Bargaining Summary from Meeting on November 29, 2023
Bargaining Summary from Meeting on November 29, 2023
Labor negotiations continued with the Librarian unit on Wednesday, Nov. 29, to continue working toward an initial collective bargaining agreement.
FAM introduced the following proposals: (1) Evaluation, Reappointment, and Review of the President, Provost, Deans, Assistant/Associate Deans, and Department Head; (2) Scope of Librarian Duties and Working Conditions; and (3) an MOU regarding remote access to University meetings. The parties engaged in discussion related to each proposal.
The University then introduced the following proposals: (1) Grievance and Arbitration; and (2) Health, Safety, and Security – and the parties engaged in discussion of both.
After caucusing separately, the parties returned to joint session. FAM presented counter proposals on (1) Separability; and (2) Purpose. The University communicated its rejection of FAM’s proposal on Data Sharing.
The parties are next scheduled to meet on December 15, 2023.