Miami University has joined with other colleges and universities in the Mid-American Conference (MAC) to participate in the Academic Leadership Development Program (ALDP). The mission of the MAC ALDP is to identify, develop, prepare and advance faculty as academic leaders in the Mid-American Conference universities. The program provides an opportunity for Miami University faculty to gain valuable knowledge and experience in academic leadership by working closely with select administrators from other colleges and universities in the MAC.
Key outcomes of the program include:
Up to four outstanding individuals are selected each year to serve as Miami ALDP Fellows under the mentorship of one of the Associate Provosts. The program has two components: (i) a university-level development program led by the Associate Provost, and (ii) participation in a series of MAC-wide workshops including two in-person sessions and monthly virtual sessions. These workshops address topics such as conflict resolution, budgeting, accreditation and shared governance.
The goal of this program is to expose faculty who are interested in administration to the challenges and rewards of institutional service and to prepare them for potential leadership positions within the academy. Whether or not a Fellow ultimately chooses to pursue an administrative position in the future, the program will, at a minimum, provide them with a better appreciation for and understanding of how universities operate.
Academic Deans, Associate Deans, and Department Chairs are invited to nominate individuals for an ADLP Fellowship. Faculty may also submit their own self-nominations by completing the application on their own. To be eligible, a nominee must be a tenured faculty member, and most fellows are in the early stages or contemplating a leadership role. Nominees are expected to possess strong leadership capacities as well as an outstanding record of achievement in their current and past positions, along with an expressed interest in administrative service.
The Office of the Provost will review all nominating letters and applications and select three to four Miami fellows.
Decisions will be announced by the start of the fall semester.
Each fall semester, the Fellow will have the opportunity to meet with the other Miami Fellows and the Associate Provost every 3-4 weeks to discuss relevant professional literature. The spring semester will be devoted to designing and submitting a leadership portfolio and meeting monthly with the associate provost and/or other Fellows. The portfolio will include several leadership artifacts, including a statement of the Fellow's leadership philosophy, C.V., leadership goals as well as reflections on the MAC Workshops. The goal of the portfolio is to assist the Fellow to reflect and gain insight into his or her future leadership goals. The MAC-ALDP Liaisons (who are upper level administrators in other MAC institutions) will provide input on the Fellows' portfolios.
In addition, all Fellows are required to attend the scheduled MAC ALDP Workshops. These workshops are hosted by MAC institutions and will follow a format designed to maximize interaction among the Fellows. Case studies, group discussions and other group activities will be incorporated into the Workshops.
Questions regarding the Academic Leadership Development Program should be directed to Brooke Flinders,,
With this application, please include a cover letter that sets forth your interest in being a Fellow and your aspirations for future administrative service. You should also discuss what you hope to gain from the program, including how you expect it to contribute to your career objectives.
Brooke Flinders, Nursing
Tammy Kernodle, Music
Bryan Marshall, Political Science
Graham Cairns, Architecture & Interior Design
Elise Radina, Family Science & Social Work
Stacey Lowery Bretz, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Allen McConnell, Psychology
Rick Page, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Susan Spellman, Humanities & Creative Arts
William Brink, Accountancy
Marcia England, Geography
Vaishali Raval, Psychology
Brody Ruihley, Sports Leadership & Management
Beth Dietz, Psychology and Social & Behavioral Science
Jeremy Jones, Music
Leland Spencer, Interdisciplinary and Communication Studies
Paul Urayama, Physics
Michele Frank, Finance
Joel Malin, Educational Leadership
Hongmei Li, Media, Journalism and Film
Thomas Mays, Commerce
Adam Beissel, Sports Leadership and Management
Marianne Cotugno, Justice and Community Studies and Languages, Literatures, and Writing
Jeff Kuznekoff, Media, Journalism, and Film and Interdisciplinary and Communication Studies
Haifei Shi, Biology
This award is intended to honor faculty that have demonstrated a dedication to student success. Each nominee must be a full-time faculty member engaged with undergraduate and/or graduate students and demonstrate commitment to the following criteria:
Deadline: Submit your Nomination(s)via this submission link no later than December 15th.
501 E. High Street
Oxford, OH 45056
1601 University Blvd.
Hamilton, OH 45011
4200 N. University Blvd.
Middletown, OH 45042
7847 VOA Park Dr.
(Corner of VOA Park Dr. and Cox Rd.)
West Chester, OH 45069
Chateau de Differdange
1, Impasse du Chateau, L-4524 Differdange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
217-222 MacMillan Hall
501 E. Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056, USA