials to their department or program. The dossier should be in accordance with the Dossier Preparation Guidelines for TCPL faculty detailed on the website for Academic Affairs.
The Department Chair or program director (when appropriate) and the department’s Promotion and Tenure committee will review the record of each candidate in the categories of teaching, advising (as assigned), service, and professional collegiality. Each candidate will be judged individually, not relative to other candidates. The Chair or program director (when appropriate) and the committee will submit separate recommendations to the Dean and the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science’s Promotion and Tenure Committee.
February 1: Dossier and the recommendations of the Department Chair or program director (when appropriate) and promotion committee are submitted to the Dean’s office for review.
The Office of the Dean confirms that the application packet is complete and then submits the materials for each candidate to the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science’s Promotion and Tenure Committee, which acts as described above in Section 2.4.3.
The Dean and the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science Promotion and Tenure Committee read and evaluate all submissions independently. Following these separate deliberations, the Dean will meet with the committee to discuss the candidates.
If the Dean disagrees with the department’s recommendations, the parties should meet and make every effort to resolve the differences.
If the Dean and the department cannot reach an agreement, the Dean will state in writing the reasons for not supporting the recommendations made at the department level.
March 1: Dossier and recommendation of Dean, Department Chair, or program director (when appropriate) and department Promotion and Tenure Committee are submitted to the Provost, who makes the final decision.
After consulting with the divisional Promotion & Tenure Committee, the Dean has final responsibility for formulating and forwarding to the Office of the Provost a favorable or an unfavorable recommendation for each of the promotion candidates. Before submission of the divisional recommendations to the Office of the Provost, the Dean informs each candidate in writing of the Dean’s decision and the applicant’s status.
A candidate who is not recommended by the Dean has the right to withdraw their application or request reconsideration by filing an appeal with the Dean. The appeal must be filed within 10 working days of the written notification by the Dean. The Dean may consult with the divisional Promotion and Tenure Committee and respond to the appeal in writing within 10 working days.
As outlined in the Miami University Policy Library (“Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures for the Faculty”), the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities is available to any member of the Faculty Assembly who wishes to discuss aspects of faculty rights and responsibilities in general or as related to the faculty member’s personal situation, or who wishes to report alleged infractions, or who wishes to file a complaint or appeal.
July 1 - deadline for TCPL faculty members to be notified of decision by Provost.
3.6.4 Renewal of Associate Appointments
Appointments at the rank of Associate are renewable in three-year increments. Faculty members are entitled to one full academic year’s notice of non-reappointment by July 1st of the upcoming academic year.
3.6.5. Promotion to Full Level Appointments
Persons holding the rank of Associate level TCPL may apply for promotion to full Teaching Professor/Clinical Professor or Senior Lecturer/Clinical Lecturer, as applicable, after three years from their first promotion. Such promotion shall be considered under the procedures set forth above for promotion from Assistant level to Associate level. Associate level TCPL are not required to apply for promotion. Prior to applying for promotion, a faculty member may request a review of a dossier by the departmental Promotion & Tenure Committee. Such review does not require the faculty member to apply for promotion nor shall the review be considered binding.
3.6.6. Renewal of Full Level Appointments
Appointments at the rank of Senior/Full Level Appointments are renewable in five-year increments. Faculty members are entitled to one full academic year’s notice of non-reappointment by July 1st of the upcoming academic year.
3.6.7. Termination and Non-Renewal of TCPL Faculty
Each TCPL faculty member may be subject to the termination or the non-renewal of their position in accordance with the TCPL Policy (“Non-Renewal of TCPL Faculty”, “Termination of TCPL Faculty”, “Position Elimination”).