Red and Yellow Routes
(click on the above map to download or view a .pdf map)
Saturday, May 18, 2024 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Red Route - West Lot
Yellow Route - East Lot
Bus Stops
Parking Areas
Parking Lots Available
Millett West Lot
Weeb Ewbank Way, Oxford, OH 45056
Millett East Lot
500 E Sycamore St, Oxford, OH 45056
Red Route
The Red Route will pick up at the south end of the West Millett Lot and then proceed to the North end of the lot to its second stop. The route will then proceed to the west entrance to Yager Stadium to drop off individuals for the Ceremony.
Yellow Route
The Yellow Route will pick up at the East Millett Lot before proceeding to its second stop at the North end of the West Millett Lot. The Route will then proceed to the west entrance to Yager Stadium to drop off individuals for the Ceremony.