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Education Workforce Issues

An examination of PIAAC data for unemployed adults aged 45-74

This study used data from the 2014 Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) National Supplement to examine relationships among educational attainment, participation in adult education and training, skill proficiencies, health, and economic outcomes for U.S. adults ages 45-74 who are unemployed or not in the labor force.

Education Workforce Issues

An examination of PIAAC data for unemployed adults aged 45-74

This study used data from the 2014 Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) National Supplement to examine relationships among educational attainment, participation in adult education and training, skill proficiencies, health, and economic outcomes for U.S. adults ages 45-74 who are unemployed or not in the labor force.

Overall, employed adults ages 45 – 65 participate in lifelong learning activities significantly more than the unemployed and out of the labor force groups. Findings are discussed in view of labor, education and public health policies in order to enhance the well-being of middle-aged and older adults in the U.S. 2010.


Suggested Citation: Cummins, P.A., Yamashita, T., and Arbogast, A. (2018). An Examination of PIAAC Data for Unemployed Adults Aged 45–74. Retrieved from PIAAC Gateway website: Yamashita-Arbogast_2018.pdf

Study available on PIAAC Gateway website (PDF) (813 Kb)