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Meet Susan Keyes

Discover the incredible journey of Susan Keyes, a Miami University Alumni with 44 years of dedication to the university. From student to Senior Library Technician, her story is one of passion and commitment!

susan keyes

Meet Susan Keyes

Speaking of Miami Alumni . . . Meet Susan Keyes, Alumni with 44 years "in the books!"

Susan Keyes not only graduated from Miami University, but has one of the longest tenures in Miami University's employment history! She began working at King Library as a first-year student while working on degrees in Political Science and Spanish. She was hired on as a staff member on May 9, 1979 after graduating with her bachelor's degree. She finished her master'’'s in Spanish Literature in 1981. Her first job in the library was in Acquisitions. She worked with "Standing Orders," which is similar to subscriptions or books that were continuously published. She worked her way up to where she is now, which is Senior Library Technician.

Her advice for anyone interested in a long-term career is, "The key is loving what you do. It helps to love working with your co-workers, too."” "She also advises to take your vacation time and take care of you! Her favorite Oxford activities include going to the Thursday night concerts Uptown. If you get a chance, stop by and meet Susan; she shared with us that she has no interest in retiring any time soon.

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