
University Senate action Sept. 9

University Senate heard reports during its first meeting of the 2013-2014 academic year, including a report highlighting the composition and responsibility of University Senate.

Provost Bobby Gempesaw, chair of University Senate, also gave a report.

Steve Wyatt, chair, Executive Committee of University Senate, highlighted the composition and responsibility of University Senate; how issues are brought to Senate for consideration; and the role of standing and advisory committees of Senate.  The membership of University Senate and the membership of standing and advisory committees of University Senate are posted on the Senate website.  

Senate approved the minutes of the April 22, 2013, Senate meeting. Senate received the consent calendar including the 2012-2013 annual reports of Senate committees.

Senate heard special reports from: (1) David Creamer, vice president for finance and business services, Responsibility Center Management; and (2) Carolyn Haynes, associate provost, and Mike Curme, dean of students, co-chairs of the Retention Steering Committee and Undergraduate Academic Advising Council.

The next meeting of University Senate will be held at 3:35 p.m. Monday, Sept. 23, 111 Harrison Hall.