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Fall 2025 Student Response Exhibition Call for Entries



Thank you for your interest in Bridging Generational Gaps: A Student Response Exhibition. Please read the instructions carefully so that your submission can be given full consideration. This exhibition, a collaboration between the Richard and Carole Cocks Art Museum and the Department of Art, will be on display September 30-November 2, 2025, in the Art Lobby of the Art Building on Miami University's Oxford campus.  


In this 10th juried Student Response Exhibition (SRE), Miami University students are asked to creatively respond to the concept of generational gaps and the bridging of those spaces. The exhibition is developed in connection with the book, Gentelligence: The Revolutionary Approach to Leading an Intergenerational Workforce, co-written by Megan Gerhardt, Professor of Management and Leadership, Miami University.


Each of us has a place along the generational landscape. But, how aware are we about generational gaps and how we approach bridging those spaces? Sometimes stereotypes are formed and opinions developed by members of each generation about the ones preceding or following. Stepping away from these, we look for opportunities to build bridges, make friendships and recognize that each generation is an asset and not a threat. What do generational gaps mean to you? How do you define them? What do generational gaps look like to you?


Participants must be active Miami University student during the Fall 2025 semester. Participants are permitted to submit up to three (3) works for the juried process in developing the final selection of creative works to be displayed in the exhibition. Participants can submit paintings, photographs, sculpture, prints, music, film/videos, poetry, jewelry, digital rendering, computer interactives, or other forms of artistic expression. Only individual artist submissions are eligible.

This completed form must be submitted no later than Sunday, September 7, 2025. Be sure to note any specific installation information in the "Additional Information" field, such as need for electrical outlet, pedestal/display case, etc. Provide specific explanation of medium (e.g, Lithograph on paper, Oil on canvas, Bronze, Mixed media on paper, etc.) for the jurors to have the best understanding of your work, and for accuracy of information used in the production of the object labels, should your work be selected for inclusion in the exhibition. Images must be uploaded using this Submission Form. Digital images of your submitted works for the selection process must be jpg/jpeg at 300 dpi and at least 4x6 inches (no larger than 8x10 inches). For video, audio, games or other digital formats, be sure to submit a still image with the Submission Form and then email/share your completed work to Jason Shaiman at

Participants will be notified by email by Wednesday, September 10, 2025, if their work(s) are selected for the exhibition. The jury-selected works must be delivered to the Department of Art September 24-26, detailed instructions will be provided to selected artists. A limited number of computers and TV/monitors and projectors are available for the display of selected work(s). Any other specialized electronic equipment required for installation of artwork is the responsibility of the artist. Framing of work is the responsibility of the artist. All wall-hanging works accepted into the exhibition must be ready to hang with appropriate wire, rings, or other standard picture hanging hardware. Command strips or other adhesive hanging materials will not be accepted or used. Exhibition organizers and installers are not responsible for framing, matting, wiring or preparing work for presentation. Pick up of selected work(s) following the close of the exhibition will be in the Department of Art November 3-5, with final times and instructions being shared with the artists.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:
Jason Shaiman, Curator of Exhibitions
Richard and Carole Cocks Art Museum
801 S. Patterson Avenue
Oxford, OH 45056
(513) 529-2241



Cash Awards

Cash prizes will be awarded to the best three works in the exhibition: $500 (1st), $250 (2nd) and $100 (3rd). First, second and third place winners will be decided by crowdsourcing, where votes will be cast by fellow students and visitors to the exhibition. An award ceremony will be held later in the Spring 2020 semester to present the cash awards.