Chemical Engineering B.S. Engineering
- Student has earned at least 10 semester hours of AP or college or transfer credits in Chemistry and Math.
- Advanced Writing requirement is met through ENG 313.
- The student takes courses during every Summer Term.
- Thematic sequence (CHM1 or CHM2) is met through major requirements.
- This plan makes several assumptions and should NOT be construed as a substitute for academic advising.
- All requirements are subject to change.
- Students must complete all requirements in order to graduate.
- *Technical electives: CPB 201, 244, 301, 326, 404, 416, 417, 423, 426, 405, 441, 442, 490, and ECE 205.
CEC = College of Engineering and Computing
CHM = Chemistry
CPB = Chemical, Paper and Biomedical Engineering
ENG = English
GMP = Global Miami Plan
MBI = Microbiology
MME = Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
MTH = Mathematics
PHY = Physics
STA = Statistics