Resilience Monitoring
Resilience Monitoring Strategy
Parameter | What is measured | Measured by | Frequency | Additional Costs |
Sustainability education | Number of sustainability-focused classes; number of majors focused on sustainability | Office of Sustainability as part of STARS and the Provost’s office | Every three years coinciding with STARS report | None |
Access to counseling services | Wait time for student appointments; number of students using services and number not able to access services. Number of services available | Student Counseling Service | Every three years | None |
Food security | Number of students receiving food from Talawanda Oxford Pantry and Social Services (TOPSS) and/or Miami Cares pantries | Student Success Office (Miami Cares) and provided by TOPSS | Annual | None |
Access to local food | Opportunities available for local food purchase, walkable, bikeable or by bus: (i.e. weekly Farmer’s Market Uptown, Butterfield FarmMarket, MOON Coop, campus dining | Dining Services Sustainability manager; Office of Sustainability | Annual | None |
Extreme temperature plans | Number of days above 90 degrees F | IES; from data collected from the weather station at the Ecology Research Center | Annual | None |
Drinking water quality | Concentrations of lead, copper and various organic chemicals | City of Oxford water treatment plant operator | Annual | None |
Surface water quality | Concentrations of nitrate, phosphate and bacteria in many Butler County streams | Butler County/Miami Stream Team | Monthly, March through November | None |
Air quality | Particulate matter concentration via PurpleAir quality sensor; Ozone and wet and dry deposition of precipitation chemistry | IES graduate student does weekly collection funded by two continuing IES grants | Weekly | Installation of PurpleAir sensor at Shideler |
Biodiversity | Species diversity inventories of local birds, tree seedlings/saplings, wildflowers | Biology faculty, IES faculty members | Annual | None |
Soil Carbon | Soil carbon content of various Miami land-use types | IES graduate student under the supervision of faculty member of Geology and Environmental Earth Science | Every 5 years | Summer funding for IES master’s student |
Access to natural areas | Use of Miami University Natural Areas for recreation: number of hikers on MUNA trails; investment (city, public, state) in the MUNA and Oxford Area Trail System (OATS) | Natural Areas Committee; City of Oxford sustainability coordinator | Continuous | Trail counter system: $2500 |
Campus water use | Water withdrawal and potable water use | Physical Facilities Department | Annual | None |
Access, adoption of alternative transportation | Number of parking permit holders; number of permit holders who indicate on the Commuting Survey commuting by other means than single occupancy vehicle | Annual survey administered by the Office of Sustainability and the Sustainability communications manager when students and employees apply for annual parking permit | Annual | None |
Sustainable infrastructure | Total carbon emissions and carbon emissions per gross square foot | Physical Facilities Department-Energy Systems Office | Annual | None |
Waste, recycling | Amount of waste vs. in residence halls recycling rate | EcoReps waste/recycling audits; Campus Race to Zero Waste competition waste measured by Rumpke for 8 weeks | Monthly | None |
Waste | Amount of waste vs. recycling in Armstrong Student Center | Armstrong staff waste audit and the OSCAR system continuous waste audit ; GoZero will measure the composting weight for compost collected at Armstrong | Annual | None |
Sustainable investment | Percentage of investment pool in sustainable industries | Department of Finance | Annual | None |
Student financial aid | Amount of financial aid awarded and percent of students with financial need receiving financial aid | Office of Enrollment Management and Student Success | Annual | None |
Green Revolving Fund | Number of proposal requests for the Fund | Office of Sustainability | Annual | None |