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Department of Statistics

The Department of Statistics provides students with a thorough grounding in statistical ideas, skills valued by employers, and opportunities for advanced study. We are committed to scholarship in statistics and relish collaborations with colleagues within and without the University.

Our Programs

Our Mission

  • Ensure that all students who take STA courses become intelligent users of statistical information;
  • Educate and prepare undergraduate students in our programs for employment and/or graduate study;
  • Extend the statistical expertise of our graduate students so they are prepared for employment or doctoral study;
  • Advance the knowledge base in the statistical sciences by adapting, extending, and enhancing current methodology as well as by developing new statistical methodology and applications;
  • Ensure that high-quality and appropriate statistical methodology is used by fellow researchers at Miami University;
  • Contribute to the ongoing operation of the University at the Departmental, Divisional, and University levels by being valuable members of the University community; and
  • Contribute to the community of professional statisticians by engagement with the life and activities of professional statistical societies.

Our Events

The Department of Statistics offers dynamic events for exploring the latest developments in data analysis and fostering collaboration within the statistical community and they also serve to enhance the interdisciplinary experience.

Invited Speaker Series

The department sponsors an Invited Speaker Series that includes statistical researchers and practitioners from around the country, as well as alumni of our program.


In conjunction with the College of Education, Health, and Society, the Department of Statistics and the College of Arts and Science sponsor a Careers Involving Quantitative Skills (CIQS) Day. 

2024-25 Invited Speaker Series

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Department of Statistics

McVey Data Science 262
105 Tallawanda Road
Oxford, OH 45056