To mark the 50th anniversary, Miami University Middletown invites you to share your "Sweet MUMories" of your time on the campus. MUM is building an oral history archive of the last 50 years of campus experience.
Ohio Chautauqua is a five-day festival (June 14-18, 2016) celebrating history and cultural enrichment. Each day is filled with activities for all ages and concludes with performances by historical figure impersonators.
International Affairs honors student, Allie Shea, is preparing herself for a career in diplomacy and foreign service. "Every club or organization I have joined, class I have scheduled and volunteer work I have done, has been centered around building my knowledge and experiences for a career in government," says Allie.
David Terrill's journey began at Miami Middletown after he graduated from Middletown Christian High School. Terrill cites his experiences at Miami as instrumental in the success he has achieved in the fields of illustration, greeting cards, advertising, brand marketing and now as a faculty member at the Kansas City Art Institute (Walt Disney's alma mater).
Miami Regionals nursing faculty member Ann Bobonick has teamed up with her mentor Patricia Irwin, a nurse therapist and former Miami faculty member, to write a play to explore issues surrounding the growing prevalence of dementia.
"Being able to live at home and take evening classes as well as day classes was an important option for me because I had two young children and had to schedule my life around them," she said.