Department of Architecture and Interior Design Governance Document
Table of Contents
1.0. Mission and Distinctive Features of the Department of Architecture and Interior Design
1.1. Mission of the Department
1.3. Structure and Philosophy of the Undergraduate Curriculum
1.3.1. Bachelor of Arts in Architecture
1.3.2. BFA with a major in Interior Design
1.4. Structure and Philosophy of the Graduate Curriculum
1.5. Relationship to Professions
1.6. Commitment to Community Service
1.7. Commitment to Off-Campus Programming
1.8. Liaisons to Related Programs at the University
2.0. Organization and Governance
2.1. The Faculty
2.1.1. Regular Instructional Faculty
2.4.1 Director of Graduate Studies (DGS)
2.4.2 Coordinator of Undergraduate Architectural Studies (CAS)
2.4.3. Coordinator of Interior Design (CID)
2.4.4. Chief Departmental Advisor (CDA)
2.4.5. Coordinator of the Urban Design Minor
2.4.6. Coordinator of the Landscape Minor
2.4.7. Coordinator of the Art and Architectural History Minor
2.4.8. Coordinator of Admissions and Scholarships
2.4.9. Coordinator of Curriculum
2.4.10 Coordinator of Lecture Series
2.4.11. Coordinator of the Cage Gallery
2.4.12. Coordinator of Internships
2.4.13. Chair, Promotion and Tenure Committee
2.4.14. Coordinator of Publications and Web Site
2.4.15. ACSA Faculty Councilor
2.4.16. Coordinator of Departmental Honors and Scholarships
2.4.17. Coordinator of the Community Design Assistance Group (CDAG)
2.4.18 Director of the Center for Community Engagement in Over-the-Rhine
2.4.19 Coordinator of Computer Studies
2.4.22 Unspecified appointed positions as necessary or as determined by the Chair
2.5.2. Promotion and Tenure Committee
2.5.3. Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarship Committee
2.5.5. Undergraduate Advising Committee
2.5.6. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
2.5.7. Faculty/Staff Search Committees
2.5.9. Lecture Series Committee
2.5.10 Cage Gallery Exhibits Committee
2.6. College of Creative Arts (CCA) Committee Representatives
2.6.1. CCA Executive Committee
2.6.2. CCA Promotion and Tenure Committee
2.6.3. CCA Committee of Advisors
2.6.4. CCA Divisional Academic Appeals Board
2.6.5. CCA Dean’s Advisory Committee
2.6.6. CCA Academic Excellence Committee
2.6.7. CCA Curriculum Committee
2.6.8. CCA Committee for the Evaluation of Administrators
2.6.9. CCA Student Advisory Committee
2.6.10. CCA Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee
2.6.11. CCA Graduate Committee
2.6.12. CCA Technology Committee
2.6.13. CCA Diversity and Outreach Committee
2.6.14 CCA International Education Committee
2.6.15. Unspecified committee appointments as determined by the CCA
2.7. Representative to University Senate
2.8 Student organizations
2.8.1. Student Advisory Council (SAC)
2.8.2. American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS)
2.8.3. International Interior Design Association (IIDA) Student Chapter
2.8.4. Unspecified student organizations
2.9. Faculty Meetings
3.0. Issues of Faculty Employment and Relationships
3.1. Alignment of Department with University Procedure and MUPIM
3.2. Student Complaints about the Quality of Instruction/Academic Grievances
3.6 Grievance Procedures Available to Members of the Instructional Staff
3.6.1 Pre-Grievance Requirements
3.6.2 Scope of Grievance Procedure
3.6.3 Submission of Written Grievance
4.0. Compensation and Benefits
4.1. Determination of Salary Increments
4.2. Determination of Summer and Winter Term Teaching
5.0. Rights and Responsibilities
5.1. Principles of Academic Freedom
5.2. Statement of Good Teaching Practice
5.4.1 Faculty Improvement Program
5.5. Assigned Research Appointments On-Campus
5.6. Assigned Research Appointment Off-Campus
5.7. Office Hours For Instructional Staff
5.10. Student Responsibilities
5.11 Studio, Classroom, and Facilities Conduct
5.11.a.3. Personal Exploration and Growth
6.0. Employment of the Instructional Staff
6.1. Search and Appointment Procedures
6.2. Contract of Employment
6.2.2 Duties of the Instructional Staff
7.0. Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure of the Instructional Staff
7.1. Evaluation of Members of the Instructional Staff
7.1.a Frequency and Purpose of Evaluation
7.1.b Annual Report of Professional Activities
7.1.c Annual Evaluation of Tenured Members of the Instructional Staff
7.1.d Annual Evaluation of Probationary Members of the Instructional Staff
7.1.e Formative Promotion Evaluations
7.2. Statement on the Evaluation of Teaching
7.2.b Teaching Evaluation Plan
7.3. Tenure and Promotion
7.3.a Purpose of Tenure and Promotion
7.3.c Eligibility for Promotion
7.4. Definitions
7.5. Annual Review of Probationary Members of the Instructional Staff
7.5.a Review of Associate Professors
7.5.b Annual Review of Probationary Members of the Instructional Staff
7.6. Tenure and Time
7.6.b Credit Towards Probationary Period
7.6.c Stopping the Tenure Clock
7.8 The Tenure and Promotion Process
7.9 Rights of a Candidate Who Has Received a Negative Recommendation or Been Denied Tenure or Promotion
7.9.c Presidential Directive that Tenure Be Considered the Following Year
7.11 Nontenure-Eligible Instructional Staff Positions
7.11.b Visiting Professor, Visiting Associate Professor, Visiting Assistant Professor
7.11.d Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty
7.11.e Senior Lecturers and Senior Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty
8.0. Academic Policies and Procedures for the Instructional Staff
8.1. Attendance and Absence of Instructional Staff
8.2. Classes
8.2.4. Availability of Facilities
8.2.5. Use of Undergraduates as Teachers
8.3. Off-Campus Trips and Class Excursions
9.0. Use of Departmental Property and Resources
9.1. General Policy Concerning the Use of Building and Facilities
9.1.1 Use of Departmental Building and Facilities by ARC/ID Faculty and Majors
9.1.2. Use of Architecture and Interior Design Building and Facilities by Non-majors
9.2. General Policy Concerning the Distribution of Funding for Field Trips and Faculty Development
9.2.1. Funding in Support of Field Trips and Other Class Activities
9.2.2. Faculty Development Funding from the Division and the University