
University Senate action Sept. 23

University Senate heard reports from Provost Bobby Gempesaw, chair of University Senate, and Steve Wyatt, chair, Executive Committee of University Senate, during its meeting Monday, Sept. 23.

Senate received the consent calendar including cross listing courses guidelines and procedures for creating subject codes. Senate approved amended minutes of the Sept. 9, 2013, Senate meeting.  Senate adopted revisions to the Guide for the Consolidation, Partition, Transfer, or Elimination of Academic Divisions, Departments, or Programs; and the Standing Rules of University Senate, meeting procedures. 

Senate discussed the repeal of the drug testing policy, the Miami University Policy and Information Manual, Section 3.19, presented by Robin Parker, general counsel.

Senate heard special reports from: (1) Rebecca Baudry, director of student wellness, “Good Samaritan” policy; (2) Deedie Dowdle, associate vice president for university communications and marketing, and Ronald Scott, associate vice president for institutional diversity,  I Am Miami; and (3) Michael Kabbaz, associate vice president for enrollment management, enrollment center. 

The next meeting of University Senate will be held at 3:35 p.m. 111 Harrison Hall, Oct. 7.