Forms Library
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- Employment of Out-Of-State Resident
- Employment Recommendation (request from Academic Personnel)
- Grant Appointment (request from Grants and Contracts)
- Part-Time Instructional Staff Appointment Fall | Winter | Spring (request from Academic Personnel)
- Personnel Data Sheet
- Request for Determination of Service (Independent Contractor or Employee)
- Retirement with Rehire Program Application [PDF]
- Retirement with Rehire Program Assignment [PDF]
External Consulting
Independent Contractors
- Independent Contractor Professional Services Agreement [PDF]
- Independent Contractor Professional Services Agreement - Student Orgs [PDF]
- OPERS Independent Contractor / Worker Acknowledgment [PDF]
- Prospective Service Provider
- Request for Determination of Service (Independent Contractor or Employee)
- Vendor Setup/Change Request (Independent Contractor)
Forms Available by Request
At this time, the following forms must be requested from Academic Personnel Services. Please allow 3 business days for reply.
- Cost Sharing and Release
- Early Access Fee Waiver Permission
- Employment Recommendation
- Grant Appointment
- Part-Time Instructional Staff Appointment Forms: Fall 19-20
- Part-Time Instructional Staff Appointment Forms: Spring 19-20
- Telecommuting Agreement