A plethora of Workday resources are available for you
The go-live for Workday Platform is right around the corner – July 1 in fact. So, we wanted to take this opportunity to remind you about many of the resources that are at your disposal.
A plethora of Workday resources are available for you
The go-live for Workday Platform is right around the corner – July 1 in fact. So, we wanted to take this opportunity to remind you about many of the resources that are at your disposal as we prepare to go live, as well as after we flip the switch.
Training Opportunities
There are a variety of training classes and materials currently available to you. Find what works best for you both from a learning perspective and based on your schedule.
Workday Test System
As a staff member, you have access to a “sandbox” test environment where you can practice the activities outlined in the various training classes and videos, without the worry of changing live data or altering the configuration of the system. Just go to MiamiOH.edu/workdaytest to try it out for yourself.
Instructor-led Classes
You can sign up for courses through Miami Learn by clicking the links below.
- Phase I: Workday System Navigation and Employee Profile Review. This course will cover basic Workday system navigation, search functionality, and an overview of Employee Self-Service functions. It also provides hands-on access to our Training/TEST system and serves as a prerequisite for any other advanced course topics (such as job posting, job changes, compensation element adjustments, and monthly cost center review). There are both in-person and virtual, instructor-led options available.
- Phase IIA: Workday Advanced Employee Self-Service Tasks - Time, Absence, Paychecks. This course will cover basic self-service tasks that employees will use regularly. Participants will learn how to enter time (hourly) as well as how to request time off (salaried and hourly.) Other self-service tasks will be covered including how to view your paycheck and leave balances.
- Phase IIB: Workday Advanced Employee Self-Service Tasks - Spend, Pcard, Purchase Requisitions. This course will cover basic financial tasks including how to create, submit and view expense reports and how to create spend authorizations for anticipated expenses. We will also cover Workday processes for P-card transactions and purchase requisitions.
Additional advanced training classes are being scheduled directly by the Human Resources and Academic Personnel offices with individuals around the University who have been identified as department liaisons, managers, and student employee managers. These classes will cover recruiting, human capital management, attendance, and absences.
Course Videos and Job Aids
The Workday System Preview in Canvas provides recordings of each of the Workday classes that you can view. Along with the training recordings, you will find links to job aid packets, and for some of the classes, a copy of the presentation slides. The Canvas site also contains generic Workday job aids for a variety of topics.
You can also view the recorded training sessions and access the job aids directly from the Workday Test environment. To access this session in WorkdayTest, enter “LRN: Workday” in the search box at the top of your WorkdayTest page, then click on the class title you would like to view.
Website Resources
The Workday information website at MiamiOH.edu/workdayinfo contains a large array of project and system information that is topical for the entire Miami community. Below you will find descriptions for just some of the most commonly accessed information, but please, check it out for yourself and peruse the entire site.
Go Live Checklist
To try and relieve some of the stress employees might be feeling about this important and exciting move to Workday, we have created a Go Live Checklist for all employees. This list of helpful hints and suggestions will guide employees through those first couple of days when using the new Workday platform tools. It contains tips, references to helpful job aids, and contact information. To view the entire form, please visit the Go Live Checklist.
There are a number of FAQs available on the website that provide helpful tips and bits of information that will assist all members of the community in better understanding the Workday system, and the implementation project. Just head to the FAQ page, and check back often for new content.
There are quite a few terms that are specific to Workday that are helpful to know about. There are also some terminology changes that will be different in Workday than what we are familiar with in Banner or some of our other legacy systems. To learn more about those, we have created a glossary for you to refer to.
Systems to be Replaced
Banner is not the only Miami system that is being replaced by the implementation of Workday. Visit the Workday website to learn more about the other systems and programs that are being impacted.
Post Go-Live Support
So you may be wondering, what do I do if I need assistance with Workday after the Go Live on July 1? That is an excellent question and one that we have an answer for. Beginning July 1, if you have a question or issue regarding Workday, please create a support ticket at MiamiOH.edu/WorkdaySupport, and your issue will be triaged and addressed as quickly as possible. There will also be a phone line available, and that number will be communicated when we get closer to the end of the month.
Please note, the above support link will NOT be available until July 1. Prior to July 1, all questions regarding the Workday system or training should be directed to Workdayinfo@MiamiOH.edu.