Sandrine Joelle Berthiaume
Ph.D. Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, Paris, France. Ecole Doctorale 120 Littérature française et comparée, specialization in sub-Saharan Africa and the French speaking Pacific islands. December 2020.
Jury : M. Jean Bessière, Professor Emeritus (President of Jury), Mme. Sylvie André, Professor Emeritus (Director of Dissertation), M. Rémi Astruc, Mme. Sarah Davies Cordova, Mme. Cathérine Mazauric
Title: “The contemporary sociopolitical discourse in novels of francophone Africa and the French Pacific Islands. A renewal of imagination?”
M.A. CY Cergy Paris Université, Cergy-Pontoise, France. Departement of Modern literature, specialization in literature of the Francophone World. September 2013.
Jury : Mme. Sylvie Brodziak, (President of Jury), Mme. Christiane Chaulet-Achour, (Director of Dissertation)
Title: “Spaces and characters in Le Ventre de l'Atlantique/The Belly of the Atlantic by Fatou Diome”
B.A. Université Omar Bongo, Libreville, Gabon. Department of African Literatures and Civilizations. September 2010.