Wellness Days
Wellness means overall well-being. It incorporates the mental, emotional, physical, occupational, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of a person's life. Each aspect of wellness can affect the overall quality of life, so it is important to consider all aspects of health. Each day, we will highlight two of the eight dimensions of wellness.
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Wednesday, February 17
Emotional—Coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships
- EdLogics
- The web-based platform aims to improve health literacy and drive positive behaviors. The platform is a gamified program to educate students in fun and engaging ways.
- Regional Student EdLogics Registration
- Counseling Services
- The Regionals Counseling Department is open and serving students! We are offering telehealth services through either video conferencing or phone calls, and our services are confidential and free of charge. To make an appointment for the Hamilton/VOA Campuses, please reach out to Claire Ruberg at rubergc2@miamioh.edu or (513) 785-3126. For Middletown services, please reach out to Nancy Ferguson at fergusna@miamioh.edu or (513) 727-3308.
- Free virtual counseling events
Social—Developing a sense of connection, belonging, and a well-developed support system
- Join a Student Organization
- Joining a student organization can be a great way to connect to others in our virtual world. Due to reciprocity with the Oxford campus, you have access to over 600 organizations to choose from- even Fraternity & Sorority Life! Where to start? Join us on The Hub with your Miami credentials.
- The Hub is also where you will find upcoming campus events!
- Start the Regional Leadership Co-Curricular Certificate Program
- Participation in the free Leadership Co-Curricular Certificate develops cross-cultural and transformational leadership in Miami students to ensure graduates are prepared and inspired to grow and lead beyond the university. The programs, initiatives, and opportunities provided by the program are guided by core values of student-centeredness, collaboration, authenticity, professionalism, inclusion, and values. It is structured in a way to participate at your own pace in a cohort setting. Learn more and apply.
- Being connected to caring communities keeps people well. ReFUEL, Miami University Regionals Student Resource Center, exists to help connect students at Regionals with resources both on campus and in their community. No matter what challenge is faced, ReFUEL is there to advocate for each student and to help connect them with resources that may be able to assist them.
- Human Library - Human Connection
- We will be holding the Human Library on Wednesday, March 10 from Noon until 1:00pm on Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting.
- At the opening of the session, we will share a list of our human books, each representing a different group, occupation or identity in our society. You will have the opportunity to spend 5-10 minutes in breakout rooms with as many books as you would like and hear their stories.
Tuesday, March 9
Occupational—Personal satisfaction and enrichment from one’s work
- Career Services & Professional Development
- Attend the Virtual Spring Career and Internship Fair on March 16.
- Attend the Virtual Healthcare Career and Internship Fair on April 9.
- Register with Handshake to learn about internship, FT job opportunities, and career fairs.
- Take Focus 2 career assessment to match your interests, skills, personality, and work values with possible career options.
- Check out Career Communities at Miami Regionals to find their path and make informed choices about future possibilities.
- Undecided - Deciding on your Major?
- Pre-Major Advising
- Take MyMajors assessment to discover which major at Miami University is the best fit for you.
- Schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor. During this appointment, we will talk about your future plans and goals. We will discuss opportunities for exploration and I'll introduce a framework you can use to identify what major makes the most sense for you.
- Microcredentials
- Microcredentials focus on specialized outcomes, skills or experiences, that make someone better qualified to do a particular job. Gain knowledge and improve skill sets, increasing job opportunities, a possible promotion or a career change.
Financial–Satisfaction with current and future financial situations
- Profit and Loss Statement
- Students can develop their own Profit and Loss (P&L) statement to forecast their own wealth, money management, and learn tremendously more about their own personal spending habits. This tool, when completed honestly and accurately, will help anyone learn how to control their spending and build wealth. In this video, the viewer will see how to use such a tool in a familiar application like MicroSoft Excel.
- PNC Bank
- PNC Student Banking makes managing your money while you're at school one less thing to worry about.
- Scholarships
- Regional Campus scholarship awards are made possible through the generous support of donors to Miami University. Awards are made through the Regional Office of Financial Aid and are based on merit and donor criteria.
- Outside scholarships
- Miami website
- Sallie Mae search engine
- Apply for FAFSA, especially if you have experienced changes in your personal/family finances.
- Learn overviews of budgeting, credit, loans, spending, and more.
Thursday, March 25
Environmental—Good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support the well-being
- Take a hike around the Middletown campus walking trails
- Spring clean your study zone
- Visit a local park
Physical—Recognizing the need for physical activity, healthy foods, and sleep
- Wellness Adventure - Caravan Wellness, Miami offers free wellness app for students, faculty and staff.
- There also is an exclusive Miami program designed to help users reduce day-to-day stress and improve mental and physical health. With a mix of meditation, yoga, fitness and stretching, the program provides a holistic approach to health and well-being. Click here to sign up, or download the Caravan app on the App Store or Google Play.
- Healthy sleeping habits lead to increased energy levels, productivity, and even a stronger immune system. Learn more about Healthy Sleep Habits on Caravan.
- Disc Golf Course at the Hamilton Campus
- Visit the Great Miami Bike/Walking Trail located near the Hamilton Campus
- Regionals Athletics and Intramural Sports - Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball & Softball, Golf, Tennis and Cheerleading - Interested in playing? Fill out the Request Form to receive information about our championship athletic programs.
- The Miami Hamilton Gym and Miami Middletown Gym gymnasiums/fitness centers are open to Miami Regionals students, faculty, staff, and guests. Your Student ID card is required to use the facility or check out equipment. Lockers and locks are available in the facility for storing your personal items and equipment. Our Gyms include a weight room, elliptical and exercise equipment, free weights, exercise cycles, Stair Masters, and treadmills. Both campuses also offer Tennis Courts.
- We have abbreviated hours to allow for thorough cleanings each night. However, both facilities are currently open Monday through Thursday 10am to 4pm, and on Friday from 10am to 2pm. We ask that you wear a mask while using the facility if other people are in there.
- Email Athletic Director, Chris Settle at settlecs@MiamiOH.edu for more information.
- Desk yoga to prepare for study
- Wheelchair yoga Gentle Chair Yoga Routine
Monday, April 12
Intellectual—Recognizing creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills
- Learn more about Education Abroad
- Using the Pomodoro Technique to increase studying effectiveness
- Discover the Tutoring and Learning center’s free resources
- Check out these helpful TLC workshops
- Explore wellness resources at your Regional Campus Libraries. Supporting students, faculty, and staff both on campus and online is a constant goal for the Regional libraries. Your Regional Libraries
Spiritual—Expanding our sense of purpose and meaning in life
- Mindfulness Quiz: To be mindful means to be in the present moment, or aware of what is happening in a given moment. It would be easy to scoff at the idea of mindfulness and think, “Of course I am aware of what is happening around me.” But are you really? It is actually quite difficult to clear our minds of everything except for what we are doing in a particular minute or 15 minutes, and certainly as we attempt to do the same activity for an extended amount of time – like study. It is difficult to comprehend what you are reading or retain the information you are studying if you are thinking about the class you must attend later in the day, or the argument you had with a loved one that morning, or the bills you are struggling to pay. How mindful are you really? Take the mindfulness test below to find out what your natural tendencies toward mindfulness are. Don’t worry if you score low. There are many things you can do to improve your mindfulness such as deep breathing, meditating, journaling, or simply taking a walk.
- Mindfulness and Contemplative Inquiry Center
- META Collective
- The Interfaith Center
- Visit EveryStudent.com - A Safe Place to Explore Questions About Life and God
- The best apps for Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Buddhists for daily spiritual help
Friday, May 7
Celebrate the 8
- Fill in the blanks Wellness Day Edition
- When I'm stressed I like to:
- My favorite outdoor activity is:
- If I won the lottery, I would:
- My favorite book is:
- My dream job is:
- My go-to workout is:
- My favorite thing to do with my friends is:
- My favorite piece of advice is:
- Journaling can be a powerful exercise for personal growth. Whether you are new to journaling or have practiced journaling daily for years, journal prompts can be a great tool to use when you just are not sure what to write about. Journaling can help you dive deeper into all eight of the dimensions of wellness, cultivate deeper self -awareness, and help you discover areas where you can learn and grow. The journal prompts below are intended to increase intellectual wellness. Grab your journal, paper and a pencil, or preferred electronic device, and spend 30 minutes writing about some of the questions below to increase your intellectual wellness.
- Journal Prompts
- If you could make a living doing anything, what would it be?
- What are some things that inspire you?
- How have you been getting in the way of achieving your goals?
- What did you/can you do today to bring yourself closer to your dream?
- What is your best accomplishment?
- A book that has impacted me is __________
- What’s inspiring you right now?
- What wild and crazy thing would you like to try?
- What have you learned today?
- If I could accomplish one thing in the next three months, what would it be?
- A topic you want to learn about that will help you be happier? How can you start learning about it?
- How can I encourage myself when I’m trying something new?
- What can you do today that you didn’t think you could do a year ago?
- How can you step outside your comfort zone to grow?
- Journal Prompts
Featured Events
Campus Resources
- Student Counseling Services
- Career Services and Professional Development
- ReFUEL Student Resource Center
- Wellness at Oxford
Employee Wellness and Well-Being
Miami Benefits & Wellness provides employees several resources and tools to aid in overall wellness. Check out free webinars that offer helpful information and resources such as personal resilience, finance, Medicare, and more. New topics are added each month, so keep watch. See the schedule online. For more resources and tools, visit My Benefits and Wellness.