3D Printing Creation Lab

Project Title: 3D Printing Creation Lab

Project Lead's Name: John Williams

Project Lead's Email: willajc@MiamiOH.edu

Project Lead's Phone: 513-529-6886

Project Lead's Division: ULB

Other Team Members and their emails:

  • Lori Chapin; phenalia@MiamiOH.edu
  • Elias Tzoc; tzoce@MiamiOH.edu

List Departments Benefiting or Affected by this proposal:

  • Chemical, Paper and Biomedical Engineering
  • Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
  • Farmer School of Business

Estimated Number of Under-Graduate students affected per year (should be number who will actually use solution, not just who is it available to): 300

Estimated Number of Graduate students affected per year (should be number who will actually use solution, not just who is it available to): 0

Describe the problem you are attempting to solve and your approach for solving that problem:

  1. Problem description: The University Libraries currently provide leading edge 3D printing service point in B.E.S.T. Library. The Libraries manage a 3D printing Service that requires staff intervention in order to print requested objects. There is also a need for a 3D Creation Lab in King Library with a small fleet of consumer level 3D printers that will be available to all for experimentation and creation.
  2. Approach to solving problem: 3D printing has been described as one of the most disruptive technologies in many industries including automotive, tooling, architecture, art, and medical. 3D printing is emerging as a key element in many academic disciplines. The "Disruptive Manufacturing Innovations Survey on 3D Printing", reported by Price Waterhouse Coopers noted that the top two barriers to adopting 3D printing among manufacturers are cost and lack of talent and current expertise. The University Libraries have been providing 3D printing services to the students since 2012. However, instead of just printing 3D models for students, we are proposing to start a 3D creation lab where we can work/allow students to learn/experiment/explore the concepts of 3D modeling and once they have a model, they can experience the 3D printing process themselves with the MakerGear 3D printers. The University Libraries will continue to offer mediated services but to allow students to become truly familiar with the process the Library desires to institute a self-service 3D Creation Lab. This will include workshops for groups of students as well as allowing them, with support, to produce their own 3D objects.

How would you describe the innovation and/or the significance of your project: This project will give students access to technology that they may not otherwise be permitted to use anywhere else on campus. The access to these machines will introduce them to industry standards and allow us to reach a wider range of students by inviting them to participate in the hands on process for experiential learning. By placing students in charge of the process from start to finish, their experience will be enhanced through guided workshops while the focus will remain on their independent work. The MakerGear 3 printers will allow students to experience first-hand 3D printing, from file to build. The Libraries do not currently have machines that students are allowed to utilize unassisted. This proposal will make that possible, with guidance from currently available, knowledgeable staff.

How will you assess the success of the project: The new 3D lab will be tracked through a similar means and through workshop attendance and head counts throughout open lab hours. Anecdotal evidence will also be considered.

Total Amount Requested: $29,340.00

Budget Details: Cost 6 MakerGear 3 ($3,350 x 6 = $20,100) printers will include software and 2 years warranty $20,100.00 6 Laptops ($1,500 x 6) $9,000.00 12 Filament (12x20) $240.00 TOTAL $29,340.00

  • MakerGear3 (https://www.makergear.com/pages/m3)

Is this a multi-year request: No

Please address how, if at all, this project impacts any of Miami's BCSAE, 2020, or divisional plans: The University Library is a partner in a current Boldly Creative pre-proposal "Institute for Additive Manufacturing Education and Entrepreneurship" where we plan to host an advanced 3D lab on the Oxford campus. This "3D Printing Expansion and Creation Lab" Tech Fee proposal will fully support the the potential implementation of a 3D certificate program on campus. Additionally, the University Library has developed a master plan, which will include dedicated services and spaces to better support Miami's vision, "an academic community where students and faculty break through boundaries and transcend disciplines to solve big problems." As referenced in the problem description, the "Disruptive Manufacturing Innovations Survey on 3D Printing", reported by Price Waterhouse Coopers noted that the global market for 3D printing equipment and services is projected to approach $20 billion by 2021. With increased capacity for the University Library's 3D printing service, as well as more opportunities for students to learn 3D printing hands-on, the Create & Innovate department can further support wider University goals and equip more students with essential skills for an increasingly tech-focused world.