
eShipGlobal is available for departmental shipping needs

eshipeShipGlobal, a new shipping tool, is now available to faculty and staff for departmental package and overnight shipping services. 

The tool is an online site that provides staff the ability to create their own shipping profile, import shipping address books, view shipment history and, most importantly, rate shop all shipping carriers using Miami’s contracted shipping rates. This allows staff to make informed decisions regarding the cost of their outbound shipments.

Using eShipGlobal, staff will create their own shipments from their desktop, print and attach the shipping label and place it in their campus mailbox for pick up along with other outgoing mail. Supplies for shipments, such as envelopes and boxes that are available from the carrier, will be available through the Miami Mail & Package Center.

The link for eShipGlobal is located in BuyWay in the Preferred Suppliers list. Once you click on the eShipGlobal link, you will have access to training videos that will show you how to create your shipping profile and take you through the steps to create your first shipment. 

Effective July 1, 2017, eShipGlobal replaced shipping services to departments previously provided by the Miami Mail & Package Center. However, the center will continue to provide shipping services for student organizations, which do not have access to the shipping tool. For additional information regarding the new shipping tool, please contact the center at 529-9221.