The Workshop P-Card is a Visa credit card that gives access to a credit line set up with a specific amount of funds to meet various workshop expenses. The Pcard is issued to pay for authorized workshop related expenses except for those that have to be paid in cash. Any expenses that will require cash transactions should be requested separately as a Cash Advance. No checks are actually provided. The card can be used to pay authorized workshop expenses. They can be used at any Visa merchant.
The P-Cards cannot be used to obtain cash through automated teller machines (ATMs). Any expected expenses that will require cash transactions should be requested as a Cash Advance. (Per Diem, vendors in areas that do not accept credit cards for payment). Workshop P-Cards will take the place of the previously used Declining Balance Cards.
Workshop P-Cards are issued by Accounts Payable (107 Roudebush Hall). Issuance will generally be limited to workshops or other programs where travel abroad or travel outside the local area is involved. Cards will be issued in the name of the Workshop Director and the University. Normally one card is issued per workshop or program.
To request a Workshop P-Card, please complete the following steps:
- Complete a P-Card Application, selecting Workshop P-Card as the card type and providing all required fields
- You will obtain signatures from your Department Head, Vice President/Dean, AND the Office of Global Initiatives prior to submission.
- Email or mail the completed form to Accounts Payable (107 Roudebush Hall).
- Complete the P-Card training if you haven’t completed it in the past. (No card will be distributed to those who have not completed the P-Card training and assessment quiz.)
The cardholder is responsible for the security of the assigned card. The card is issued in the Workshop Director's name, and it will be assumed that any use of the card is proper and authorized unless the card is reported lost or stolen prior to use.
All usage of the card must be documented and reported by the established P-Card reconciliation due dates (typically the 10th of the month following the transaction date). Original itemized receipts must be obtained and turned in for every dollar spent. Your expenses will be approved by your authorized approver. Any additional reporting to the Office of Global Initiatives will be the responsibility of the P-Cardholder.
Any individual who uses the card and does not provide documentation of the use of the funds (including individual itemized receipts for each expenditure) by the reconciliation due date, may receive a reconciliation violation. Cardholders who fail to reconcile and provide all required documentation within 60 days of the last day of travel may have the non-documented amount reported to the University Payroll Office for inclusion as additional income on the employee's wage and tax statement (W-2 form).
Additionally, use of the card in a manner contrary to University policies and procedures or failure of the cardholder or his/her designee to properly account for purchases/expenditures in a timely manner at the end of the program may result in the creation of a personal liability to the University and/or subject the cardholder to disciplinary action.
Purchases made within the State of Ohio are to be tax-exempt and any taxes charged will be the cardholder's responsibility. For any purchases within the United States, the purchaser should attempt to make the purchase tax free and be prepared to provide an exemption certificate when requested. Exemption certificates are available (see tax-exempt forms). The provider will process the transaction as they would any consumer credit card purchase through the Visa network. Visa verifies that funds are available for the purchase and charges the account for the amount spent, reducing the available budget.
The itemized sales receipt must be collected by the cardholder for each P-Card transaction and submitted with the P-Card reconciliation.
To obtain cash, the traveler MUST request a Cash Advance prior to their departure. Detailed receipts for any cash purchase (including receipts for cab fares, parking fees, etc.) must be collected by the traveler and retained for reconciliation of the cash advance upon return from travel. (Receipts are not required for Per Diem.) Cash Advance requests that are submitted after the start of travel may not receive expedited processing.
Purchases made and expenses paid with the Workshop P-Card or Cash Advance funds are limited to items and amounts contained in the approved budget for the workshop or program for which the card was issued. Cash Advance funds are not to be used to reimburse individuals for their expenses. All purchases of goods and services and payment of authorized expenditures must conform to University Procurement requirements, the University Travel policy, the University P-Card policy, and the University Hosting policy. Purchase of personal items and payment of personal expenses through the card or with cash obtained with a Cash Advance is not authorized.
Record Keeping
Issuance and use of a P-Card requires the cardholder to maintain a card purchase log and individual itemized receipts for each transaction. The itemized sales receipt must be collected by the cardholder/traveler for each P-Card transaction and submitted with the P-Card reconciliation. Likewise, cash transactions using Cash Advance funds must have itemized sales receipts.
Making a payment for services to an individual with cash in a foreign country should be reported in the Cash Advance request with thorough details of the need for use of cash payments. Various countries may have specific treaties, sanctions, or reporting requirements where cash transactions for services must be transparent to both/all governing parties.