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Long-Term Care

Applying Agile Methodology to Reengineer the Delivery of Person-Centered Care in a Nursing Home: A Case Study

This study aims to assess the criterion validity of the Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory (PELI) Implementation Indicator with other culture change measures.

Long-Term Care

Applying Agile Methodology to Reengineer the Delivery of Person-Centered Care in a Nursing Home: A Case Study

This study presents a road map for breaking down care processes, prioritizing, and implementing iterative plan, do, study, act cycles using Agile methodology to enhance group collaboration on quality improvement cycles, to achieve our goal of providing preference-based PCC.

The ready availability of preference-based reporting was critical to quickly informing new staff on how to meet residents’ most important preferences. Based on lessons learned, this study describes a developmental approach that other providers can consider for adoption. Implications of this work are discussed in terms of the need for provider training in Agile methodologies to support iterative improvements, the need for policies that reimburse providers for their efforts, and additional research around workflow processes.

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association,

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