Timeline of MUM Since 1966

1966 - Johnston Hall and Gardner-Harvey Library open
Artist Series begins
KAOS student newspaper begins publication
1967 - Men’s Basketball team created
Construction begins on Dave Finkelman Auditorium
1968 - Thesken Hall opened
Department of Nursing established
Armco donates 6 acres to MUM at Breiel Boulevard entrance
1969 - Verity Lodge dedicated as Student Center
Dave Finkelman Auditorium opens in September
1971 - First Citizens Advisory Committee formed
Golf team created
1972 - Bennett Recreational Center opens
First Nursing class graduates
1973 - First Casper Lecture with US Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas
Skylink sculpture dedicated – first sculpture on campus
1974 - Department of Business Technology created
Men’s and Women’s Tennis teams created
Tree of Life sculpture installed at Dave Finkelman Auditorium
1975 - Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree approved
Tennis courts constructed
1976 - 10th Anniversary – Guardians of the Path sculpture dedicated
Women’s Basketball and Men’s Baseball teams created
Leonard Nimoy appears on Artist & Lecture Series
Bookstore established on the campus (formerly offsite, privately owned)
1977 - Brakeman Scholarship established
1978 - Applied Research Center established
Nature Trail created
1980 - Women’s Volleyball team created
Big Red Bird sculpture installed at head of Nature Trail
1981 - The Commons student life area created in Johnston Hall
MUM’s Tots child care co-op established at Verity Lodge
1984 - Maya Angelou appears on Artist & Lecture Series
1986 - 20th Anniversary – The Association performs in concert at DFA
1987 - First computer network on campus
1995 - +2 bachelor degree program in Engineering Technology approved
1999 - Levey Hall opened
2000 - Fantastic Free Fridays series began
2001 - Department of Computer & Information Technology created
Illuminati student literary journal created
2002 - Segue online literary journal created
2003 - Women’s Softball created
2006 - 40th Anniversary – Campus & Community Center opens
ThunderHawks Hall of Fame inaugurated
2008 - Bachelor of Integrative Studies degree program created
2011 - Verity Traditions programs begin
2014 - College of Professional Studies and Applied Sciences created at the Regionals
2015 - New degree programs begin:
BS in Commerce
BS Health Information Technology
BA/BS in Liberal Studies
2016 - Regional campuses become Miami University Regionals College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science
New degree programs begin:
BS in Applied Communication
BS in Applied Social Sciences
BA in Community Arts
BA: in Psychological Science
MS in Criminal Justice