Accountancy B.S. in Business
- Assumes the student has earned at least 28 semester hours (AP, Post Secondary, Transfer, IB, etc.), including ENG 111, ECO 201, ECO 202, MTH 141 or 151, and two requirements for the Miami Plan Perspective Areas
- Assumes 19 non-business hours of incoming work (ECO201 and ECO202 count as business)
- This plan makes several assumptions and should NOT be construed as a substitute for academic advising
- All requirements are subject to change
- Social Science requirements are met by ECO 201 and ECO 202
- BUS 284 meets the Advanced Writing requirement
- MTH 141 or 151 meets the Mathematics and Formal Reasoning requirement
- Experiential Learning requirement met by First Year Integrated Core (BUS 101, BUS 102, ESP 103, BUS 104)
- Business Diversity courses will meet the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion requirement
- Refer to the 2023-2024 General Bulletin for course pre-and/or co-requisite requirements
- Some courses may be fall only or spring only, consult with your academic advisor to verify
- Students must earn 124 credit hours to graduate; minimum of 52 hours of non-business coursework required
- 2.0 GPA overall and 2.0 GPA in business required to graduate
- For more information, visit the Farmer School of Business
- ACC = Accountancy
- BA = Business Analytics
- BLS = Business Legal Studies
- Bus. Div. = Business Diversity
- CSE = Computer Science and Software Engineering
- DEI = Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
- ECO = English
- ESP = Entrepreneurship
- FIN = Finance
- FYIC = First Year Integrated Core (BUS 101, BUS 102, ESP 103, BUS 104)
- GEO = Geography
- HCML = Human Capital Management and Leadership
- ICM = Information and Cybersecurity Management
- ISA = Information Systems and Analytics
- MGT = Management
- MKT = Marketing
- MP = Miami Plan
- MTH = Mathematics
- RE = Real Estate
- SCOM = Supply Chain and Operations Management
- SI = Signature Inquiry