
CPAC launches Facebook page

By Lisa Raatz, CPAC chair

coac-fbCPAC is pleased to announce that it has created a Facebook page that will offer classified staff a venue to share job-related ideas and resources, get information and encourage positive interaction and engagement among the SATSS employees.

Although the page will include links to MU news and announcements of interest to classified staff, the goals are to encourage networking, information sharing and fostering a community of individuals who want to contribute to the success of Miami by sharing their knowledge, creative ideas and experience.

By “liking” the page, staff will be able to make comments and add resource links to the page as well as upload relevant photos. All submissions will be reviewed by the page administrators (CPAC members) before being published to ensure it is conducive to the mission of the page.

So what are you waiting for? Check out and “like” the Miami University Classified Personnel Advisory Committee – CPAC Facebook page today.