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Resilience Monitoring Strategy

Resilience Monitoring

Resilience Monitoring Strategy 
Parameter  What is measured Measured by  Frequency Additional Costs
Sustainability education  Number of sustainability-focused classes; number of majors focused on sustainability  Office of Sustainability as part of STARS and the Provost’s office Every three years coinciding with STARS report None
Access to counseling services Wait time for student appointments; number of students using services and number not able to access services. Number of services available Student Counseling Service Every three years None
Food security  Number of students receiving food from Talawanda Oxford Pantry and Social Services (TOPSS) and/or Miami Cares pantries Student Success Office (Miami Cares) and provided by TOPSS  Annual None
Access to local food  Opportunities available for local food purchase, walkable, bikeable or by bus: (i.e. weekly Farmer’s Market Uptown, Butterfield FarmMarket, MOON Coop, campus dining  Dining Services Sustainability manager; Office of Sustainability Annual None
Extreme temperature plans Number of days above 90 degrees F IES; from data collected from the weather station at the Ecology Research Center Annual  None
Drinking water quality  Concentrations of lead, copper and various organic chemicals City of Oxford water treatment plant operator Annual None
Surface water quality  Concentrations of nitrate, phosphate and bacteria in many Butler County streams Butler County/Miami Stream Team Monthly, March through November None
Air quality  Particulate matter concentration via PurpleAir quality sensor; Ozone and wet and dry deposition of precipitation chemistry IES graduate student does weekly collection funded by two continuing IES grants Weekly Installation of PurpleAir sensor at Shideler
Biodiversity Species diversity inventories of local birds, tree seedlings/saplings, wildflowers Biology faculty, IES faculty members Annual None
Soil Carbon Soil carbon content of various Miami land-use types IES graduate student under the supervision of faculty member of Geology and Environmental Earth Science Every 5 years Summer funding for  IES master’s student 
Access to natural areas Use of Miami University Natural Areas for recreation: number of hikers on MUNA trails; investment (city, public, state) in the MUNA and Oxford Area Trail System (OATS) Natural Areas Committee; City of Oxford sustainability coordinator Continuous Trail counter system: $2500
Campus water use Water withdrawal and potable water use Physical Facilities Department Annual None
Access, adoption of alternative transportation Number of parking permit holders; number of permit holders who indicate on the Commuting Survey commuting by other means than single occupancy vehicle Annual survey administered by the Office of Sustainability and the Sustainability communications manager when students and employees apply for annual parking permit  Annual None
Sustainable infrastructure  Total carbon emissions and carbon emissions per gross square foot  Physical Facilities Department-Energy Systems Office Annual None
Waste, recycling Amount of waste vs. in residence halls recycling rate EcoReps waste/recycling audits; Campus Race to Zero Waste competition waste measured by Rumpke for 8 weeks Monthly None
Waste Amount of waste vs. recycling in Armstrong Student Center Armstrong staff waste audit and the OSCAR system continuous waste audit ; GoZero will measure the composting weight for compost collected at Armstrong Annual None
Sustainable investment Percentage of investment pool in sustainable industries Department of Finance Annual None
Student financial aid Amount of financial aid awarded and percent of students with financial need receiving financial aid Office of Enrollment Management and Student Success Annual None
Green Revolving Fund Number of proposal requests for the Fund  Office of Sustainability Annual None