Teaching Assignments

Once you have been approved to participate, complete the Assignment Request, in collaboration with your chair, program director or Dean of the Regional Campuses, if appropriate. Submit the completed Assignment Request to your department chair, program director, or Dean of the Regional Campuses, as appropriate. It will be forwarded to the dean and then to Academic Personnel Services.

If there is no course assignment offered one year, can I request an assignment for the following year?

Yes. As long as an assignment form is submitted, even if one year has a zero course load, you are still in the Program and should work with your chair, program director or Dean of the Regional Campuses, if appropriate, for an assignment for the following year. This does not extend the program beyond three years.

What if I don't want to accept the courses assigned to me?

If you refuse the assignment, you are deemed to have withdrawn from the program.

If I refuse an assignment for one year, can I teach the following year?

No, refusal withdraws you from the program and ends your eligibility to participate in the Retirement with Rehiring Program.

If I withdraw from the Retirement with Rehiring Program, what is my status with the University?

Your name will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for promotion to Professor Emeritus.

Do I have to complete and submit an Assignment Request for each year in the program?


What happens if I don't submit an Assignment Request in a given year?

If a request is not submitted for any of the three years, you are deemed to have withdrawn from the program.

Can the semester of teaching change from year to year?

Yes, after the first year.

What is the deadline to submit the Assignment Request?

There is no deadline; work with department chair, program director, or campus when course assignments are being determined. Review of the Assignment Requests by the Provost will begin after registration for that semester is underway.

How am I notified of the approval of the Assignment Request?

Once approval is given by the Provost, copies of the approved request will be sent to you, your department chair or program director and the Dean. Provost's approval will be contingent upon meeting enrollment minimums.