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Miami University Local Professional Development Committee (MULPDC)

Relationship Between the MULPDC and The Professions in Education

The MULPDC strives to recognize activities engaged in by its members that advance the goals and mission of the university and wider educational community.

Personal/professional goals of the members should be tied to Miami University’s goals and student learning in the university or wider community and focus on one or more of the following areas:

  • Curriculum/content knowledge
  • Pedagogical and professional skills
  • Family partnerships and development
  • Community Partnerships
  • Leadership

Composition and Selection of the Membership of the MULPDC

The MULPDC consists of three members housed professionally in positions in the College of Education, Health, and Society (EHS).

Operational Procedures

The member applicants must submit an Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) to the MULPDC.

The development of the Individual Professional Development Plan is a process that allows educators to plan and prepare for the recertification/licensure process by setting goals, identifying objectives, predicting outcomes, analyzing educational strategies, and evaluating current practice.

The MULPDC is responsible for determining whether the professional development activities that an educator proposes for meeting the educator licenses standards promulgated by the State Board of Education reflect the IPDP.

In essence, the MULPDC reviews the professional development activities proposed by members and makes the appropriate recommendation.

The candidate’s IPDP is to submitted simultaneously with all documented activities. The pieces of documentation that are to be submitted in one (1) pdf are:

  • a cover memo to the committee noting the date of the request, name of the applicant, and a short description of the materials attached.
  • the IPDP.
  • the cover sheet.
  • a copy of the professional development activities log sheet for each of the items requested for review (for example, a log sheet for each course taught, etc.).
  • supporting materials for each activity request such as a syllabus.

The MULPDC typically addresses cases for licensure renewal that require the equivalent of CEUs that match the requirement of 6 university graduate credit hours. That equivalent is 18 CEUs. One CEU is constituted by 10 hours of contact time.

We ask that those submitting credit requests for college level courses taught as Professional Development claim 50 hours of contact time or 5 CEUs for each 3-hour course taught. Over time, we have settled on this formula and most members submit four course sections taught (for 3 hours each, they don’t have to be different course numbers/titles) for 20 CEUs to clear the typical threshold of 18 CEUs.

If the MULPDC declines to award credit for submitted requests, applicants may appeal for a re-consideration by the committee. This appeal must be made in writing before the end of the semester in which the request was made.

Contact Us

For questions and/or to submit all documentation, email:

Tom Poetter, MULPDC Chair

College of Education, Health, and Society

210 E. Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056