Good Neighbor Policy
Any citation of a Miami University student issued by the City of Oxford for a violation of 509.10 Noise Restrictions, 521.08 Littering and Allowing Litter to Remain Upon Property, 509.13B Nuisance Party, or 521.12 Outdoor Furniture will be forwarded to Miami University. Note that this process does not replace any obligations to the City of Oxford (i.e. paying the ticket / court costs, etc.).
Learn some tips for hosting safer, smarter parties and reducing your risk for tickets on the Off-Campus Outreach Social Hosting page.
The process for handling these citations on campus will be:
First Citation (in one semester)
All residents at the address cited will receive a letter and an email from the City of Oxford and Miami University noting that a first violation has been recorded at that specific address. The letter will be accompanied by an outline of how Miami handles these types of processes.
Second Citation (in one semester)
Any subsequent citation issued for noise, littering, nuisance party, or outdoor furniture incurred at the same address will be referred to the Office of Community Standards. The referral to Community Standards will typically cite a pattern of behavior that has demonstrated a disregard for local law.
Upon Community Standard’s review of the evidence, the tenants may be charged with a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
On the occasion that residents at an address received multiple citations in one occurrence (i.e. cited for Noise and Litter at the same time), the citations will be considered together as one citation for the purposes of this process.
Violations in Community Standards
- When Community Standards receives a Good Neighbor violation referral, they will review the evidence presented and determine whether or not to formally charge the student(s) or organization(s).
- Upon notice of alleged violation, the Community Standards process will commence.
If students are found responsible or take responsibility for the violation(s), sanctions are issued.
- Sanctions may include community service hours, but there are no mandatory sanctions for this offense and thus the sanctioning would be left to the discretion of Community Standards. Disciplinary history will also be considered when issuing sanctions.
- Upon completion of the Community Standards process, any findings of responsibility are maintained in their disciplinary record for a minimum of seven years.
If the student(s) or organization(s) fail to complete the sanctions by the assigned deadline, a hold will be placed on their account until proof is provided to Community Standards that sanctions have been completed. A hold can prevent students from scheduling, changing classes, etc. If a student graduates or leaves with incomplete sanctions, it will be noted on the students’ official transcript.