
Wil Haygood looks at how the Obamas reshaped perceptions of the black family

In his most recent article published in The Washington Post, Wil Haygood, author and Miami’s Boadway Visiting Professor, takes a look at how the first family reshaped perceptions of the black family in America.

Haygood, who was a national reporter for The Washington Post for 12 years and remains a contributing writer, was intrigued by the angle of the story suggested to him by his editors.

“The Obamas came from a place we all came from,” published Monday, Dec. 12, looks back on their eight years as the first family.

“What was insightful to me in researching the story was the depth of feeling many scholars and historians have about the Obama presidency as it relates to the arc of the black family in American history,” he said.

Haygood added that some of his writing friends suggested that he turn the premise of the article into a book, but he is currently deep into another book project.

Haygood teaches in Miami’s department of media, journalism and film.