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Senior Design Project

Miami University's College of Engineering and Computing continues to develop and strengthen relationships with business partners to enhance the students’ experience and benefit the company. The Senior Design Project is an incredible way for students and companies to partner to solve an engineering and computing problem. Students gain real-world design and project experience while working through a design process. Businesses interact and engage with the students and benefit from the technical skills and expertise of the students and the faculty advisor while creating close relationships with the students for future work.

Senior Design Project Benefits

Miami University Engineering and Computing students love to use their imagination and ingenuity to have an impact on their world. Students can share their expertise and determination with private companies, public organizations, nonprofits, startups, and even help fellow Miami students refine their entrepreneurial ideas by providing technical resources to the project development.

Company Benefits

  • Work first hand with creative and resourceful students:
    • To recruit
    • Build company’s brand
  • Diverse design team lead by faculty expert
  • Solve those nagging problems
  • Potential for new process, opportunities, and reduced costs

Student Benefits

  • Gain hands-on experience
  • Interact with industry professionals
  • Work closely with faculty advisor
  • Apply academic knowledge to real-world problems:
    • Problem solving and critical thinking
    • Project management
    • Leadership
    • Team-building
    • Communication
    • Technical

Company Expectations

Identify a project idea

  • Appropriate for an entry-level engineering or computing employee
  • Most projects are nine months from August to April; consideration will be given to four month projects from August to November or January to April
  • Three to five team members
  • Multi-disciplines teams are acceptable and encouraged

Identify project champion who can commit to regular interaction with the student team including

  • Answering questions
  • Providing feedback
  • Attending the kick-off meeting
  • Attending the project presentation

Provide all of the information, data, resources, and background necessary for the project team

  • Make a tax-deductible donation to support the design team
  • Determine the project budget
  • Optional Company activities:
    • Attend team meetings
    • Host the students at your facility/site for a tour
    • Provide employees to act as judges for the student presentations


For Senior Design Projects that start in Fall and end in Spring

  • Senior Design Project Applications are now open for Fall.
  • August 15: Senior Design Application closes for Fall Semester Projects
  • Late August: Students matched with projects
  • Mid-September: Student team members meet with company liaison for kick-off meeting
  • December: Project Update
  • April - Team Presentations
  • May 1 - Senior Design Project Expo
  • May 2 - Alumni Conference and Senior Design Project Award Presentations 

Most Senior Design Projects last for two semesters.  Consideration will be given to projects that have a one semester duration.

There are a limited number of Senior Design Projects that start in January and end in December. Please complete the Senior Design Project Application prior to December 1.

Female presenting at a poster session

Previous Senior Design Projects

Chemical, Paper, and Biomedical Engineering

Project Name
Chemical, Paper, and Biomedical Engineering
Hydro Gravitational Energy Storage System
Biomimetic Helmet Design (Device Design For Sports)
Design of a Biochemical Process for Small-Molecule Chemical Production
Energizer: Micro UV Decontamination
Designing a Low-Cost Gluten Sensor Utilizing Aptamers and Gold Nanoparticles
Developing Transport Phenomena Laboratory
Alcoholysis of PET in Nonaqueous Solvents for Polymer Recycling
Separating Methane and Carbon Dioxide from Biogas using PDMS Membranes
Proposing a New Design for a 3D Printed Hip Implant
Synthesis of Electrochemical Biosensor for Fatigue Analysis via Lactate Detection
Pulse Oximeter Construction
Papermaking - The Corrugated Box
Adsorption Process Using Activated Biomass to Remove Manganese from Potable Water
UC Health Emergency Department Optimization
Miami University's Chem-E-Car
Reverse Engineering 3D Printer for Tissue Engineering Applications

Computer Science, Software Engineering, and Cybersecurity

Project Name
Database Design and Visualization / Visualite
Security of Machine Learning II
Collaborative Flowchart Tool V2
Softball Tournament Planner Team II
Softball Tournament Planner Team I
Softball Tournament Planner Team III
Computer Vision For Healthcare
Proposal Management Chatbot
The Hearts App
Ecommerce Site
AVID Customer Matching System
Security of Machine Learning I
CyberSecurity CTF
Metaverse Interaction
Bus Scheduling Mobile Application
Graph Your Own Adventure (GYOA)
Climb Higher
Mixed Meta Machine
Contract Management System
Customer Onboarding Experience
Purrfect Health
Capstone Management System Team 1
Automated Attendance System
Industry Relations CRM
NES Emulator

Electrical, Computer, and Robotics Engineering

Project Name
mmWave Radar for Search-and-Rescue Operations
Load Shed/Rolling Blackout
Automatic Composing
Anti-Radiation Missile Simulation
Red/Blue Video Game for Attack and Defensive Analysis
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for License Plate Recognition
Robotic Dog - Project Buster
Swarm Robotics
Virtual Twinning to Measure a Circuit and Predict Component Failure
Robotic Swarm Using Artificial Intelligence for Direction Finding and Localization
Virtual Personal Trainer
Formula SAE Powertrain Development 
Autonomous Vehicles using the Robot Operating System
Self Driving Car

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Project Name
JETCAT Thrust Reversal
Building an Efficient Composting Structure
Crop Roller
HBC Remote
Battery Powered Refrigeration Unit (BRU) (KEG2)
Multi-slot MUD Base for Injection Molding
Solar District Cup
Car Wash
Fischer Backus
Afton Chemical Clutch
Planter/ No Till Drill Project
Water Jet

MUCAT - Miami Unviersity Center for Assistive Technology

Project Name
3D-Printed Prosthetic
OwlByte Virtual Pet Planner
Neuro App

Contact Information

To learn more about the College of Engineering and Computing's Senior Design Projects, contact Colleen Bush (

The College of Engineering and Computing