
Hundreds helped move thousands, Part three

Information technology staff members who helped during move in day.Miami University staff, students and community volunteers greeted our first-year and returning students in late August by carrying belongings up staircases, helping set up Wi-Fi, serving water, checking door access and completing countless other preparations to make it a smooth move to campus.

IT tents were a hit on move-in day and after. IT reported opening 1,708 tickets Aug. 25-29. On Aug. 30 alone (the second day of classes), IT helped 599 students, faculty and staff. Thirty-seven percent of those interactions were at the tents.

These two word clouds include the names of IT staff who prepped for weeks before or who put in extra effort during and after move-in week to make new students and families feel welcome.

View a list of names in regular format.

Monday we featured HDRBS staff. Tuesday we featured PFD staff. Thursday, we will feature residence life.

Many others helped independently of their departments, and it was all appreciated.

Information technology staff who helped during move in day.