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Bargaining Summary from the Meeting on Mar. 18, 2024

Librarian Updates

Bargaining Summary from the Meeting on Mar. 18, 2024

Labor negotiations continued with the Librarian bargaining unit on Monday, March 18, 2024 to continue working toward an initial collective bargaining agreement. The University’s bargaining team and FAM’s bargaining team worked from approximately 10 a.m. until approximately 4 p.m. at the Demske Staff Development Center on the University’s Oxford Campus. 

To begin, the Union presented the following proposals: (i) Agreement Construction; (ii) Appointment Notices; (iii) Other Insurance; (iv) Professional Development; (v) Committee Procedures; (vi) Compliance Reform; (vii) Memorandum of Understanding Regarding The Establishment Of An Ombud Service Between Miami University And FAM; (viii) Individual Purchasing Card Assignment and Use; and (ix) Merit Pay Rubric. The University then presented proposals on (i) Librarian Rank and (ii) Probationary Period. The parties caucused to discuss matters separately.

Upon the parties’ return to joint session, the Union presented the following counter proposals: (i) Health, Safety, and Security; and (ii) Non-Discrimination. The University then presented a proposal on Duration.

The parties will next meet on March 27, 2024.  

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