Project TAB Teachlive Across Departments

Project Title: Project TAB Teachlive Across Departments

Project Lead’s Name: Douglas Brooks


Phone: (513) 255-0429

Please Choose the Primary Affiliation: CAS

Are There Other Project Team Members?: No

Brief description of project: Project TAD (TeachLive Across Departments) is requesting $15,300 in funding to support and expand student access to existing TeachLive interactive simulation technology. Funding would support the 2017-2018 annual licensure fee ($8,000), a per hour cost for teams of students using TeachLive ($4,800 40 hours @ $120 per TeachLive hour) and funding to support instructional module development for student applications ($2,500 for 5 instructors @500 for per module development). These modules would be developed by selected faculty from each of the five EHS Departments. These five faculty will become department level TeachLive curriculum leaders. The faculty developed modules will integrate student TeachLive technology experiences into appropriate course and program goals. Below is a YouTube location that demonstrates the simulation technology ? 2:24

Does this project focus on graduate student education or graduate student life?: Yes

If yes, please explain: In the Department of Teacher Education (EDT) a small percentage of Master's degree students seeking certification are enrolled in methods block courses that currently integrate TeachLive into the curriculum.

Describe the problem you are attempting to solve and your approach for solving that problem.: Project TAD seeks to increase student access to TeachLive simulation experiences across all five departments in the College of Education Health and Society. Project TAD will: 1) create department level faculty TeachLive leaders; 2) fund the development of TeachLive instructional module and 3) fund student TeachLive simulation time required to complete the TeachLive modules.

The criteria state that technology fee projects should benefit students in innovative and/or significant ways. How would you describe the innovation and/or significance of your project?: Project TAD is an innovative, realtime, interactive, simulation technology that permits students to rehearse career related interactions with computer managed avatars. The assigned facilitator uses the faculty developed module to guide simulated interactions with from one to five avatars. Each avatar (character) has a fully developed personality that is managed by a live facilitator located in TeachLive studios. These interactions are low risk. They can be interrupted by faculty to improve performance. Appropriate actions and reactions can be practiced and rehearsed to the mastery. The synchronized nature of the interactions introduces immediacy and consequences for appropriate and inappropriate prescriptions. TeachLive is a personal, small group flight simulator.

How will you assess the project?: Project TAD will be assessed consistent with the goals and actions of the project. Faculty developed modules will be reviewed by the TeachLive Leadership Team composed of participating faculty, the Director of Technology Services and Dean's Office personnel. Student evaluations of the TeachLive experience will be collected following the simulated interactions. The impact of the TeachLive interactions will be discussed in regular class meetings based on written reflections. Increased department faculty participation with TeachLive will be an measure of impact. Creative applications of TeachLive across departments should increase. Students should demonstrate increased skills in more advanced higher risk field and internship placements.

Have you applied for and/or received Tech Fee awards in past years?: Yes

If funded, what results did you achieve?: I have been funded twice for Project BackPac applications. These projects assigned soft backpacs filled with emerging technologies like projectors, recorders, smartboard technologies, Livescribe pens etc. to student teachers placed in classrooms with limited technology resources. My grant applications were in the earliest rounds of the Student Technology Fee grants. There was no requirement to submit a formal report. I gathered qualitative data that was unambiguous. Miami student teachers who were assigned Project BackPacs were enthusiastically received by host teachers and students. As the technology culture in schools matured and became more balanced, the BackPacs lost their novelty. What was once a cutting edge BackPac technology is now ubiquitous technology in public school classrooms.

Did you submit a final report?: No

What happens to the project in year two and beyond? Will there be any ongoing costs such as software or hardware maintenance, supplies, staffing, etc.? How will these be funded?: The College of Education Health and Society has made over a $35,000 commitment to the charter membership, installation of hardware and software to support TeachLive. EHS remodeled instructional classrooms to accommodate the TeachLive Lab and Observation Room. The project has moved from a Gates Foundation/ University of South Florida development project to a Murison Inc. venture capital company based in California. EHS Technology staff support every TeachLive session. Staff and current TeachLive sessions are funded by EHS. There are currently ongoing costs such as annual licensure, session costs and technology upgrades and technical support that are absorbed by EHS. TeachLive is underutilized and has not been integrated into courses and programs that could apply the situation technology. EHS is seeking to expand the integration of TeachLive technology across all departments. Project TAD plans to create a TeachLive Leadership Team that will better support, integrate and expand a full application of this innovative and promising low-risk simulation technology. The goal is more student access to this innovative technology.

Budget: Contractual Services/Installation/Shipping/Maintenance, Other

Other (please explain):

  • TeachLive Module Development: $2,500
  • 5 Faculty @ $500 per faculty member Other Costs: $2,500.00

Contractual Services/Installation/Shipping/Maintenance:

  • 2017-2018 Licensure Cost: $8,000
  • Session Facilitator Support Cost: $4,800
  • Module Development Cost: $2,500

Contractual Services, etc. Costs: $12,800.00

What is the total budget amount requested?: $15,300.00