Next Up for Workday Teams are Customer Confirmation Sessions
Next Up for Workday Teams are Customer Confirmation Sessions
Miami University is in the process of replacing our current legacy Banner system with Workday, a cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. The new system is going live with HR, Payroll, and Finance in July 2024, followed by a phased Student implementation slated for completion in 2026. For more information about the background of Workday coming to Miami, please check out the Workday Announcement article.
Members of the Workday Implementation project recently completed unit testing and will be conducting Customer Confirmation Sessions (CCS) during the last part of November and early December. These sessions are a time for the Miami functional team leads and sub-leads to “get into the driver’s seat” and present a few of the high-impact Business Processes to key resources in their areas. During the sessions, Miami project team members – with support from their Avaap counterparts – will provide a high-level showcase of their work to date.
Customer Confirmation Sessions are a key project milestone with several positive impacts, including:
- Introducing Workday key concepts to the Miami team
- Providing visualization to end users
- Validating decisions and assisting with the final configuration
- Facilitating/supporting change management
Throughout the duration of CCS, the project team will document any key configuration changes. Participants will be asked to submit feedback on the sessions which will be collected and reviewed by members of the Organizational Change Management team, and processes demonstrated during the sessions will be revised based on the feedback received.
The Workstream leads are currently spending time preparing for the confirmation sessions by creating a session agenda and selecting the Business Processes that demonstrate the power of our Workday system and the configuration option decisions they’ve made to date. Although these sessions are geared toward staff in the Miami administrative departments and not toward the wider campus employee base, the learning outcomes of these sessions will be instrumental in our success with Workday.
After CCS is complete, the Workday teams will move into the End-to-End Testing phase of the project, beginning in January.
Stay Informed
To learn more about the Workday implementation, visit the project website at There you will have the opportunity to sign up for future editions of the project update newsletters and schedule a Workday presentation for your group or department. If you have any questions about the project, please send an email to