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Religion/Spirituality Long-Term Care Long-Term Care Facilities

Preference importance ratings among African American and white nursing home residents

The Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory (PELI-NH) assesses the psychosocial preferences of nursing home (NH) residents. This study explored the association of race with importance ratings of self-dominion preferences (i.e., preferences for control).

Religion/Spirituality Long-Term Care Long-Term Care Facilities

Preference importance ratings among African American and white nursing home residents

The Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory (PELI-NH) assesses the psychosocial preferences of nursing home (NH) residents. This study explored the association of race with importance ratings of self-dominion preferences (i.e., preferences for control). Results showed African Americans were younger and more functionally impaired. After accounting for the effects of gender (female), age (younger), anxiety (greater), and functional impairment (less) with higher reports of importance of self-dominion preferences, race was significant. There were no significant moderating effects.

Clinical Gerontologist, doi:10.1080/07317115.2021.2007436

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