Family Nurse Practitioner Preceptor Welcome Letter
Dear Preceptor for Miami University,
Thank you for agreeing to be a preceptor for a graduate student nurse enrolled in the Miami University Graduate Nursing Program. We are grateful to you and your organization for the time and guidance that you provide for our graduate nursing students during their clinical courses. Preceptors play a pivotal role in the education of graduate nurses. Your assigned course instructor and student will contact you to make arrangements for meeting with you and scheduling clinical hours.
What we need before student can begin clinical hours:
Before your student can begin their clinical rotation, we ask that you please complete the Preceptor Verification/Agreement Form.
The Preceptor Verification/Agreement Form is an online form and completion is required to ensure you meet the minimum qualifications to serve as a preceptor for a graduate nursing student. It should not take more than 10 minutes to complete. Please have your CV/Resume and license number(s) available as you will be asked to submit this information. Here is the link to the Preceptor Verification Form.
Once the form is complete and your qualifications are verified, your student can begin completing their clinical hours. Please note that students may only work with their approved and assigned preceptor.
Preceptor Orientation Materials:
Orientation information can be found on the clinical orientation/preceptor information web page. Here you will find links to the graduate student handbook, programs of study, and additional preceptor information. We sincerely appreciate the time and expertise you are sharing with our students and want you to have an opportunity to give feedback on the experience. Feel free to contact Raquel Campbell at with questions, concerns, and/or comments related to orientation materials.
Clinical Details:
Preceptors will be asked to complete a mid-term and final evaluation of their student. For Family Nurse Practitioner students, this evaluation is completed in an online platform called Typhon. As a Miami preceptor, you will have a Typhon account to complete these evaluations. You will receive an email in a few weeks with log-in information and instructions on how to access and complete the mid-term and final student evaluations.
We hope that you find working with your graduate nursing student to be a wonderful professional experience! If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or email.
Preceptor Responsibilities and Expectations:
- The preceptor will meet with the student to arrange the practicum schedule and discuss clinical outcomes to be achieved by the student.
- The preceptor will:
- Assist with student’s orientation to the agency,
- Communicate with the student on a regular basis to discuss practicum performance and progress toward meeting the course outcomes,
- Provide feedback to the faculty member concerning the practicum experience when appropriate,
- Complete midterm evaluation of the student through Typhon after one half of the required clinical hours are obtained,
- Meet with the faculty member to discuss practicum performance and attainment of clinical outcomes by the student as appropriate,
- Provide verification of completion of required clinical hours and satisfactory clinical performance via final evaluation on Typhon.
- Have clinical expertise in the defined areas of nursing practice,
- Perform as a role model for the professional nurse,
- Demonstrate interest in the student’s learning needs and seek appropriate learning opportunities,
- Be familiar with the roles of the preceptor, student, and faculty in the clinical rotation experience,
- Discuss expectations with the student prior to the clinical rotation, and then also prior to specific events or procedures,
- Orient student to the clinical area and nursing care standards relevant to the unit
- Plan clinical learning experiences with the student that facilitate progressive independence in the clinical setting,
- Demonstrate required skills, supervise student performance, and assist the student in clinical activities,
- Assist the student to integrate theoretical knowledge into clinical practice, and
- Advise clients of the student participating in the nursing care.
Forms to be completed by Clinical Preceptor
Name of Form | Where do I find it? | When is it Due? |
Preceptor Verification/Agreement Form | Preceptor Verification/Agreement Form | Before student may begin clinical hours |
“Midterm Preceptor Evaluation of Student” | Typhon | After student completes one half of the required clinical hours with preceptor (select ‘Midterm’ option on the evaluation) |
“Final Preceptor Evaluation of Student” | Typhon | After student completes all required clinical hours with preceptor (Select ‘Final’ option on the evaluation) |
“Preceptor Evaluation of Clinical Course” | Typhon | After student completes all required hours with preceptor |
Student Responsibilities and Expectations:
- Prior to the first day of clinical, the student will:
- Discuss and receive faculty approval of clinical outcomes prior to meeting with the preceptor or attending clinical,
- Meet with the preceptor to arrange the practicum schedule which will remain in effect for the entire semester unless approved by the course faculty,
- Work with the preceptor to develop clinical competence in progressive ways,
- Discuss clinical outcomes to be achieved by completion of the practicum experience,
- Provide the faculty member and preceptor with a copy of the practicum schedule, and
- Complete the preceptor/student agreement form
- Throughout the semester, the student will:
- Meet with the faculty for evaluation of clinical performance,
- Complete clinical hours weekly,
- Develop knowledge and skills in the defined area of nursing practice,
- Contact the preceptor and negotiate according to agency policies and experiences available, possible learning experiences and work schedules,
- Articulate clear learning objectives,
- Identify and communicate learning needs to the preceptor to facilitate selection of appropriate learning activities and strategies,
- Plan orientation with the preceptor,
- Use problem solving and critical thinking to adapt scientific knowledge to the clinical practice area,
- Understand the roles of preceptor, student, and faculty in the clinical rotation experience,
- Use the preceptor as an immediate resource in the clinical area,
- Consult the faculty member as a resource in meeting learning objectives and in problem solving,
- Seek appropriate learning opportunities throughout the clinical experience,
- Work with the preceptor to develop clinical competence in progressive ways,
- Request instruction, supervision, clarification, and assistance when required,
- Demonstrate responsible, accountable, and ethical behaviors,
- Develop respectful collegial relationships,
- Perform only those interventions and actions that are within the realm of the student’s competency and scope of practice,
- Seek feedback from the preceptor when necessary,
- Complete written student comments on the mid-term and final student clinical performance evaluations,
- Adhere to agency policies and procedures,
- Provide preceptor with feedback related to student’s self-assessment of progression, and
- Participate in course evaluation
Expectations of the Clinical Faculty:
- The faculty member will be available the semester preceding the practicum to discuss possible practicum sites with the graduate clinical placement coordinator.
- The faculty member will:
- Obtain names of the preceptors and the nature of the clinical arrangement,
- Assist with orientation of the preceptor and student as to roles and functions of involved parties and course requirements,
- Articulate/clarify the roles of the preceptor, faculty and student as needed,
- Ensure that the student’s clinical placement will promote the achievement of learning goals and objectives
- Approve the clinical schedule,
- Be available for weekly consultations with the preceptor and student by telephone or visit
- Act as a resource person to both the student and the preceptor,
- Provide feedback to the preceptor and student concerning the clinical experience when appropriate,
- Meet with the student to discuss clinical performance and attainment of clinical outcomes,
- Meet with the preceptor to discuss the student's clinical performance and attainment of clinical outcomes
- Support and guide the preceptor and student in accomplishing learning objectives throughout the clinical experience,
- Assist in problem-solving,
- Assist the preceptor with student evaluation as needed,
- Provide student with mid-term and final clinical evaluation,
- Ensure the preceptor’s data is on file at Miami University and that the preceptor is provided written acknowledgement of her/his role in the students’ learning experience,
- Assist in course evaluation, and
- Complete final documentation of outcome of clinical experience and submission to the Nursing Office or to the coordinating faculty member

Hamilton Campus
University Hall1601 University Blvd.
Hamilton, OH 45011 513-785-7752
Oxford Campus
Clinical Health Sciences & Wellness Building421 S. Campus Ave
Oxford, OH 45056 513-529-0298