Eleanor (Ellie) Yeager Gilmore began her journey at Miami University Regionals' Middletown campus in January of 1970. As a first generation college student, Ellie believes that, if not for MUM, she would not have been able to go to college.
Timothy (Tim) Carberry began his journey at Miami Regionals' Middletown campus in September of 1970. For Tim, a Springboro High School graduate, to be able to get a four-year degree from Miami Middletown meant everything to him. It allowed him to live at home and still complete his education.
Tony began his Miami experience on the Middletown Campus in the fall of 1989, and took classes there through fall 1991 while working on his degree in Marketing. He began commuting to Oxford in spring 1992, and then was accepted into the Scholar Leader Program, living in Elliott Hall during his senior year.
In August of 2016, Ron and Judy will celebrate a Miami Merger of 44 years and are retired from satisfying careers, traveling on vacations, and enjoying life together.
Teaching, directing, choreographing, running a successful high school theater program - Mike Fielder's career on stage and backstage has covered performing and producing roles, and he credits the time he spent at Miami Middletown working with Mike McVey in the Dave Finkelman Auditorium and in class as a major source of his inspiration.
Nate Helsley, a Pharmacology and Nutritional Science Ph.D. candidate at the University of Kentucky, first experienced Miami University Middletown by taking a post secondary English class while a student at Monroe High School.
David Terrill's journey began at Miami Middletown after he graduated from Middletown Christian High School. Terrill cites his experiences at Miami as instrumental in the success he has achieved in the fields of illustration, greeting cards, advertising, brand marketing and now as a faculty member at the Kansas City Art Institute (Walt Disney's alma mater).
"Being able to live at home and take evening classes as well as day classes was an important option for me because I had two young children and had to schedule my life around them," she said.