Biological Physics B.S.
- Student has earned at least 30 semester hours (AP, Post-Secondary, Transfer, IB, etc.), most of which apply to the Miami Plan and College of Arts and Science divisional requirements.
- Student has earned credit for MTH 151, MTH 251, PHY 191, PHY 192, and BIO 116 (or equivalents).
- Student has earned prerequisite credit or appropriate placement score for 2nd year of foreign language.
- This plan makes several assumptions and should NOT be construed as a substitute for academic advising.
- All requirements are subject to change.
- Students must complete all requirements in order to graduate.
- Please be aware that some PHY courses are only offered in the fall and others in the spring; attention must be paid to the pre-requisite structure of these courses.
- MTH 2 thematic sequence can be earned by taking MTH 222 or 231 in addition to the required MTH 151 and STA 301.
CHM = Chemistry
MP = Miami Plan
MTH = Mathematics
PHY = Physics
STA = Statistics