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Careers and Internships

Career Pathways

The path to a successful career and happy life isn’t a direct line. Majors in French, Classical, and Italian Studies  may lead to many exciting careers depending on your interests. Our alumni work in a variety of professions from education to international non-profits, business, medical research, and the law because of the highly sought after skills in excellent communication, writing, and research that you learn in our courses.

Success begins with early planning! We’ve provided you with this Career Roadmap to help guide you through your four years with us at Miami.

Step One: Discover

  • Ask questions! What do I think I want to do? What do I enjoy?  What do I need to improve?
  • You enjoy your classes in French, Italian, and Classical Studies. Ask yourself why? How would you like it to be part of your life and/or career in the future? Consider how French, Italian, and Classical Studies might complement or expand a career path beyond the language itself (e.g. in medicine, business, law, government service, NGO’s, arts, fashion, education, graduate study, etc.).
  • Meet with your French, Italian, and Classical Studies teachers or faculty advisor and ask questions.
  • Join our French, Italian, or Classics clubs to meet other students with similar interests. Practice contacting faculty and advisors on campus to get used to relational networking and seeking and using advice. Cultivate relationships for future letters of recommendation.
  • Go to the Center for Career Exploration and Services and make a plan! Meet with a career advisor and engage in CCSE activities (attend sponsored programs or job fairs)..
  • Learn to articulate your strengths, create a Handshake profile, and a resumé.

Step Two: Explore

  • Ask questions. Conduct informational interviews in areas of interest. Talk with department faculty advisors about the different career paths of successful alumni and identify what it takes to realize your professional goals (advanced study, graduate degrees, internships).
  • Identify career sectors that interest you. Create a LinkedIn profile and monitor all your social media to make sure you present a professional public image.
  • Attend CCES sponsored activities and events. Conduct informational interviews and explore your options while you make professional contacts. Get a professional headshot at the CCES’s photo booth.
  • Attend the Fall Career and Internship Fair to speak with employers about internship opportunities. This is a great way to practice talking about your skills and what you have to offer a future employer.
  • Do an internship or experiential project in your identified sector or field.
  • Consider studying abroad. Think about how experiential learning and global experience acquired during study abroad will benefit your career profile and goals.
  • Investigate the role of graduate/professional schools and/or grants and scholarships (Fulbright) to advance your career goals. Talk with Department faculty to learn more about fellowships and advanced study and to learn more about what our alumni have gone on to do for ideas about different career paths.

Step Three: Implement

  • Refine and update your professional materials, such as resumé and cover letters. Learn about the interviewing process, professional networking, and sign up for mock interviews to practice.
  • Work with Department faculty to learn about possible internship opportunities as well as job opportunities abroad, like the TAPIF program (Teaching English in France) or the Peace Corps, or in the US, Teach for America.
  • Get involved in a professional organization related to your career field as well as Miami clubs and organizations to further develop public speaking, leadership, and organizational skills.
  • Identify faculty and staff who may be able to serve as references.
  • Attend career and internship fairs.
  • Submit applications. Stay organized by keeping a log of all employer contacts, interview offers, and follow-up activities.Verify that letters of recommendation have been sent.
  • Please report on your progress and share results with Department faculty. We want to know!

Local Internship Programs

Miami University Art Museum Curatorial Internship

Internships available for Junior or Senior Art History (or relevant field of study) students at Miami University. Successful applicants will receive three credit hours for the unpaid internship. Two internships per semester are available and work period ranges from the first day to the last day of the semester. You will be expected to work 10 hours a week plus any volunteer hours. This semester-long internship includes research, writing, selecting objects for exhibitions, development of critical thinking skills, supervised handling of objects, learning about museum practices and possible meetings with artists and collectors. Students will learn about interpretation, thematic development of exhibitions, writing labels, text panel and gallery guide content, exhibition design, installation techniques and collection's management. This internship is a great resume builder for those who desire to pursue advanced degrees in art history, architecture, studio art, anthropology/archaeology, museum studies, or seeking positions in a museum or gallery following graduation. This internship can fulfill the requirements for ART391 Advance Research Methods or other departmental internships with permission. Contact Mr. Jason Shaiman, Curator of Exhibitions, for information and for an application.

The Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park Docent Program

The Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park Docents (guides) are needed at Pyramid Hill and will be trained concerning the art and other features offered. We have many programs for children and adults including meetings and tours. Volunteers are essential to Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park and to our community. Volunteers help keep Pyramid Hill operating costs down. But more importantly, by working with volunteers we are involving the community in our operations. Volunteers provide us with valuable input on activities and services, enabling us to enhance and expand our services without raising membership and admission fees.

Cincinnati Art Museum Internship Program

Cincinnati Art Museum Internship Program: Educational credit may be available, check with school(s) for requirements. To apply for an internship position, please submit:
  • A cover letter describing your interest in the internship program, museum work and reasons for applying. Please include name, home and school addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail address.
  • A full résumé of education and employment history, including contact information for three references.
  • A list of all college-level course work.
  • Other information as specified in the position description.

Internships and Career Opportunities Resources

Student Programs and Career Opportunities Offered by the U.S. Department of State

Student Programs

  • Cooperative Education Program
  • Fascell Fellowship Program
  • Presidential Management Fellows Program
  • Stay-In-School
  • Student Disability Program
  • Student Internships (Spring, Summer, Fall)
  • Summer Clerical Program
  • Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs/Graduate Foreign Affairs Fellowship Program

Career Options

Archaeology Internships

This site gives you various open positions for internships in archaeology around the world. Sites and locations change often, so check frequently!

Les services de l'Ambassade à Washington

qui recrutent des stagiaires sont les suivants Service Culturel

(éducation et événements culturels à Washington)
ATTENTION: Tous les candidats pour un stage au service culturel doivent obligatoirement transiter par le bureau des stages du MAE (Ministère des Affaires Etrangères). Pour ce faire, veuillez contacter:

Ministère des Affaires Etrangères
Direction des ressources humaines
Sous-direction de la formation
Département de la formation
Bureau des stages étudiants
34 rue La Pérouse
75016 Paris
Tel: +33 (0)1 43 17 70 23

Les stages au service culturel sont pour la plupart de longue durée (6-9 mois).

Alliance Française de France

Il faut vous adresser aux alliances spécifiques qui vous intéressent.
Vous pouvez trouver leur coordonnées ici:

Email :
Telephone: +33 (0)1 42 84 90 00

Alliance Française de Washington

Pour votre information, voici les coordonnées de l'Alliance de Washington, DC:

Telephone: (202) 234-7911 (Ext. 860/861)
Fax: (202) 234-0125

Mission Economique

N.B.: La Mission Economique reçoit de très nombreuses candidatures, rendant le processus de recrutement très compétitif.

France Magazine

(English-language magazine distributed by the French Government)

En général, France Magazine ne recrute qu'un seul stagiaire. Enfin, vous pouvez aussi essayer de contacter nos missions diplomatiques à New York (en particulier la Mission Economique et le Service Culturel qui s'y trouvent).

Programs for Americans in France

Long-term Internships

French-American Chamber of Commerce

  • Three months to 18 months in duration
  • Private firms and companies only are eligible
  • Candidates must be American citizens and in college (or have a degree) and be between 18 and 35 years old
  • Internships must be paid at least the French minimum wage
  • Candidates usually find the position on their own, with FACC help

Short-term Internships

French Embassy

  • One month to one year in duration
  • Private and public sectors, non-profits and NGOs are eligible
  • Candidates must be enrolled in an American college or have finished less than 2 years ago
  • Candidates do not need to be American citizens
  • Internships are not always paid
  • The French Embassy can help you find a position


French Embassy

  • Six to nine months teaching English in France
  • Candidates are placed in schools (école primaire to IUFM) by the French education ministry
  • Candidates must be between 20 and 34 years old as of October 1, 2010
  • Participants act as English language assistants for 12 hours per week and receive a stipend of 890 euros per month

Websites of Major French Companies Where Internships May be Offered

Websites of Major French Companies Where Internships May be Offered

International Organizations with French as the Official Language

International Organizations with French as the Official Language
Organization Name Official languages Headquarters
Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (Francophonie) French Paris, France
Union africaine (AU) Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, Swahili Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) English, French Paris, France
Bureau international des poids et mesures (BIPM) English, French Sèvres, France
Tribunal Arbitral du Sport (CAS) English, French Lausanne, Switzerland
Communauté des Etats Sahélo- Sahariens (CEN-SAD) Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, Swahili Tripoli, Libya
Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques (CMAS) English, French, Spanish Rome, Italy
Conseil de l'Europe (CoE) English, French Strasbourg, France
Marché commun de l'Afrique orientale et australe (COMESA) English, French, Portuguese Tripoli, Libya
Union européenne de radio-télévision (EBU) English, French Geneva, Switzerland
Communauté Économique des États d'Afrique Centrale (ECCAS) French, Portuguese, Spanish Libreville, Gabon
Communauté économique des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (ECOWAS) English, French, Portuguese Abuja, Nigeria
Agence spatiale européenne (ESA) English, French, German Paris, France
Union européenne (EU) 23 Languages of the EU
The European Commission conducts business in English, French, and German.
Brussels, Belgium
Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) English, French Lausanne, Switzerland
Fédération Équestre Internationale (FEI) English, French Lausanne, Switzerland
Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) English, French Paris, France
Fédération Internationale de Basketball (FIBA) English, French Geneva, Switzerland
Fédération Internationale de Bobsleigh et de Toboganning (FIBT) English, French, German Milan, Italy
Fédération Internationale des Échecs (FIDE) English, French Athens, Greece
Fédération Internationale d'Escrime (FIE) English, French, Spanish Lausanne, Switzerland
Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) English, French, German, Spanish Zürich, Switzerland
Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG) English, French Moutier, Switzerland
Fédération Internationale de Hockey sur Gazon (FIH) English, French Lausanne, Switzerland
Fédération International de Luge de Course (FIL[1]) English, French, German Berchtesgaden, Germany
Fédération Internationale des Luttes Associées (FILA) English, French Lausanne, Switzerland
Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM) English, French Mies, Switzerland
Fédération Internationale de Natation (FINA) English, French Lausanne, Switzerland
Fédération Internationale des Quilleurs (FIQ) English, French Pasig City, Manila, Philippines
Fédération Internationale de Roller Sports (FIRS) English, French Rome, Italy
Fédération Internationale de Ski (FIS) English, French, German Oberhofen am Thunersee, Switzerland
Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Aviron (FISA) English, French Lausanne, Switzerland
Fédération Internationale de Tir à l'Arc (FITA) English, French Lausanne, Switzerland
Fédération Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) English, French Lausanne, Switzerland
Cour Pénale Internationale (ICC) English, French The Hague, Netherlands
Cour internationale de Justice (ICJ) English, French The Hague, Netherlands
Fédération internationale des journalistes (IFJ) English, French, Spanish Brussels, Belgium
Autorité intergouvernementale pour le développement (IGAD) English, French Djibouti, Djibouti
Union Géographique Internationale (IGU) English, French Brussels, Belgium
Organisation hydrographique internationale (IHO) English, French Monaco
Mouvement international de la Croix- Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge (International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement) English, French, Spanish Geneva, Switzerland
Interpol (Interpol) Arabic, English, French, Spanish Lyon, France
Comité International Olympique (IOC) English, French Lausanne, Switzerland
Association internationale de science politique (IPSA) English, French Montreal, Canada
Autorité internationale des fonds marins (ISA) English, French, Spanish Kingston, Jamaica
Organisation internationale de normalisation (ISO) English, French Geneva, Switzerland
Secrétariat International de l'Eau (ISW[2]) English, French, Spanish Montreal, Canada
Union Latine (Latin Union) Catalan, French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish Paris, France
Médecins sans frontières (MSF) English, French Geneva, Switzerland
Accord de libre-échange nord- américain (NAFTA) English, French, Spanish Mexico City, Ottawa and Washington, D.C.
Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique Nord (NATO) English, French Brussels, Belgium
Organisation des États Américains (OAS) English, French, Portuguese, Spanish Washington, D.C., USA
Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OECD) English, French Paris, France
Organisation de la conférence islamique (OIC) Arabic, English, French Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Organisation pour l'interdiction des armes chimiques (OPCW) Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish Washington, D.C., USA
Reporters sans frontières (RWB) English, French, German, Spanish Paris, France
Communauté de Développement de l’Afrique Australe (SADC) English, French, Portuguese Gaborone, Botswana
Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) English, French Aigle, Switzerland
Union Internationale des Associations d'Alpinisme (UIAA) English, French Berne, Switzerland
Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM) English, French Monaco
Union Mondiale de Billard (UMB) English, French Madrid, Spain
Organisation des Nations Unies (UN (and all its agencies)) Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish
The Secretariat conducts business in English and French
New York, USA
Union postale universelle (UPU) French Berne, Switzerland
Agence mondiale antidopage (WADA) English, French Montreal, Canada
Association mondiale des journaux (WAN) English, French, German, Spanish Paris, France
Union de l'Europe Occidentale (WEU) English, French
Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (WTO) English, Franch, Spanish Geneva, Switzerland
Zone de Paix et de Coopération de l'Atlantique Sud (ZPCAS) English, French, Portuguese, Spanish Brasília, Brazil

Other Organizations

The Peace Corps

Peace Corp Logo

The Peace Corps is actively looking for applicants with French language skills. Miami has historically had a strong tie with the Corps and many of our graduates have found it to be a rewarding experience that can lead to international careers in public service and non-governmental organizations. For more information, click on the Peace Corps seal.

French Embassy

Cultural Services French Embassy

Cultural Services of the French Embassy in Washington, D.C.

The Southern Teachers Agency

Southern Teacher Agency

The Southern Teachers Agency is the premier PK-12 teacher recruitment service in the South. STA offers free teacher placement for candidates, and it is the only agency that focuses on private and independent school placements. STA provides personal service to their candidates and their schools. Each candidate is treated as an individual with unique talents and search parameters. For further information, click on the STA seal.

Going Global

Going Global

Going Global is a provider of both country-specific and USA city-specific career and employment information. Going Global's unlimited access subscription database features 30 Country Career Guides, 41 USA City Career guides, corporate profiles and more than 500,000 internship and job listings within the USA and around the world. Click on the GOINGGLOBAL image to access the site. It does require that you log in using your Miami unique ID and password.